ATALAY 76-700 - atalay sondaj
Benzer belgeler
ATALAY 76-300 wıre-lıne
The mast is rised and laid down with aim of hydraulic pistons. Can drill between angles of 90˚ - 0˚. Alt Çene Merkezleyicisine sahiptir. / The drill rig has lower centriliser. Hidrolik 360° hareket...
DetaylıATALAY 76-300 wıre-lıne
The mast is rised and laid down with aim of hydraulic pistons. Can drill between angles of 90˚ - 0˚. Alt Çene Merkezleyicisine sahiptir. / The drill rig has lower centriliser. Hidrolik 360° hareket...
Detaylıyayın listesi - İTÜ Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Bilimleri Fakültesi
hydrocarbons, ASME European Joint Conference on Engine Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July 1992, pp. 1-8. 13. Woods WA, Söğüt OS, Rutter C, Application of path line streams to the e...
Detaylıtoprağın derinlerindeki teknoloji technology depth ın rock
meter, hydraulic mud pump (140 lt/min), high torque, shock absorbent and second