ilkay ulusoy - Electrical And Electronics Engineering
ilkay ulusoy - Electrical And Electronics Engineering
ASSOC. PROF. İLKAY ULUSOY Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Biomedical Engineering Department, BILTIR Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey [email protected] ph: 90-312-210 4428 fax: 90-312 210 2304 EDUCATION: 1997-2003 Middle East Technical University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey Ph.D. 1994-1996 The Ohio State University, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbus, OH, USA Middle East Technical University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Ankara, Turkey M.S. 1990-1994 B.S. Thesis title: ‘Active Stereo Vision: Depth Perception for Navigation, Environmental Map Formation and Object Recognition’ Thesis title: ‘Control of a Model Arm Using Neural Networks’ Computer and Telecommunications option WORK EXPERIENCE: November 2007 - Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Ankara, Turkey Asst. Director June 2005- Middle East Technical University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey Assistant Prof. June 2004November 2004 Microsoft Research Cambridge, Cambridge, UK Post Doc. Researcher Host: Christopher M. Bishop 2003- Middle East Technical University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey Lecturer 4 months in 2000 University of York, Computer Science Department, York, UK Visiting Researcher Host: Edwin R. Hancock 1998-2003 Middle East Technical University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey Siemens, Ankara, Turkey Baskent University, Electrical Engineering Department Ankara, Turkey General Electric, Ankara, Turkey The Ohio State University, Cognitive Science Department, Columbus, OH, USA The Ohio State University, Medical School Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA Bertec Co., Columbus, OH, USA The Ohio State University, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbus, OH, USA Research and Teaching Assistant 1997-1998 Autumn 1997 1996-1997 Summer 1996 Summer 1996 1994-1996 1994-1996 Project Manager Lecturer Sales Engineer Summer Fellow Advisor: D. Wang Summer Training in the Biomedical Engineering Department Design Engineer Research Assistant Advisor: N. Berme COMPLETED PROJECTS: 1. SANTEZ –00896.STZ.2011-1: Havelsan Video Analiz Sistemi (HVAS) 2. AGÜDOS 2010-03-01-2-00-24 : HASAT Automatic Target Detection and Recognition from Aerial Images (Otomatik Hedef Tanıma Algoritmaları Geliştirilmesi), (Researcher) 3. TUBİTAK (1001) – 107E234 A Framework for Personal Video Information Management Systems (Kişisel Video Bilgi Yönetim Sistemleri için bir Çatı Geliştirilmesi) 4. TUBİTAK (1001) - 105E127 Multipurpose Automatic Underwater Vehicle (ULİSAR) (Researcher) 5. TÜBİTAK (1001)– 105E128 Fusion of different imaging modalities for 3D human head modeling which includes characteristic hard and soft tissue information as well as realistic photographic view (Director) 6. BAP 2008 - Recognition and Segmentation of Objects in 3D Scenes (3B Sahnelerde Nesnelerin Bölütlenmesi ve Kategorize Edilmesi) (Director) 7. BAP 03-01-2009-01 FPGA Implementation of Stereo Algorithms 8. BAP-07-05-2010-04, Testing the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) fort he US the UK and Japanese Stock Markets: Application of Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence and Probabilistic Graphical Modelling Techniques (5.725 TL) (Researcher) 9. BAP 2008 - Inverse problem solution and optimization for estimating the parameters of a facial soft tissue model (Kişiye özel yüz yumuşak