ATALAY 76-700 - atalay sondaj


ATALAY 76-700 - atalay sondaj


Benzer belgeler

ATALAY 76-300 wıre-lıne

ATALAY 76-300 wıre-lıne The mast is rised and laid down with aim of hydraulic pistons. Can drill between angles of 90˚ - 0˚. Alt Çene Merkezleyicisine sahiptir. / The drill rig has lower centriliser. Hidrolik 360° hareket...


ATALAY 76-300 wıre-lıne

ATALAY 76-300 wıre-lıne The mast is rised and laid down with aim of hydraulic pistons. Can drill between angles of 90˚ - 0˚. Alt Çene Merkezleyicisine sahiptir. / The drill rig has lower centriliser. Hidrolik 360° hareket...


yayın listesi - İTÜ Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Bilimleri Fakültesi

yayın listesi - İTÜ Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Bilimleri Fakültesi hydrocarbons, ASME European Joint Conference on Engine Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July 1992, pp. 1-8. 13. Woods WA, Söğüt OS, Rutter C, Application of path line streams to the e...


toprağın derinlerindeki teknoloji technology depth ın rock

toprağın derinlerindeki teknoloji technology depth ın rock meter, hydraulic mud pump (140 lt/min), high torque, shock absorbent and second
