özgeçmiş - gedik üniversitesi
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ÖZGEÇMİŞ Kurum Görev
Özer, D., Baran, F., Aktop, A., Nalbant, S. (2004). Gender Dıfferences In Constıtutıonal And Physıcal Fıtness Characterıstıcs Of Elementary School Students. 17-20, 2004 . International Sports Scien...
DetaylıAkdeniz Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
7.3.3 Özer, D., Baran, F., Aktop, A., Nalbant, S. 2004. Gender Differences in Constitutional and Physical Fitness Characteristics of Elementary School Students. 10th ICHPER-SD Europe Congress and 8...