doku modeli parametrelerinin bulunması için optimizasyon ve geri çözüm) (Director) (Joint project with METU IAM) 10. BAP - 2005-03-01-01 Active Reconstruction for 3D Modelling (Director) 11. BAP-2004-03-01-02 Camera Calibration for Active 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Environment (Researcher) 12. BAP-2002-03-01-05 Active Robot Vision (Researcher) 13. BAP-2002-07-04-04 Face Recognition and Modelling (Researcher) 14. AFP-2000.07.04.01 Active Vision and Navigation in 3D Virtual Environment (Researcher) CURRENT PROJECTS: 1. HASAT- Uydu görüntülerinden hedef tespiti 2. TUBITAK 1505 – Demiryolları hata analizi COURSES TOUGHT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Probabilistic Graphical Models Digital Image Processing Pattern Recognition Introduction to Logic Design Introduction to Microprocessors Data Structures Operating Systems COURSES DEVELOPED: EE732 Probabilistic Graphical Models THESIS SUPERVISED: 1. Ahmet Ersoz, Classifier Fusion Methods Adapted to Template Matching on Satellite Images (Uydu Görüntülerinde Sınıflandırıcı Kaynaştırma Yöntemlerinin Şablon Eşleme Metodlarına Adaptasyonu), September 2013 (Supervisor) 2. Ulya Bayram, Human Action Recognition for Mobile Robots (Mobil Robotlar için İnsan Hareket Analizi), June 2013 (Supervisor) 3. Eda Şahin, Road Extraction from Satellite Images by Self-Supervised Clustering and Perceptual Grouping (Uydu Görüntülerinden Özgözetimli Sınıflandırma ve Algısal Gruplama Yöntemleri ile Oromatik Yol Çıkarımı) January 2013 (Supervisor) 4. Kerem Sahin, Automatic Multi-Scale Segmentation of High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images Using Watersheds (Yüksek Uzaysal Çözünürlüklü Uydu Görüntülerinin Watershed Kullanılarak Çok Ölçekli Otomatik Bölütlenmesi), January 2013, (Supervisor) 5. Çağrı Turunç, An Implementation of 3D SLAM with Planar Segments, 2012 (Supervisor) 6. Firat Ercis, Comparison of Histograms of Oriented Optical Flow Based Action Recognition Methods, 2012 (Supervisor) 7. Kutalmis Akpınar, Human Activity Classification Using Spatio-Temporal Feature Relations, 2012 (Supervisor) 8. Yousef Rezaei Tabar, Atlas Based Segmentation of Facial Soft Tissue, 2011, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 9. Samet Karakaş, Real Time Moving Object Detection and Tracking with an Active Camera, 2011, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 10. İsmail Özsaraç, FPGA Implementation of Real Time Digital Video Stabilization, 2011, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 11. Erdem Akagündüz, Scale, Resolution and Orientation Invariant 3D Object Recognition Using Scale-Space of Curvatures (Ölçek Uzayı Kullanarak Ölçek, Çözünürlük ve Yönden Bağımsız 3B Nesne Tanıma), 2010, Ph.D. (Supervisor) 12. Havva Ozsarac, FPGA Implementatıon of Graph Cut Method for Real Time Stereo Matching, 2010, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 13. Yasin Şaka, A Low Cost Stereo Based 3d Slam For Wearable Applications, 2010, M.Sc. (Superviser) 14. Mehmet Yılmaztürk, Real-time And Semi-automatic Annotation Of Faces In Personal Videos, 2010, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 15. Aysu Erdoğdu, Morphable 3d Facial Animation Based On Thin Plate Splines, 2010, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 16. Zafer Haşim Tellioğlu, Real Time 3d Surface Feature Extraction On Fpga, 2010, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 17. Ugur Zongur, Detection of Airport Runways in Optical Satellite Images (Optik Uydu Görüntülerinde Havaalanı Pistlerinin Tespit Edilmesi), 2009, M.Sc. (CoSupervisor) 18. Ömer