8th International IDEA Conference - Freeing Turtles, Regenerating
8th International IDEA Conference - Freeing Turtles, Regenerating
8th International IDEA Conference: Studies in English April 16–18, 2014 Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University HALL A 08:30-09:30 Registration 09:30-10:45 Welcoming Ceremony Opening Speeches HALL B HALL C 10:45-11:00 11:00-12:00 Keynote Address: Andrew Bennett “AN ELEMENT OF BLANK”: ON LITERARY IGNORANCE” Chair: Işıl Baş LUNCH POSTCOLONIAL VOICES I Rezzan Kocaöner Silkü: Writing History through Storytelling: Interpolation and Postcolonial Transformation in the War Novels of Nwapa Adichie. Kubilay Geçikli: Orientalisation of the Occident: Nadeem Aslam’s Maps For Lost Lovers Suat Cakova: Oriental Stereotypes in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia Chair: Azize Özgüven ELT-I Aliye Neşe Yapıörer: Teachers’ Role in Fostering Autonomy Through Learner Training. Nalan Kızıltan, Burcu BÜR, Emre Ak, Adnan Oflaz: University Students’ Comprehension Competence in Understanding Cartoons through Critical Thinking Hazal Çepik: Pre-Service English Teachers’ Negative and Positive Reflections Regarding Their Learning and Teaching Experiences. Hümeyra Can: Teaching Cognition and Language Classrooms: Investigating What’s Going on out There. Chair: Nalan Kızıltan 15:00-15:30 15:30-17:00 HALL E COFFEE BREAK 12:30-13:30 13:30-15:00 HALL D COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Maryam Kashefolhagh: A Conflict of Values Alienation Commitment in the Works of Georgi Vladimov and Paul Auster Naghmeh Varghaiyan: No Country For Old Men and Women: A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Agedness and Retirement in Barbara Pym’s Quartet in Autumn and Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea Seçil Çırak: A Comparative Study: Identity Formation Through Bakhtinian Space in Lying Down to Death by Adalet Ağaoğlu and A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf Chair: Berkan Ulu TRANSLATION STUDIES – I Nazmi Ağıl: Translating Ekphrasis Gülden Taner: Factors that Affect Translators’ Choices: Three Turkish Translations of O’Henry’s Tobin’s Palm Büşra Ul: Translating “1984” by George Orwell: Translator’s Invisibility Chair: Özlem Berk Albachten COFFEE BREAK TURKISH REFLECTIONS Azer Banu Kemaloğlu: Gallipoli Revisited: Birds Without Wings and Traitor Sevilay Yavuz: Pecola and Meryem: Two Different Women, The Same Destiny Mehmet Ali Çelikel: Robyn Rowland’s Poetry: Intercultural Connection through Turkish Cultural Landscape Chair: Rezzan Kocaöner Silkü SHORT STORY Ferah İncesu: The Child in “Sredni Vashtar” as a Metaphor of the Resistant Artist Dilek Tüfekçi Can, Serhat Güzel, Şeyda Savran: The True Story of Hansel and Gretel: Through the Lenses of New Historicism Pınar Taşdelen: Is Honesty A Male Policy Only?: Dorigen’s Case in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Franklin’s Tale Chair: Atilla Silkü ELT - II Nilüfer Can Daşkın: Shaping Learner Contribution in an EFL Classroom: Implications for L2 Classroom Interactional Competence. Olcay Sert: Tracing the Use of Vocabulary Items in an EFL Classroom: Arguments from CA-for-SLA Gözde Balıkçı: Analysis of the Factors that Hinder and Promote Intelligibility of Non-native EFL Stıdents Chair: Olcay Sert DRAMA - I Dilek İnan: Theatre as Criticism: David Hare’s Via Dolorosa and David Greig’s Damascus’ Şafak Horzum: Social Perception of a Master Spy and His Politicised Sexuality: Alfred Redl and