Curriculum Vitae - Psychology


Curriculum Vitae - Psychology


Benzer belgeler

Ali İ. Tekcan, Ph.D. Boğaziçi University Department of Psychology

Ali İ. Tekcan, Ph.D. Boğaziçi University Department of Psychology Tekcan, A. İ., & Peynircioğlu, Z. F. (2002). Effects of age on flashbulb memories. Psychology and Aging, 17, 416-422. Tekcan, A. İ., & Peynircioğlu, Z. F. (2001) Keşif etkisi: Yüzlerin tanınmasında...



Publications Mertan, B. , Özeylem, F., Tüfekçio?lu, H., Güler, Ö. & Maner, U. (2014). Beliefs toward Mental Illness Mediates the Relationship between Self-Stigma and Atttitudes toward Seeking Psychological Help...
