curriculum vitae doc¸. dr. mustafa kalafat
Benzer belgeler
Dr. Muhammet Uzuntarla
[36] M. Uzuntarla, M.Ozer. Effects of Network Topology and Ion Channel Noise on the Spatial Synchronization in a Biological Neural Network. ELECO 2008, 225-228, Bursa, Turkey, 2008. [37] M. Ali Ozs...
E SRA E RDEM C URRICULUM V ITAE C ONTACT I NFORMATION Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Orhanlı, Tuzla, Istanbul 34956
DetaylıSergiu MOROIANU - Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian
– Mini-course ”Spectral asymptotics for Dirac operators”, Korea Institute of Advanced Studies summer school, 2007. – ”Hyperbolic manifolds in dimensions 2 and 3”, Şcoala Normală Superioară Bucha...