A Patriot for Me Aslı Kutluk:Wole Soyinka’s King Baabu as a Political Satire Chair: Dilek İnan 17:30-19:00 POETRY READING BY ROBYN ROWLAND (Turkish Translation by M.Ali Çelikel) 19.30 DINNER AT MUĞLA SITKI KOÇMAN UNIVERSITY ÖĞRENCİ SARAYI NORTH AMERICAN LITERATURE Faruk Kalay: A New Historicist Study of The Rise of David Levinsky by Abraham Cahan Murat Göç: A Political Tradition in American Dystopia: Criticism of Industrialization in Vonnegut’s Player Hafize Gül Koparanoğlu: Critical Discourse Analysis on Edith Wharton’s Souls Belated Chair: Meryem Ayan 8th International IDEA Conference: Studies in English April 16–18, 2014 Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University HALL A 09:30-10:30 HALL B HALL C COFFEE BREAK CONTEMPORARY NOVEL I Nilsen Gökçen: Stories beyond Language and Desire in J.M. Coetzee’s Foe Nandini Shah: Hybridity as Neo-Colonization in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions Karam Nayebpour: Experientiality in Contemporary Fiction: Julian Barnes’ The Sense of An Ending, Ian McEwan’s Atonement and Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner Gönül Bakay: A Comparative Analysis of David Lodge’s Nice Work and Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South Chair: Gönül Bakay ELT-III Suad Al Rahbi: The Effect of Using Translation as a Learning Tool to Learn English by ELT Learners. Ainur Aikuzhinova Arslan: The Use of Smart Board in teaching English to Young Learners and Its Influence on Student Engagement in and Perception of English Classroom Activities. Eda Üstünel & Orçin Karadağ: Correspondence of Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Stated Beliefs and Their Classroom Practices. Chair: Şevki Kömür CULTURAL STUDIES Feryal Çubukcu: The Sacramental Feast and Cannibalism in The Hobbit Meryem Ayan: Sharing and Reshaping identity and Culture Through Foods Danielle Drees: The Extreme Mobility of Moll Cutpurse: Shoemaking and Self-Fashioning in The Life and Death of Mrs. Mary Faith Chair: Atalay Gündüz SHAKESPEARE Neslihan Köroğlu: The Question of Performativity in The Merchant of Venice Mustafa Şahiner: Excluded by Inclusion: The Turk in Shakespeare’s Plays İpek Uygur: “This Island’s mine, by Sycorax my mother, Which thou takest from me!” Gül Kurtuluş: Rhetoric of the Unspeakable in Shakespeare’s Macbeth and David Greig’s Dunsinane Chair: Gül Kurtuluş BRITISH NOVEL I Rebecca Bolin: Language Regulation as an Instrument for Power and Control in Lois Lowry’s The Giver Arzu Korucu: Loss of Innocence: The Enemy Archetype in Lord of the Flies Zübeyir Savaş: Ideological Reading of British Subcultural Novel: Porno by Irvine Welsh Chair: Alev Karaduman POETRY Uğur E. Küçükboyacı: Withdrawal and Ritual in Matthew Arnold’s “The Scholar Gipsy” Bircan Sıkık: Where Passion and Madness Meet: Deviant Love and Appropriation in Swinburne’s “Leper” Ana Ashraf: Language Shift in War Poems Chair: Nazmi Ağıl 15:00-15:15 15:15-16:30 DRAMA - II Kübra Vural: A Serious Confrontation Pantomime by Derek Walcott Özlem Özmen: Fighting Fire with Fire: Unavoidable Violence in John Arden’s Serjeant Musgrave’s Dance Dilek Öztürk: “The Trembling Limits of Our Language”: Beckett and Derrida in Deconstructive Concepts Chair: Mustafa Şahiner. TRANSLATION STUDIES - II Özden Şahin: Humour Translation in Translation Classroom Ümit Türe: Indirect Translation through Translation/Publishing Politics Mohammed Farghal: The Pragmatics of Translation Chair: Şafak Nediceyuva RUSHDIE AND HIS NOVELS Ayla