Osman Haluk Bingol


Osman Haluk Bingol
Osman Haluk Bingol
Department of Computer Engineering
Bogazici University
34342 Bebek, İstanbul, Turkey
[email protected]
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, 1987
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA.
M.S. in Computer Engineering, 1985
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA.
Computer Science, One year of graduate work, 1983
Bogazici University , Istanbul, Turkey.
B.S. BS in Electrical Engineering, High Honor, 1982
Middle East Technical University , Ankara, Turkey.
Ankara Science High School, 1977, Ankara, Turkey.
Professional Experience
Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Founder and leader of Complex Systems Research Lab (SoSLab). Taught graduate and undergraduate
courses on Complex Systems, Complex Networks, Evolutionary Dynamics, Discrete Mathematics, Sequential Machines Theory, Internet Modeling, Internet Programming, Java Programming, Data Structures,
Software Engineering, Managing Software Projects, Software Projects. Before 1996, taught graduate and
undergraduate courses on Sequential Machines Theory, Theory of Computation, Design Automation, Data
Structures, and Discrete Mathematics.
Associate Professor, 2010 - present (YOK)
Assistant Professor, 2007 - 2010
Instructor, 2001 - 2007
Instructor, 1988 - 1996
Integral, Istanbul, Turkey
Founder. Responsible for the company which deals with Software Development and consultancy on
Computer Solutions.
Chairmen of the Board of Directors, 2001 - 2010
General Manager, 1990 - 2001
During Education
Teaching Assistant, 1986 - 1987 Department of ECE, Syracuse University, NY, USA Taught graduate
level Sequential Machine Theory course on campus and at IBM-Poughkeepsie site.
Osman Haluk Bingol
Research Assistant, 1984 - 1986 Department of ECE, Syracuse University, NY, USA Design and implement algorithms for simulation of time delays in logic networks and Boolean Comparison using
IBM-T.J.Watson Research Center based parallel architectures.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, 1980-1982 Department of Mathematics, METU, Ankara, Turkey
Held problem sessions for undergraduate Calculus and Complex Variables courses.
Osman Haluk Bingol
Research Interests
Complex Systems, Social Systems, Complex Networks, Self-organizing Systems, Brain, Internet, Mobile
Internet, Impact of Internet, m-learning, e-learning, Software Engineering.
Invited Speaker
1. Haluk Bingol, As we interact, Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.
2. Haluk Bingol, Brain-1995: Emergence of an Inter-Disciplinary Meeting, Cognitive Neuroscience Forum5, Marmaris, Turkey, 2008.
3. Haluk Bingol, Complex Systems and Memory, First Korkut Yaltkaya Neurophysiology Symposium, Antalya, Turkey, 2006
4. Haluk Bingol, Summary of "Brain as an Information Processing Machine - 3", 3rd International Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium, Marmaris, Turkey, 2006
5. Haluk Bingol, Complex Systems and Brain, 5th National Congress of Neuroscience, Zonguldak, Turkey,
Apr 10-14, 2006
6. Haluk Bingol, Recent Advances in Very Large Networks, 1st International Cognitive Neuroscience Symposium, Antalya, Turkey, 2004
SCI Journals
1. Haluk Bingol, Fame emerges as a result of small memory, PRE, 77, 036118, 2008. (arXiv:nlin/0609033).
2. Arzucan Ozgur, Burak Cetin, Haluk Bingol, Co-occurence network of Reuters news, IJMPC, 19, 5,
689-702, 2008. (arXiv:0712.2491).
3. Amac Herdagdelen, Haluk Bingol, A Cultural Market Model, IJMPC, 19, 2, 271-282, 2008. (arXiv:0707.2341v1).
4. Amac Herdagdelen, Eser Aygun, Haluk Bingol, A Formal Treatment of Generalized Preferential Attachment and its E
EPL, 78, 60007, p1-p6, 2007. (arXiv:nlin/0609042).
5. Evrim Acar Ataman, Canan Aykut-Bingol, Haluk Bingol, Rasmus Bro and Bulent Yener, Multiway Analysis of Epileps
Bioinformatics, 23, i10-i18, 2007.
