METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM International Conference on KNOWLEDGE and POLITICS in GENDER and WOMEN’S STUDIES 9-11 October 2015, METU, Ankara CONFERENCE PROGRAM 9TH OCTOBER, FRIDAY 09:30 - 10:30 OPENING CEREMONY* CCC HALL - A Opening Speeches Prof. Galip Yalman Prof. Yıldız Ecevit Prof. Ahmet Acar H. E. Mr. C. van Rij President, Turkish Social Sciences Association Chair, Gender and Women’s Studies, METU President, METU Ambassador of Kingdom of Netherlands METU GWS as a Pioneering Program Prof. Feride Acar President of GREVIO / METU Some Memories and Reflections Film: A Passage From Our Collective Memory Plenary Session 10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break, 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 – 13:00 Keynote Speakers Prof. Emiko Ochiai Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University / Japan Logics and History of Gender Changes in Asian Modernity: Reconfiguration of the Intimate and Public Spheres Prof. Nivedita Mennon Centre for Comparative Politics and Political Theory, Jawaharlal Nehru University / India Changing Selves and Sexualities: Perspectives From 'Other' Worlds * Simultaneous translation is provided. Lunch break, 13:00 - 14:00 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 9TH OCTOBER, FRIDAY 14:00 - 15:30 Experience Sharing Among Generations (Kuşaklararası Deneyim Paylaşımı) CCC HALL - B CCC HALL - C CCC HALL - D Guest Speakers Guest Speakers Guest Speakers *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum CCC HALL - A SESSION 1: Everywhere Is Resistance: Feminist Politics (Her Yer Direniş: Feminist Politika) *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum Moderator: Yıldız Ecevit Moderator: Ayşe Ayata Moderator: Ayşe Gündüz Hoşgör Chair: İnci User Serpil Çakır Fatmagül Berktay Gülay Toksöz Fatma Belkıs Kümbetoğlu Women in NGOs in the Current Context of Turkey Şirin Tekeli Serpil Sancar Mine Tan Ezgi Sarıtaş, Yelda Şahin Akıllı Feminist History of Periods of ‘Stagnation’: Women's Movement in the 1950s Yakın Ertürk Yeşim Arat Pınar İlkkaracan Leyla Şimşek-Rathke Feminist Politics, Women and Social Movements (in alphabetical order) (in alphabetical order) (in alphabetical order) Özlem İngün Karkış Women as Subjects of Local Resistance ** Simultaneous translation from Turkish to English is provided. Coffee break, 15:30-16:00 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 9TH OCTOBER, FRIDAY 16:00 - 17:30 CCC HALL - B SESSION 2: Reflections on Legal Status of Women CCC HALL - D CCC HALL - C SESSION 3: Feminist Politics: Today and Tomorrow SESSION 4: Religious Attributions to Women CCC HALL - A SESSION 5: To Know and to Remember: Feminist Methodology and Epistemology (Bilmek ve Hatırlamak: Feminist Metodoloji ve Epistemoloji) *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum Chair: Gülriz Uygur Chair: Sedef Arat-Koç Chair: Ayça Ergun Chair: Serpil Çakır Hülya Şimga Gender Equality and Its Discontents: Can There Be Justice Without Equality? Şule Toktaş ‘Project Feminism’ vs. ‘Grassroots Feminism’: Challenges of Women’s Movement in Turkey Within the Medium of Europeanization and Globalization Omolola Sodunke The Unspoken Wars on Religious Gender Inequality in Nigeria Damla Türkmenoğlu, Tuşen Olgunlu How Can Feminist Methodology Contribute to Collective Memory: A Case of Armenian Women Living in İstanbul Aylin Akpınar Divorcees Caught in Patriarchal Family, Society & State in Turkey Charlotte Binder, Aslı Polatdemir Can All Women Fight Together? A Discussion Between Ideals and Realities: Alliances and Diversity in Women´s Movements in Turkey Cennet Ceren Çavuş Femininity in Sufism: Ontology of Sex According to Ibn Arabi Meral Akbaş, Nihan Bozok With the