Curriculum Vitae - Bilkent University Computer Engineering


Curriculum Vitae - Bilkent University Computer Engineering


Benzer belgeler

1. Adi Soyad1 iletisim Bilgileri : SelimKALAYCI 2. Dogum Tarihi :28

1. Adi Soyad1 iletisim Bilgileri : SelimKALAYCI 2. Dogum Tarihi :28 Kalayci, David Villegas Castillo, and Norman Bobroff. "Fault-tolerant job-flow management in grid environment", In the poster presentation session of the 5th Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, T...


Makaleyi Yazdır

Makaleyi Yazdır 28 Nisan - 1 Mayıs 2011, Muğla, Türkiye


Table of Contents

Table of Contents Workshop Papers Practical and Secure Software-Based Attestation ........................................................................................1 Markus Jakobsson and Karl-Anders Johansson ...