Other Journals
1. Haluk Bingol, Fame as an Effect of the Memory Size, LNCS 3733, 294-303, 2005.
2. Arzucan Ozgur, Haluk Bingol, Social Network of Co-occurrence in News Articles, LNCS 3280, 688695, 2004.
Osman Haluk Bingol
Peer-reviewed Conferences
1. Sahin Delipinar, Haluk Bingol, Application of SRM to Diverse Populations, Complex 2009, Shanghai,
China, 2009
2. Canan Aykut-Bingol, Berrin Aktekin, Kadriye Agan, Bulent Guclu, Hasan Huseyin Karadeli, Geysu
Karlikaya, Beyza Ciftci, Ugur Ture, Haluk Bingol, Ozlem Yalcin, Seda Salar, Hande Caglayan, Febrilize Seizure Plus Epilepsy: A large multigeneration consanguineous family- A preliminary study,
Ideopatic Generalized Epilepsy (IGE), Development Aspects; Bridging Basic Science and Clinical Research,
Antalya, Turkey, 2007
3. Dorina Strori, Ahmet Bombaci, Haluk Bingol, Cross Comparison of Synonym Graphs in a Multi
Linguistic Context, ISCIS’07, Ankara, 2007.
4. Daghan Dinc, Haluk Bingol, The Effect of Euclidean Distance in Directed Scale-free Network Generation, ISCIS’07, Ankara, 2007.
5. Amac Herdagdelen, Haluk Bingol, A Cultural Market Model, The Workshop on The Emergence of Social
Behaviour: From Cooperation to Language, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007.
6. Evrim Acar Ataman, Canan Aykut-Bingol, Haluk Bingol, Bulent Yener and Rasmus Bro, Multiway Analysis of Epilepsy Tensors, 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for
Molecular Biology (ISMB) and 6th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB), Wien,
Austria, 2007.
7. Mursel Tasgin, Haluk Bingol, Community Detection in Complex Networks using Genetic Algorithm,
ECCS’06, Oxford, UK 2006.
8. Evrim Acar, Canan Aykut-Bingol, Haluk Bingol, Bulent Yener, Computational Analysis of Epileptic
Focus Localization, Proceedings of the 24th IASTED international conference on Biomedical Engineering BioMed’06, Innsbruck, Austria 2006.
9. Canan Pembe, Haluk Bingol, Complex Networks in Different Languages: A Study of an Emergent
Multilingual Encyclopedia, NECSI’06, Boston, USA 2006.
10. Amac Herdagdelen, Eser Aygun, Haluk Bingol, Measuring Preferential Attachment in a HyperTextual Dictionary Reference Network: EksiSozluk, ECCS’05, Paris, France 2005.
11. Haluk Bingol, Fame as an Effect of the Memory Size, ECCS’05, Paris, France 2005.
12. Melih Kirlidog, Haluk Bingol, The Shaping of an Electronic List by its Active Members, 5th iTira,
pp.40-48, Queensland, Australia, 2003.
13. Cigdem Patlak, Ayse Bener, Haluk Bingol, Web Service Standards and Real Business Scenario Challenges, EuroMicro, pp. 421-424, Antalya, 2003.
14. Dilek Duman, Haluk Bingol, Mehmet Yanilmaz, Table Look-Up Device Modelling for Electronic
Circuit Simulation, 4th ISCIS, Cesme, Izmir, 1989.
15. Dilek Duman, Haluk Bingol, Mehmet Yanilmaz, Numerical Integration Based on Variation Diminishing Polynomials in the Context of Circuit Simulation, 4th ISCIS, Cesme, Izmir, 1989.
16. Edward P. Stabler, Haluk Bingol, Boolean Comparison by Simulation, 24th Design Automation Conference, Miami Beach, FL, 1987.