Silences, Murmurs, Sighs of Elderly Women: A Discussion on Feminist Epistemology Nadire Özdemir Sue for Love? Liability of Third Party in Marital Damage Asuman Özgür Keysan Discourses of Women Activists in Turkey: Engendering ‘Civil Society'? Olena Astapova Love and Eros in the Old and New Testament Tradition Muharrem Açıkgöz Intersectionality as a Feminist Concept: Possibilities and Problems Seldağ Güneş Peschke The Surname of Turkish Women: A Question of Identity? Şehriban Kaya Young Urban Women and Their Online Struggle Against the Conservative Backlash in Turkey Sibel Kibar Women Bodies at Trial by Ordeal Since Christianity to Trier Movies Cocktail, 18:00 - 19:30 ALUMNI REUNION, 18:00 - 19:30 ** Simultaneous translation from Turkish to English is provided. METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 9TH OCTOBER, FRIDAY 16:00 - 17:30 CCC HALL - G CCC HALL - F CCC HALL - E CCC HALL - H SESSION 6: The Portrayal of Women’s Labour SESSION 7: What We Resist: Violence Against Women SESSION 8: Another Brick in the Wall: Media and Representation SESSION 9: Literature: In and Outside the Circle Chair: Emel Memiş Chair: Yakın Ertürk Chair: Çiler Dursun Chair: Margaret J. M. Sönmez İpek İlkkaracan, Tolga Kaya, Kijong Kim, Investing in Social Care Services: A Strategy for Inclusive Growth Dilek Cindoğlu Wars and Brides Meltem Ağduk Gender of the Newsroom: Being Woman in the Journalistic Field Funda Civelekoğlu Gender and Cultural Criticism in Ian McEwan's The Cement Garden Esra Sarıoğlu Global Economy and New Gender Identities: A Study of Saleswomen in Turkey Elif Gazioğlu Terzi Bride Kidnapping and Elopement in Violence Against Women Context: The Case of Ardahan Ayşe Nahide Yılmaz Bitter Reality of Surrealism: Women Against Misogynist Imagination Meryem Senem Sarıkaya Augustine: The Resistance of Rebellious Hysteric to Patriarchy Bojana Jovanovska Appearance as Reference: Women and Lookism in the Labour Market Ibtesam Al-Atiyat Writing the Lives of Jordanian Women: Memoirs and Memoir Writers on Honour Crimes Özlem Akkaya Women and News in Turkey: "Walking on a Tightrope" Zuhal Yeniçeri, Leman Korkmaz, Doğan Kökdemir An Existential Alliance of Byronic and “Lilithic” Heroes Rana Çavuşoğlu Education and Experience in Nursing: A Comparison Between Vocational School and University Graduates Selda Tuncer Going Public: Women’s Narratives of Everyday Gendered Violence in Turkey Carla Donoso Orellana The Cultural Construction of Female Aging in Chile: An Analysis of the Politics of Mass Media Politics of Representation Mehmet Erguvan Talking Gender and Sexuality Through Literature: A Comparative Analysis of The Vagina Monologues and İşte Böyle Güzelim as a Case in Point Cocktail, 18:00 - 19:30 ALUMNI REUNION, 18:00 - 19:30 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH CCC HALL - E CCC HALL - H CCC HALL - F OCTOBER, SATURDAY 09:00 - 10:30 CCC HALL - B SESSION 10: ‘Write! Writing is for You!’: Women’s Literature SESSION 11: Institutionalization of Gender and Women’s Studies SESSION 12: That We Exist: Women’s History SESSION 13: Traces of Violence Against Women Chair: Dürrin Alpakın Martinez-Caro Chair: Sevgi Uçan Çubukçu Chair: Birten Çelik Chair: Alanur Çavlin Twinkle Suri Women Writing the Self to Emerge From the Shadows David Mokam Gender and Women’s Studies in State Universities and State Feminism in Cameroon From 1984 to 2013 Gülhan Balsoy Historical Perspectives to Gender and Migration: The Case of the Widow’s House or the Kırmızı Kışla Ishrat Khan Barsha Engendering Health Information System (HIS): Locating Health Care Needs of Violence Victims in Bangladesh Hatice Eşberk Gender Performatives and the Key to a Locked Room: Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber Nafisa Tanjeem, Aditi Sabur Academy-Industrial Complex and the Future of Women’s and Gender Studies in Bangladesh Füsun Çoban Döşkaya, Ahmet Aksın Prostitutes in Ottoman Archival Sources Mozharul Islam The Perception of the Middle Class on Domestic Violence Against Women and Laws Regarding Punishment: A Comparative Study at the City of Sylhet in Bangladesh Serpil Yavuz Özkaya The Usages of Gender and Sex Terms in Two Turkish Translations of Virginia Woolf’s A Writer’s Diary Münevver Tekcan Women’s Studies Inside and Outside the Middle East Esra Abaoğlu Women in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Historiography: From the Perspective of Tarih-i Cevdet and Tezakir Minakshi Buragohain The ‘State of Exceptions’ in Laws: Sexual Violence Against Women in India Inez Baranay Old Women in Fiction: The Novel as Research Husnia Al-Kadri, Bilkis Zabara The Success and Challenges in Institutionalization of Women’s/Gender Studies at Sana’a University-Yemen Aysel Arslan Look Beyond What You See: Engendering Central Anatolian Prehistory Ayşe Çetinkaya Aydın Solidarity Problems in Domestic Violence Against Women Berna Ekal Rethinking Politics of Women’s Shelters in Turkey Coffee break, 10:30 - 10:45 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH CCC HALL - D CCC HALL - C CCC HALL - G OCTOBER, SATURDAY 09:00 - 10:30 CCC HALL - A SESSION 14: Different Aspects of Gender and Politics SESSION 15: Gendered Concepts: War, Peace, Development, Public Opinion SESSION 16: Literature as an Epiphany of Real Life SESSION 17: The Colors of Gender Discrimination: Blue and White Collars, Professionals, and ‘Others’ (Toplumsal Cinsiyet Ayrımcılığının Renkleri: Mavi ve Beyaz Yakalılar, Profesyoneller, ‘Ötekiler’) *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum Chair: Şule Toktaş Chair: Aslı Çırakman Deveci Chair: Güzin Yamaner Chair: Nurcan Özkaplan Eda Acara Mahalle/Neighbourhood: As an Extension of Ethnic and Gender Segregation Hilal Alkan Gendered Truths: Of War, of Peace and of Peace-Making Hatice Palaz Erdemir, İlkay Şahin Woman Images in Comedies of Aristophanes Elif Ekin Akşit-Vural Publishing and Public Lives Efser Rana Coşkun Approaching Bosnian War in Light of ‘Violence Against Women’ and ‘Gendered Violence’ K. Zeynep Sarıaslan Feminists’ Engagements in Development: An Anthropological Investigation of Perceptions and Experiences of Gender-Balanced Development in Southeast Anatolia. Gitta Hilke Glüpker-Kesebir Women and Public Support for EU Membership: Sweden and Turkey Anita Oğurlu Lilo Linke: A Spirit of Insubordination Aysun Öner Workplace Discrimination Against White-Collar Lesbians and Gays and Their Coping Strategies in Turkey Gül Özsan Female Shopkeepers and Gendering Urban Space: Female Shopkeeping in Caferağa Neighborhood, Kadıköy Leyla Bulut, Pınar Börü The Role of Workplace Clothing in Creating Social Identity: A Case Study With Professional Women in İstanbul and İzmir Daria Goryacheva, Anna Sanina Value Orientations of Women Local Administration in Russia Senem Ertan Confusion of Terminology on Policies for Gender Equality Peyman Eshaghi Nobility, Cult of Saints and Gendered Piety: Royal Women and Politics of Religious Endowments (WAQF) of Pilgrimage in Iran C. Akça Ataç Women in Pursuit of the Truth: How to Deal With a Big ‘Fat’ Lie in Public Sphere Anupama Vohra Culture, Conflict and Evolving Gender Identities in Sharmishtha Koul’s Endless Longings Gökşen Aras Susan Rawlings’ Enclosed Freedom and Eventual Estrangement in To Room Nineteen by Doris Lessing Sernaz Arslan A Gendered Approach to Citizenship: A Critical Reading of Lying Down to Die and Write Long Letters to Me Sinem Hun, Nihan Erdoğan Trans Sex Workers in the Axis of Violence, Justice and Gender Identity