Eskizara, 3D Geometric Hashing Using Transform Invariant Features (Yer Değiştimeden ve Dönüşümden Bağımsız Öznitelik Kullanılarak 3B Geometrik Kıyım), 2009, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 19. Aykut Hozatlı, 3D Object Recognition by Geometric Hashing for Robotics Applications (Robotik Uygulamalarına Yönelik Geometrik İndeksleme Yöntemiyle Üç Boyutlu Nesne Tanıma), 2009, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 20. Serhat Bayrak, Video Stabilization: Digital and Mechanical Approaches (Görüntü Sabileme: Sayısal ve Mekanik Yaklaşımlar), 2008, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 21. Yavuz Kırlı, 3D Reconstruction of Underwater Scenes from Uncalibrated Video Sequences (Kalibre Edilmemiş Sualtı Video Serisinden 3B Sahne Geriçatımı), 2008, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 22. Arda Bilgin, Selection and Fusion of Multiple Stereo Algorithms for Accurate Disparity Segmentation (Doğru Derinlik Bölütlemesi için Uygun Stereo Algoritmalarının Seçilmesi ve Kaynaştırılması), 2008, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 23. Utku Senses, Blur Estimation and Superresolution from Multiple Images, 2008, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 24. Adnan Kalay, An Implementation of Mono and Stereo Slam System Utilizing Efficient Map Management Strategy (Etkin Harita Yönetim Stratejisi Kullanan Mono ve Stereo SLAM Sistemi Uygulaması), 2008, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 25. Murat Yırcı, A Comparative Study on Polygonal Mesh Simplification Algorithms (Poligon Sadeleştirme Algoritmalarının Karşılaştırılması), 2008, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 26. Abdurrahman Yalcin, Effect of Shadow in building Detection and Building Boundary Extraction (Bina Belirleme ve Bina Sınırlarını Çıkarmada Gölgenin Etkisi), 2008, M.Sc. (Supervisor) 27. Hüseyin Yürük, Object Detection from Registered Visual and Infrared Sequences with the Help of Active Contours, M.Sc. METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2007 (Supervisor) 28. Mustafa Yağcıoğlu, Comparision of 3D Facial Anchor Point Localization Methods, (Üç boyutlu Yüz Nirengi Noktaları Bulan Metodların Karşılaştırılması), M.Sc. METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2007 (Supervisor) 29. Ali Aydoğan, 3D Synthetic Human Face Modelling Tool Based on T-spline Surfaces, M.Sc. METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2007 (Supervisor) 30. Ahmet Oğuz Öztürk, 3D Face Reconstruction Using Stereo Images and Structured Light, M.Sc. METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2007 (Co-Supervisor) 31. Hakan Bayar, Texture Mapping By Multi-Image Blending For 3d Face Models, M.Sc. METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2007 (Co-Supervisor) 32. Mustafa Özuysal, Manual and Auto Calibration of Stereo Camera Systems, M.Sc. METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2004 (Co-Supervisor) 33. Zafer Arıcan, Vision Based Robot Localization Using Artificial and Natural Landmarks, M.Sc. METU, Ankara, Turkey, 2004 (Co-Supervisor) CONFERENCE ORGANIZATIONS: 1. Co-chair for SSPR 2010, Joint IAPR International Workshops on Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2010) and Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR 2010), Cesme, Izmir, Turkey, August 18-20, 2010, A satellite event of the 20th International Conference of Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2010 2. Session Chair in Fifth International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2007) September 27-29, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey 3. Cochair in 22nd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences Middle East Technical University, Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey, November 7-9, 2007 RESEARCH INTERESTS: Computer Vision (Stereo vision, Active vision, Cognitive vision), Vision applications in robotics, 3D data processing and modeling, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition (2D/3D Object recognition), Probabilistic graphical models (Discriminative and generative models), EEG signal analysis and brain modelling ADDITIONAL: IET Premium Award 2012 – Best Paper – METU Performance Award 2012 METU Performance Award 2010 METU Performance Award 2008 TUBITAK Post Doctorate Scholar TUBITAK BDP Ph.D. Scholar 67th best student in university entrance exam in 1990. 3rd best student of TUBITAK Biology Reward for High Schools, 1989. Computer Literate (C, C++, Matlab). Fluent English, Beginners German PUBLICATIONS: International Journal: 1. Yousef Rezaei Tabar and Ilkay Ulusoy, The Effect of Labeled/Unlabeled Prior Information for Masseter Segmentation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2013, Article ID 928469, 12 pages 2. M. C. Yilmazturk, I. Ulusoy, N. K. Cicekli, Online Annotation of Faces in Personal Videos by Sequential Learning, Multimedia Tools and Applications, April 2013, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 591-613 doi:10.1007/s11042-011-0884-0 3. Aytekin, Ö.; Koç, M.; Ulusoy, İ., Local Primitive Pattern for the Classification of SAR Images, Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 51, Issue 4, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2210428 , April, 2013 , Page(s): 2431 - 2441 4. O. Aytekin, A. Erener, I. Ulusoy, HSB Düzgün, Unsupervised Building Detection in Complex Urban Environments from Multi Spectral Satellite Imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOi 10.1080/01431161.2011.606852 Vol. 33, No. 7, April 2012, 2152-2177. 5. Y. Rezaeitabar, I. Ulusoy, Automatic 3D Segmentation of individual facial muscles using unlabeled prior information, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2012 Jan; 7(1):35-41, doi:10.1007/s11548-0110567-3 6. I. Ulusoy, H. Yuruk, Fusion of Complementary Information from Infrared and Visual Images for Object Detection, IET Image Processing, 2011, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 36-48, IEEE, February 2011, doi:10.1049/iet-ipr.2009.0374 (Premium Award Winer, 2012) 7. Ö. Aytekin, I. Ulusoy, Automatic Segmentation of VHR Images Using Type Information of Local Structures Acquired by Mathematical Morphology, Pattern Recognition Letters, Doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2011.06.024, vol. 32, issue 13, pp. 1618-1625 , October 2011 8. M. Yirci, E. Akagunduz, I. Ulusoy, Anatomical and Dynamic Volume Spline Model Applied to Facial Soft Tissue, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, published online: 14 MAR 2011, DOI: 10.1002/cav.386, volume 22, Issue 6, pages 543–554, November/December 2011 9. E. Akagunduz, I. Ulusoy, 3D Object Recognition from Range Images Using Transform Invariant Object Representation, Electronics Letters, Vol. 46, No. 22, pp. 1499-1500, 2010, doi: 10.1049/el.2010.1818 10. I. Ulusoy, E. Akagunduz, F. Sabuncuoglu, S. Gorgulu, O. Ucok, Use of the Dynamic Volume Spline Method to Predict Facial Soft Tissue Changes Associated With Orthognathic Surgery, Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, Vol. 110, No. 5, pp e17-e23, 2010 11. I. Ulusoy, E. Akagunduz, G.W. Weber, Inverse Solution for Parameter Estimation of a Dynamic