Osman Haluk Bingol
Other Conferences
1. Haluk Bingol, Finding a partner: Effect of gift, 2nd Greek-Turkish Physics Conference, Rhodes, Greece
and Marmaris, Turkey, 2010
2. Haluk Bingol, Which Criteria Are More Important in Finding a Partner?, 2nd MC Meeting of COST
MP0801, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2010
3. Haluk Bingol, Modeling Social Systems, 1st MC Meeting of COST MP0801, Rome, Italy 2009
4. Haluk Bingol, An Extension of Simple Recommendation Model, PAESS08, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2008
5. Haluk Bingol, Gulefsan Bozkurt, The Effects of Border in Axelrod’s Culture Model (A preliminary
report), PAESS08, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2008
6. Haluk Bingol, Extension of Recommendation Model to Dynamic Population, Greek-Turkish Physics
Conference: Statistical Mechanics and Dynamical Systems, Rhodos, Greece and Marmaris, Turkey, 2008
7. Haluk Bingol, On the Memory Size, IIFG’07, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007.
8. Haluk Bingol, On the Size of Memory, NDICOS’06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
9. Ismail Gunes, Haluk Bingol, Community Detection Model Using Agents in Complex Networks,
NDICOS’06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
10. Amac Herdagdelen, Eser Aygun, Haluk Bingol, A Formal Treatment of Generalized Preferential
Attachment and its Empirical Validation, NDICOS’06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
11. Mursel Tasgin, Haluk Bingol, Genetic Algorithm Approach to Community Detection, IIFG’06, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.
1. Burak Cetin, Haluk Bingol,
Use of Rapid Probabilistic Argumentation for Ranking on Large Complex Networks,
2008. (under review)
2. Mursel Tasgin, Amac Herdagdelen, Haluk Bingol,
Community Detection in Complex Networks using Genetic Algorithm,
3. Ismail Gunes, Haluk Bingol,
Community Detection in Complex Networks Using Agents,
1. Mursel Tasgin, Haluk Bingol, The Spread of Gossip in Weighted Networks, 2nd MC Meeting of COST
MP0801, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 2010. (Best Poster Award).
2. Ilker Yildirim, Haluk Bingol, Cooperation with Complement is Better, 1st MC Meeting of COST
MP0801, Rome, Italy 2009.
Osman Haluk Bingol
Research Projects
Projects during Integral are not listed.
1. Prime Investigator, BAP: 6017Accelerometer based editor for visually-impaired people on mobile
divices, 12 months, 20,000 USD, 2011.
2. Prime Investigator, TUBITAK, 108E218, Simple Recommendation Model, 36 months, 100,000 USD,
3. Work Package leader, ASSYST (FP7), 36 months, 2009-present.
4. Member of MC, COST MP0801 Physics of cooperation and conflict, 36 months, 20,000 USD, 20092011.
5. Prime Investigator, BAP: 09A110 Opinion Dynamics, 24 months, 15,000 USD, 2009-2010.
6. Prime Investigator, TURKCELL m-learning Project, 12 months, 130,000 USD, 2008.
7. Prime Investigator, EUMedGrid (FP6): HuM2S: Human Memory Modeling by Simulation, 11 months,
25,000 Euro, 2007.
8. Prime Investigator, BAP: 07A105 Human Dynamics as Complex Systems, 12 months, 10,000 USD,
9. Prime Investigator, BAP: 06A105 Self-organized Complex Networks, 12 months, 10,000 USD, 2006.
10. Prime Investigator, BAP: 05A105 Self-organized Complex Systems, 12 months, 10,000 USD, 2005.
11. Prime Investigator, BAP: 03HA101 Location Based Application Platform on Bluetooth, 12 months,
10,000 USD, 2003.
12. Prime Investigator, BAP: 02A103 WebEd: Internet based education, 12 months, 10,000 USD, 2002.
Osman Haluk Bingol
Graduate Courses
Courses Defined and taught
1. CmpE 59e Special Topics: Evolutionary Dynamics, 2011-present
Defined the course and taught for 1 semesters.
2. CmpE 58B Special Topics: Complex Systems, 2006-present
Defined the course and taught for 5 semesters.
3. CmpE 58F Special Topics: Complex Networks, 2008-present
Defined the course and taught for 4 semesters.
4. CmpE 588 Special Topics: Modeling of Internet, 2001-2007
Defined the course and taught for 4 semesters.
5. CmpE 585 Special Topics: Theory of Sequential Machines, 2003-2006
Defined the course and taught for 4 semesters.
6. SWE 510 Data Structures and Algorithms, 2003-2004
Contributed to the definition of the course and taught for 2 semesters.
7. SWE 523 Managing Software Development I, 2004
Contributed to the definition of the course and taught for 1 semesters.
