Makaleyi Yazdır
Benzer belgeler
Evaluation of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children: five years
13.6% of all gastroenteritis cases in our medical center. Reports from Turkey about RVGE incidence are shown in Table II 12-31 . The proportion of RVGE ranges from 12.5%-41%. With respect to outpat...
Detaylı78 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Ahmed, M., Akter, MS, Lee, JC
A., dan Vidal, C. A. G.. 2009. Chemical studies of anthocyanins: A review. Journal of Food Chemistry, 113: 859–871 Cavalcanti, R.N., Santos, D.T., dan Meireles, M.A.A.. 2011. An Overview: Nontherma...
DetaylıKinetic of Color and Texture Changes in Rehydrated Figs
Rehidrasyona Tabi Tutulan Kuru İncirde Renk ve Doku Değişim Kinetiği ESER BİLGİSİ Araştırma Makalesi Sorumlu Yazar: Ebrahim Hosseini, E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +98 (021) 448 685 35 Geliş...
Detaylımrutyunjay panıgrahı - Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi – Metalurji ve
Reduction of Mixed (Fe, Ti) Oxide Using Molten Calcium Chloride Electrolyte”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 550, 545–552 (2013)