Volume Spline Based Forehead Skin Model, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 18(5), July 2010, pages 585-612 12. I. Ulusoy, E. Akagunduz, 3D face detection using transform invariant features, Electronics Letters, Vol. 46, Issue 13, p.905–907, June 2010, doi:10.1049/el.2010.0132 13. I. Ulusoy, E. Akagunduz, G.W. Weber, Estimation of Parameters for Dynamic Volume Spline Models, Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 18(4), June 2010, pages 499 - 519 14. Ulusoy, I., Hancock, E.R, A Statistical Approach to Sparse Multi-scale PhaseBased Stereo, Pattern Recognition, Volume 40 , Issue 9, pp. 2504-2520, 2007. 15. Ulusoy, I., Halici, U., Nalcaci, E., Anac, I., Leblebicioglu, K., Basar-Eroglu, C., Time Frequency Analysis of Visual Evoked Potentials for Inter-Hemispheric Transfer Time and Proportion of Callosal Fibers in Different Diameter, Biological Cybernetics, 90 (4), pp. 291-301, APR 2004. 16. Ulusoy, I., Parnianpour, M., Berme, N., Simon, S. R., A neural network system with reinforcement learning to control a dynamic arm model, Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis and Communications, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 117123, 2001. International Book Chapter: 17. Erdem Akagündüz and İlkay Ulusoy, 3D Object Registration and Recognition using Range Images, Object Recognition, Tam Phuong Cao, ISBN: 978-953-307222-7, InTech, April 2011 18. Ulusoy I., Halici, U., Anaç, I., Nalçacı, E., Basar, C. E., Time Frequency Analysis of VEPs for Inter Hemispheric Transfer Time. In: Brainwaves and Mind: Recent Advances. Arikan, K., Moore, N. (Eds.). Kjellberg, Wheaton, IL, 2004, pp.47-52. Editor of a Proceedings or a Special Issue: 19. One of the Editors of SSSPR, Çeşme, İzmir, Turkey, August 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6218 20. One of the Editors of Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Cultural and Convention Center, Ankara, Turkey, November 7-9, 2007 International Conference: 21. K. Sahin, I. Ulusoy, Automatic Multi-Scale Segmentation of High Spatial Resolution Satellite Images Using Watersheds, IGARSS 2013, MelBourne, Australia. 22. E. Sahin, I. Ulusoy, What is the Best Method for Road Extraction from High Resolution RGB Satellite Images, SPIE Security and Defense, 23 - 26 September 2013, Dresden, Germany 23. U. Bayram, I. Ulusoy, N.K. Cicekli, Güvenlik Kamerası Videolarında Hareket Tanıma için Cuboid ve Tracklet Özniteliklerinin Karşılaştırılması, SIU 2013, Girne, Cyprus. 24. I. Onal, et. al. A Framework For Detecting Complex Events In Surveillance Videos, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Automated Multimedia Surveillance for Public Safety, ICME 2013 25. K. Kardas, et. al. Learning Complex Event Models Using Markov Logic Networks, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Automated Multimedia Surveillance for Public Safety, ICME 2013 26. O. Aytekin, M. Koc, I. Ulusoy, A Novel Feature Extraction Method for the Classification of Sar Images, IGARSS 2012, pp. 3482-3485. 27. Ö. Aytekin, M. Dalla Mura, I. Ulusoy, J. Atli Benediktsson, Classification of hyperspectral images based on weighted DMPS. IGARSS 2012, pp. 4154-4157. 28. O. Aytekin, Y. Rezaeitabar, I. Ulusoy, VHR Image Segmentation Using Over Segmented Regions in a MRF Model, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2011, July 2011, pp. 613-616 29. O. Aytekin, I. Ulusoy, VHR Image Segmentation Methods Based on Morphological Profiles, ESA-EUSC-JRC 2011, ESA JRC EUSC 2011 - Image Information Mining: Geospatial Intelligence from Earth Observation, Italya (Ispra), April 2011, pp. 41-44. 