8. SWE 571 Software Engineering Project I, 2004-2009
Contributed to the definition of the course and taught for 10 semesters.
9. SWE 572 Software Engineering Project II, 2004-2006
Contributed to the definition of the course and taught for 7 semesters.
10. SWE 573 Software Development Practice, 2007-2009
Contributed to the definition of the course and taught for 5 semesters.
Courses contributed to the definition
1. SWE 574 Software Engineering Project II
Contributed to the definition, 2007.
2. SWE 551 Lightweight Client Programming
Defined the course, 2005.
3. SWE 531 Managing Software Development II
Contributed to the definition, 2004.
Undergraduate Courses
Courses Defined
1. CMPE xxx Theory of Computation
Defined and taught for any times before 1996. This course became a required course with a new
code of CMPE415.
2. CMPE 486 Internet Programming, 2003-2004
Defined the course and taught for 4 semesters.
Osman Haluk Bingol
Courses Taught
1. CMPE 220 Discrete Computational Structures, 2005 - present
2. CMPE 150 Introduction to Programming, 2003-2004
3. CMPE 450 Software Engineering, 2001-2004
PhD Students on progress
1. Mursel Tasgin, on Community Detection on Complex Networks, 2009-present.
2. Uzay Cetin, on recommendation models, 2010-present.
3. Berna Altinel, on identifying leaders in social data, 2010-present.
MS Thesis Completed
1. Ömer Başar, Asymmetries of Men and Women in Selecting Partner, 2010.
2. Sabri Kantar, Moving Object Information for Location Based Services, 2008.
3. Sedat Ciftci, Extension of Simple Recommendation Model, 2008.
4. Mehmet Bilgin, Migration on Sugarscape Environment, 2008.
5. Sahin Delipinar, Application of Simple Recommendation Model to Diversified Populations, 2007.
6. Amac Herdagdelen, A Cultural Market Model, 2007.
7. Ismail Gunes, Community Detection Using Agents In Complex Networks, 2006.
8. Mursel Tasgin, Community Detection Model Using Genetic Algorithm in Complex Networks And
its Application in Real-Life Networks, 2005.
9. Burak Cetin, Probabilistic Argumentation Systems Entity-Transitive Relation-Implication Model and
its Efficient Applications, 2005.
10. Iskender Kaya, A Learning Management System for Universities, 2004.
11. Kubilay Akgun, A Mobile Secure System, 2004.
12. Baris Sonmezer, A Content for Learning Management System, 2004.
13. Gulcin Orbay, Mobile System Administration, 2004.
14. Cigdem Patlak, Web Service Orchestration, 2003.
Meetings Organized
1. Turunc Summer School on Complex Systems (TSCS’2010), ITAP, 2010.
International summer school focused on Complex Systems supported by DPT, ASSYST (FP7) ve
COST MP0801. (with Muhittin Mungan)
2. Turunc Workshop on Complex Systems (TWCS’2010), ITAP, 2010.
International workshop focused on Complex Systems supported by DPT, ASSYST (FP7) ve COST
MP0801. (with Muhittin Mungan)
Osman Haluk Bingol
3. Brain as an information processing machine-4, Bogazici University, 2008.
Fourth of the series of multi-disiplined populer science conference (with Ufuk Caglayan, Baris Korkmaz and Oguz Tanridag)
4. Brain as an information processing machine-3, Bogazici University, 2005.
Third of the series of multi-disiplined populer science conference (with Ufuk Caglayan and Oguz
5. Brain as an information processing machine-2, Bogazici University, 1997.
Second of the series of multi-disiplined populer science conference (with Ufuk Caglayan)
6. Brain as an information processing machine-1, Bogazici University, 1995.
First of the series of multi-disiplined populer science conference
7. Open Systems’94, Istanbul, 1994.
As the president of the Turkish Unix Users Group (TRUUG) organized meting of Unix world. Bjarne
Stroustrup of the C++ Programming Language was the keynote speaker.
8. Unix’92, Istanbul, 1992.
As the president of the Turkish Unix Users Group (TRUUG) organized meting of Unix world. Dennis
Ritchie of Unix Operating System and the C Programming Language was the keynote speaker.
Updated: April 27, 2011