Oğuz: Ghost Women in Salman Rushdie’s Shame Gaye Kuru: A Study on the Grotesque Feeling of Shame as Destructive and Regenerating Power in Shame by Salman Rushdie Chair: Suat Cakova ELT-IV Nejla Gezmiş Ceyhan: An Evaluation of an English Coursebook ‘Spot on Grade 8’ Mehdi Solhi Andarab & Burcu Koç: A Cultural Content Analysis of Language Leader Coursebook Exploring Culture with Big C and Culture with Small c. Harun Şimşek& Rümeysa Pektaş: The Use of Videotaping as a Mirror: Self Reflection and Peer Evaluation of the Inside Outsiders. Chair: Nejla Gezmiş Ceyhan CONTEMPORARY NOVEL II Ufuk Sepetçi Gündoğan: Nomen est Omen: A.S. Byatt’s Angels and Insects Baysar Tanıyan: The Historical Sublime in Banville’s The Sea Chair: Mehmet Ali Çelikel MEDIEVAL LITERATURE Şafak Nediceyuva: Limitations of Political Liberation: A Look on Late Anglo-Saxon Literature Berkan Ulu: Medieval 18+ : Pornography in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Hülya Taflı Düzgün: The Making of Self and Chivalric Identity in Boeve de Haumtone and Bevis of Hampton Chair: Önder Göncüoğlu POSTCOLONIAL VOICES II Reyhan Özer Tanıyan: Raja: A Colonized Tiger of Narayan Faruk Kökoğlu: Desire and Becoming in T.E. Lawrence and Marmaduke Pickthall’s Oriental Encounters Chair: Faruk Kökoğlu LUNCH 12:30-13:30 13:30-15:00 HALL E Keynote Address: Geoffrey Nash ‘TRANSLATING THE NEAR EAST—FROM ORIENTALISM TO MIGRANT LITERATURE’ Chair: Himmet Umunç 10:30-10:45 10:45-12:15 HALL D FILM STUDIES Berkem Gürenci: An Approach to Adaptation from the Perspective of a Late Gen-X’er Selahattin Karagöz: Using In-Game Narrative As Manufacturing Consent Device in Moral Based Video Game Narrative: Through New Mode of Poetics in Videogame Barış Gümüşbaş: Class and Culture Wars in Billy Elliot Chair: Murat Göç COFFEE BREAK DRAMA - III Enes Kavak: Representing Working Classes in Women’s Suffrage Theatre: Edith Lyttelton Çağlayan Doğan: The Reflections of Madness in Sarah Kane’s Blasted and Mark Ravenhill’s Shopping and F***ing Atalay Gündüz: Men in Petticoats: Shaw’s Women Characters in his Late Victorian and Edwardian Plays Chair: Erdinç Parlak 16:45-18:00 TÜRKİYE’DE İNGİLİZ DİLİ VE EDEBİYATI ARAŞTIRMALARI: IDEA’NIN ROLÜ VE İŞLEVİ ( OPEN FORUM) 19:00 DINNER AT AKYAKA (Sign up at the Registration Desk) 8th International IDEA Conference. Studies in English April 16–18, 2014 Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University HALL A 09:00-10:00 HALL B DIASPORA LITERATURE S.P. Rajguru: Quest of Identity and Treatment of Racism in Andrea Levy’s fiction Şule Okuroğlu: Diasporic Consciousness in The Nowhere Man Mustafa Güneş: Ending up with Nothing and Belonging to Nowhere: Displacement and Alienation in Naipaul’s Half a Life Chair: Çiğdem Alp GENDER AND LITERATURE Azime Pekşen Yakar: “Seiknes Incurabill”: Robert Henryson’s Leprous Cresseid Rabia Nesrin Er: Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles and The Return of The Native Seda Coşar Çelik: Margaret Oliphant’s Overproduction and Anxiety of Writing: A Study of her Autobiography Banu Akçeşme & Neşe Şenel: The Encroachment of Patriarchy on the Female Domains: Nature and Home Roaring Against Women in Wuthering Heights Chair: Mahinur Akşehir ECOCRITICSM Ece Saatçioğlu: Freeing Turtles, Regenerating Lives: Confinement and Emancipation in Turtle Diary Önder Çetin: Sacred Calling: Environment, Culture and Myth in The Whale Rider Ayşe Çiftcibaşı: The Earth Burning Away and the Society Falling Apart: The Drought as Ecological