30. G. Yaprakkaya, İ. Ulusoy, N. K. Cicekli, Gender and Age Group Classifications for Video Annotation, ISCIS 2010 31. M. C. Yılmaztürk, İ. Ulusoy, N. K. Çiçekli, Analysis of Face Recognition Algorithms for Online and Automatic Annotation of Personal Videos, ISCIS 2010 32. M. Y. Kirli, I. Ulusoy, Automatic 3D Reconstruction of Underwater Scenes from Uncalibrated Video Sequences, International Unmanned Vehicles Workshop, UVW2010, June 2010, Istanbul, Turkiye 33. E. Akagündüz, Ö. Eskizara, İ. Ulusoy, Scale-Space Approach for the Comparison of HK and SC Curvature Descriotions as Applied to Object Recognition, ICIP 2009 34. E. Akagündüz, I. Ulusoy, Scale and Orientation Invariant 3D Interest Point Extraction Using HK Curvatures, ICCV 2009 35. Ö. Aytekin, İ. Ulusoy, U. Halıcı, Segmentation of High Resolution Satellite Imagery Based on Mean Shift Algorithm and Morphological Operations, SPIE Europe Remote Sensing 2009 36. U. Halıcı, U. Zongur, O. Aytekin, I. Ulusoy, Airport runway detection in satellite images by adaboost learning, SPIE Europe Remote Sensing 2009 37. Ö. Aytekin, İ. Ulusoy, E.Z. Abacıoğlu, E. Gökçay, Building Detection in High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images Based on Morphological Operators, 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, Space for the Developing World, RAST 2009, İstanbul, Turkey, June 2009. 38. Ö. Aytekin, A. Erener, İ. Ulusoy, H. Ş. Düzgün, Automatic and Unsupervised Building Extraction in Complex Urban Environments from Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery, 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, Space for the Developing World, RAST 2009, İstanbul, Turkey, June 2009. 39. S. Aksoy, B. Ozdemir, S. Eckert, F. Kayitakire, M. Pesarasi, O. Aytekin, C.C. Borel, J. Cech, E. Christophe, S. Duzgun, A. Erener, K. Ertugay, E. Hussain, J. Inglada, S. Lefevre, O. Ok, D. Koc¸ S. Radimsara, J. Shan, J. Soman, I. Ulusoy, R. Witz, Performance Evaluation of Building Detection and Digital Surface Model Extraction Algorithms: Outcomes of the PRRS 2008 Algorithm Performance Contest, IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (PRRS 2008), 2008 , pp. 1-12, Dec. 2008 40. Akagunduz,E., Erener, A., Ulusoy, I., Duzgun, H.S.B, Deliniation Of Slope Units Based On Scale And Resolution Invariant 3D Curvature Extraction, IGARSS 2008 41. Erdem Akagündüz, İlkay Ulusoy, "3D Object Representation Using Transform and Scale Invariant 3D Features", Workshop on 3D Representation for Recognition (3dRR-07), ICCV 2007 42. Erdem Akagündüz, İlkay Ulusoy, “Extraction of 3D Transform and Scale Invariant Patches from Range Scans” 2nd Beyond Patches Workshop “Patches Everywhere” Workshop in conjunction with CVPR 2007. 43. Erdem Akagündüz, İlkay Ulusoy, Nesli Bozkurt, Uğur Halıcı, “A Physicallybased Facial Skin Model to Simulate Facial Expressions on Digitally Scanned 3D Models” IEEE ISCIS 2007. 44. Ulusoy I., Bishop C. M., Comparison of Generative and Discriminative Techniques for Object Detection and Classification, Toward Category-Level Object Recognition. LNCS, 4170, pp 173-195, 2006 (invited talk) 45. Ulusoy, I., Bishop, C. M., Object recognition via local patch labelling. Deterministic And Statistical Methods In Machine Learning LNAI, 3635, pp. 121, 2005. (invited talk) 46. Ilkay Ulusoy and many others, The 2005 PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge. MLCW 2005: 117-176 47. Ulusoy, I., Bishop, C. M., Generative Versus Discriminative Methods for Object Recognition, CVPR 2005. 48. Ulusoy, I., Hancock, E.R., Halici, U., Probabilistic Phase Based Sparse Stereo, ICPR 2004. 