Asst. Prof. Dr. Hakan Kayı - Chemical Engineering and Applied


Asst. Prof. Dr. Hakan Kayı - Chemical Engineering and Applied


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Asst. Prof. Dr. Hakan Kayı - Chemical Engineering and Applied

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hakan Kayı - Chemical Engineering and Applied Parameterization of AM1* quantum mechanical, semiempirical molecular orbital method. Organometallic and coordination chemistry. Synthesis, characterization and modeling of stimuli-responsive polyme...



Özgeçmiş [5] Quantum Optics Using Single InAs Quantum Dots, ETH Zürich, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, June 2002 [4] Quantum Optics Using Single InAs Quantum Dots, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Muni...


Hall 1

Hall 1 Separation of Bee Venom Proteins by SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis. İsmet Burcu Türkyılmaz, İstanbul University, Turkey. Vitamin U Ameliorates the Oxidative and Antioxidative Imbalance Caused by Galactos...