Dystopia Chair: Nilsen Gökçen ELT – V Havva Sümeyra Pektaş, Salih Çatal, Songül Tehneldere&Emine Gümral: An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Foreign Language Learning. Şevki Kömür&Pelin Demirtaş: Language Learning Challenges of Turkish Learners of English in a Second Language Context: A Case Study in England Turan Paker: What is Assessed in a Typical Achievement Test in the School of Foreign Languages in Turkey Lenka Stehlikova: Contextual Disengagement in Functıonal Sentence Perspective Chair: Turan Paker GENDER AND NOVEL Tuğba Şabanoğlu: Mothers and Motherlands: Gender and National Identity in Kate Atkinson’s Behind the Scenes at the Museum Şule Akdoğan: An Analysis of Patriarchal and Feminist Discourses in Angela Carter’s The Position of the New Eve Bircan Çağlar: A Study of Motherhood, Poverty and Violence in Pat Barker’s Liza’s England Chair: Ece Saatçioğlu CONTEMPORARY DRAMA Mahinur Akşehir: Experiences of War and the Trauma of Guilt in Ninaveh and References to Salvador Dali Erdinç Parlak: Anti-Hero as an Artist: Edward Bond’s Basho in Narrow Road to the Deep North and Shakespeare in Bingo Ahmet Gökhan Biçer, Hakan Gültekin: Howard Barker’s The Castle: Constructing the Walls of Fear Chair: Ahmet Gökhan Biçer FANTASY Aslı Değirmenci: Supernatural Elements in the Magical Realism and Fantasy Fiction: A Comparison Çiğdem Alp: Sylvia Townsend Warner’s Lolly Willowes; or, The Loving Huntsman: Fantasy, Witchcraft and the Desire for a New Order Cenk Tan: From Consumerism to Corpocracy in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas: “An Orison of Sonmi 451” Chair: Feryal Çubukçu TRANSLATION STUDIES – III Cansu Canseven: “Çik-Lit” As a New Genre in Turkish Literary System Hasnaa Chakir: Form or content in translating “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” into Arabic Tuncay Tezcan: (Mis) Representations of Oriental Images in “Midnight Express” as an Intersemiotics Translation Chair: Çiğdem Pala Mull ELT - VI Ufuk Balaman: A Descriptive Analysis of Turkish ELT Academia Based on Ph.D. Theses in Terms of Research Trends and Supervisors. Mehmet Abi: Using Classical Films to Teach English as a Foreign Language. Chair: Eda Üstünel LUNCH 14:45-15:00 15:00-16:00 TRAVEL LITERATURE Önder Göncüoğlu: A Modern Time Traveller: Kathrine Branning’s Representation of Turkishness and Turkish Culture Seda Şen: Where Do I Belong? The “Tourist” in E.M. Forster’s Where Angels Fear to Tread Mustafa Büyükgebiz: How the Enemy Has Changed: Islamophobia and Post 9/11 Syndrome in John Le Carre’s Novel: A Most Wanted Man Chair: Orkun Kocabıyık COFFEE BREAK 12:30-13:30 13:30-14:45 HALL D Keynote Address: Steve Walsh ‘APPROPRIATE METHODOLOGIES FOR INVESTIGATING CLASSROOM DISCOURSE’ Chair: Eda Üstünel 10:00-10:15 10:45-12:15 HALL C COFFEE BREAK BRITISH NOVEL II Dilek Kantar: Master-Servant Relationship in Canonical Eighteenth Century Novels Yağmur Başak Selimoğlu: Chinese Whispers in Bleak House: Manipulating Plot in Terms of Serialization Chair: Aylin Alkaç 16:00-16:15 COFFEE BREAK 16:15-17:15 WRAP-UP SESSION APRIL 19, 2014 CULTURAL TRIP TO THE ANCIENT CITY OF STRATONEIKA (Sign up at the Registration Desk)
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Konferans hakkında detaylı bilgi için lütfen tıklayınız
Sevilay Yavuz: Pecola and Meryem: Two
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MAY, 15,2014 MAY, 16,2014
Adventures in Wonderland” into Arabic
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