49. Ulusoy, I., Halici, U., Leblebicioğlu, K., 3D Cognitive Map Construction by Active Vision in a Virtual World. ISCIS 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3280, pp. 400-409, Springer 2004. 50. Ulusoy, I., Halici, U., Active Stereo Vision for Object Recognition and Cognitive Map Formation in a Virtual World. CVPR 2003 51. Ulusoy, I., Halici, U., Leblebicioğlu, K., Simple Object Recognition and Cognitive Map Formation Using Human-Like Vision in a Virtual World. CAMP 2003 52. Ulusoy, I., Halici, U., Hancock, E. R., Disparity Using Feature Points in Multiscale. SSPR 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2396, pp. 320-328, Springer 2002. International Conference Presentation : 53. Ö. Üçok, I. Ulusoy, E. Akagündüz, E. Akın, F. Örs, Semi Automatic Tool for 3D CT/MR Segmentation of Facial Tissue Layers, 14th Congress of BaSS, 9th Scientific Congress of BgDA, Varna, Bulgaria, May 2009. 54. Ulusoy, I., Tunçer, F., Erol, A., Halici, U., Hancock, E. R., Depth Perception and Navigation. NATO-ASI on Learning Theory and Practice, July 8-19 2002, K.U.Leuven, Belgium. National Journal: 55. I. Ulusoy, Bilgisayarla Görme ve Örüntü Tanıma Konularında Yapay Zekanın Dünü, Bügünü, Geleceği, Mayıs 2010, Bilişim Dergisi, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği, National Conference: 56. U. Bayram, I. Ulusoy, N.K. Cicekli, Güvenlik Kamerası Videolarında Hareket Tanıma için Cuboid ve Tracklet Özniteliklerinin Karşılaştırılması, SIU 2013, Girne, Cyprus. 57. Y. RezaeiTabar, I. Ulusoy, Yüz Yumuşak Dokusunun Bölütlenmesi İçin Etiketlenmiş ve Etiketlenmemiş Önsel Bilgi Kullanımının Karşılaştırılması, BIYOMUT 2012. 58. O. Aytekin, I. Ulusoy, Morphological profile based segmentation for satellite images, IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications, April 2011, Antalya, pp. 5-8. 59. İlkay Ulusoy, Güvenlik ve Gözetleme Uygulamalarında Görüntü İşleme ve Örüntü Tanıma, Savetek 2010, Davetli konuşma 60. Örsan Aytekin, İlkay Ulusoy, Yüksek Çözünürlüklü Uydu Görüntülerinin Otomatik Bölütlenmesi, Savtek 2010 61. Uğur Zöngür, Uğur Halıcı, Örsan Aytekin, İlkay Ulusoy,Uydu Görüntülerinde Hava Alanı Pistlerinin Saptanması, Savtek 2010 62. Murat Yirci, İlkay Ulusoy, Üç Boyutlu İnsan Yüzü Modellerinin Yeniden Düzenli Olarak Modellenmesi, SIU 2009 63. Erdem Akagündüz, İlkay Ulusoy, HK ve SC Eğrilik Tanımlarının 3B Nesne Tanıma Amacıyla Ölçek Uzaylarında Karşılaştırılması, SIU 2009 64. Ömer Eskizara, Erdem Akagündüz, İlkay Ulusoy, Geometrik Kıyım Yöntemi ile 3B Nesne Tanıma, SIU 2009. 65. Nesli Bozkurt, Ugur Halici, İlkay Ulusoy, Erdem Akagündüz, Yüz Tarayıcısı Verilerinin İyileştirilmesi için 3B Veri İşleme, SIU 2009 66. Adnan Kalay, İlkay Ulusoy, Görüntü Tabanlı Eş Zamanlı Lokalizasyon ve Harita Çıkarma: Mono ve Stereo SLAM, SIU 2009 67. Murat Yirci, İlkay Ulusoy, Poligonal Basitleştirme Algoritmalarının Karşılaştırılması, SIU 2009 68. Yavuz Kırlı, Ilkay Ulusoy, Kalibre Edilmemiş Sualtı Videosu Kullanılarak 3 Boyutlu Sahne Geri Çatımı, SIU 2009 69. Serhat Bayrak, İlkay Ulusoy, Gerçek Zamanlı Görüntü Sabitlemede Birleşik Yöntem, SIU 2009 70. Arda Bilgin, İlkay Ulusoy, Doğru Derinlik Bölütlemesi İçin Uygun Stereo Algoritmalarının Seçilmesi ve Kaynaştırılması, SIU 2009 71. E. U. Şenses, İ. Ulusoy, Hizalanmış Çoklu Resimlerden Bulanıklık Tahmini ve Süper Çözünürlüklü İmge Elde Etme, SIU 2009 72. Ugur Halici, Egemen Agi, Canan Ozgen, Ilkay Ulusoy, Analysis and Classification of EEG Signals for Brain Computer Interfaces, ICON 2008 73. Akagunduz, E., Eskizara, Ö., Ulusoy, I., Yüz Dokusunun Biyomekanik