curriculum vitae - Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Benzer belgeler
2008 - Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Araştırma
Proteins and Determination of Specific Sites for Binding”, Physical Review Letters, basımda. Kürkçüoğlu, O., Kürkçüoğlu, Z., Doruker, P., Jernigan, R.L., “Collective dynamics of the ribosomal tunne...
DetaylıCV (Sept 2014) - CmpE - Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
1. Ari, I.; Simsekli, U.; Cemgil, A. T. & Akarun, L. (2014), 'Randomized Matrix Decompositions and Exemplar Selection in Large Dictionaries...
DetaylıKemal Davaslıo˘glu - Wireless Communications Laboratory
12th MEF Research Projects Content Qualified for Chemistry Last 20 Projects, May, 2003 Best Project in Chemistry in Science Fair Among American College Institute (ACI) Schools, 2002 Most Improved P...
DetaylıThe Future of higher education: the stakeholders` perspectives
Directeur des relations insternationales et de la coopération Associate Executive Director