Özelliklerinin Çıkarılması İçin Çoklu Kamera Bazlı Bir Deney, BIYOMUT 2008 74. Akagunduz, E., Ulusoy, I., 3B Yüzlerin Ölçek ve Dönüsümden Bagımsız Öznitelikler ile Gösterilmesi, Signal Processing and Communications Applications SIU 2008 75. Bülent Üstün, Ugur Halici, Ilkay Ulusoy, 3B Çakistirmanin Altuzay Tabanli Yüz Tanima Yöntemlerine Etkisi, Signal Processing and Communications Applications SIU 2008 76. Ahmet Oguz Öztürk, Ugur Halici, Ilkay Ulusoy, Erdem Akagündüz, Stereo Görüntü ve Yapisal Isik Kaynagi Kullanarak 3B Yüz Geriçatimi, Signal Processing and Communications Applications SIU 2008 77. Akagunduz, E., Ulusoy, I., Bozkurt, N., Halıcı, U., 2.5b Verinin Ölçekten Bağımsız Gösterilmesi, Signal Processing and Communications Applications SIU 2007 78. İnan T., Ulusoy İ., Halıcı U., Probabilistic Face Pose Estimation, TAINN 2006 79. Ulusoy I., Bishop C. M., Automatic Relevance Determinatin For The Estimation Of Relevant Features For Object Recognition, SIU 2006 80. Buyukatalay, S.; Halicl, U.; Akagunduz, E.; Ulusoy, I.; Leblebicioglu, K.; 3D Face Modeling using Multiple Images; Signal Processing and Communications Applications, 2006 IEEE 14th 17-19 April 2006 Page(s):1 - 4 , 81. Ulusoy, I. A Generative Model for Multi Class Object Recognition and Detection. TAINN 2005. 82. Ulusoy, I., Bishop, C. M., Nesne Tanıma ve Yerseme için Üretimsel Bir Model. SIU 2005. (in Turkish) 83. Halici, U., Ulusoy, I., Leblebicioğlu, K., Erol, A., Ongun, G., Serçe, H., Gönder, Ö., Önder, M., Biyometrik sistemler: Parmakizi ve yüz tanıma. Polis Bilişim 2005. (in Turkish) 84. Büyükatalay, S., Akagündüz, E., Halıcı, U., Ulusoy, I., Leblebicioğlu, K., 3 Boyutlu yüz modeli oluşturma ve yüz ifadesi içeren konuşma canlandırması. Polis Bilişim 2005. (in Turkish) 85. Ulusoy, I., Halıcı, U., Hancock, E. R., Çoklu Ölçekli Faz Temelli Stereonun Olasılıksal Modellenmesi, SİU 2004, pp. 249-252. (in Turkish) 86. Türkçe Dudak Hareketlerinin ve Yüz İfadelerinin 3 Boyutlu Ortamda Benzetimi ve Bir Türkçe Ses Makinasıyla Eş Zamanlı Hale Getirilmesi, SIU 2004, pp. 276279. (in Turkish) 87. Ulusoy, I., Halici, U., Hancock, E. R., Disparity Using Feature Points in Multiscale, SIU 2002, pp. 512-517. (in Turkish) 88. Tuncer, F., Halici, U., Ulusoy I., Post-filtering Focus Bluring Formation Using Open GL, SIU 2002, pp. 212-215. (in Turkish) 89. Colakoglu, (Ulusoy) I., Halici, U., Hancock, E. R., Disparity Using Multiscale Phase, Türkiye’de Nörobilimin Bugünü ve Geleceği, p. 26, 2001. (in Turkish) 90. Colakoglu, (Ulusoy) I., Halici, U., Leblebicioğlu, K., Nalçacı, E., Basar, C. E., Estimation of the Number of Neuron Types Active in the Corpus Collosum Using Visual Evoked Potentials Obtained from the two Hemispheres, 8. SIU, 2000. (in Turkish) 91. Ulusoy, I., Halici, U., Karakas, S., Leblebicioğlu, K., Atalay, V., Erzengin, U., Classification of EEG Signals of Auditory Stimulus Using Wavelet Transformation in Artificial Neural Networks, 7. SIU, pp. 386-388, 1999. (in Turkish) 92. Halici, U., Leblebicioğlu, K., Atalay, V., Ulusoy, I., Gürses, E., Image Compression Using Fractal Estimation, 6. SIU, vol. 1, pp. 76-77, 1998. (in Turkish) Technical Report: 93. Ulusoy, I., Wang, D., Motion Perception Using Oscillatory Neuron Pools. Technical Report, The Ohio State University, Cognitive Science Department, 1996.
Benzer belgeler
İLKAY ULUSOY Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems Research
7. EE634 Digital Image Processing COURSES DEVELOPED: EE732 Probabilistic Graphical Models THESIS SUPERVISED: 1. Hakan Ertem, 2. Havva Ozsarac, 3. Yasin Şaka, 4. Mehmet Yılmaztürk, Real-time And Sem...