Derya Güler Aydın, Bahar Araz Takay The Alienation Problem of the ‘Women’ in the Market ** Simultaneous translation from Turkish to English is provided. Coffee break, 10:30 - 10:45 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH OCTOBER, SATURDAY 10:45 - 12:15 CCC HALL - B SESSION 18: Operationalization of Feminist Theories and Perspectives SESSION 19: Media: A Strategy for Women’s (Mis)Representation CCC HALL - A SESSION 20: Lives of Women Squeezed Into Structures (Yapılara Sıkıştırılmış Kadın Yaşamları) Moderator: Olcay İmamoğlu Chair: Nurten Birlik Chair: Simten Coşar Chair: Ruken Öztürk Smita Tewari Jassal Interrogating Western Feminist Paradigms: India as an Example of the Non-West M. Isabel Garrido Gómez Discursive Perspectives in the Feminist Theory Esin Berktaş How Do We Visualize Women in War Propaganda Posters: Soldiers, Mothers and Families Esra Gedik Trapped in Between State, Market and Family: Experiences of Moderately Educated Divorced and Widow Women Nigar Shiralizade Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's Post-Colonial Feminist View on International Relations Sotirios Bampatzimopoulos Female Action Hero vs. Male Dominance: Female Representation in Mad Max: Fury Road Ayşe Yıldırım From Arranged Marriages to Marriage Brokers: Reconstruction of Tradition in Border Regions Berrin Oktay Yılmaz, Ayşe Öztürk, Egemen Kepekçi A Different Approach to Feminist Standpoint Theory: Kathi Weeks’ View on Women’s ‘Labour’ Practices Zehra Çiftci Experiences That Matter: Narratives of Women Struggling Against Masculine Authority Duygu Öztaş, Esma Kabasakal A Public Health Problem: Syrian Women Refugees Pınar Yanardağ Feminist Perspectives on Gerontology and Aging Studies Görkem Kutluer A Powerful Tool for Female Struggle: Feminist Art Gülser Öztunalı Kayır Women Murders Are Political Issues and What Should Be Done to Prevent FemicideFeminicide? Guest Speakers Sedef Arat-Koç Ambiguity and Silence on Social Reproduction: Turkish Feminist Research and Politics in a Context of Rising Conservatism CCC HALL - F CCC HALL - E *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum Seda Öz Yıldız Woman Trouble of the Police: A Study on Gender Equality Awareness of Turkish National Police ** Simultaneous translation from Turkish to English is provided. Lunch break, 12:15 - 13:15 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH OCTOBER, SATURDAY 10:45 - 12:15 CCC HALL - H CCC HALL - C CCC HALL - D CCC HALL - G SESSION 21: Feminism(s) in the World SESSION 22: Our Past, Present and Future: Education SESSION 23: What We Also Care for: Masculinities SESSION 24: Gendered Roles: The Iceberg of Construction Chair: Meliha Altunışık Chair: Mine Tan Chair: Arda Arıkan Chair: Birsen Talay Keşoğlu Diana Elena Neaga Consolidating Feminisms – Tips and Tricks From the Romanian Experience Oana Gui Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics): A View From Inside Çağrı Yılmaz, Kübra Özdemir Reproduction of Masculine Language Through Caps Cristiana Ottaviano Motherhood: (Still) Women's Destiny? Fatima Taourite The Impact of Colonization on Feminism: The Case of French Colonization in Algeria Jhuma Sen Towards a Feminist Pedagogy of Clinical Legal Education: Challenges and the Possibilities of Transformative Learning Defne Erzene Bürgin, Selin Bengi Gümrükçü How Do Male University Students Perceive Women? Hande Eslen-Ziya, Umut Korkut The Construction of Gender Roles in Turkish Mosque Sermons Züleyha İzin Islamic Feminism in a European Context: The Case of Spain Nesrin Akıncı Çötok, Selcen Vodinalı An Interactivity and Knowledge Sharing Ambiance: East Marmara Region Woman Academy Project Souzeina Mushtaq Against All Odds: Transgender Community in India Luisa Miniati Fathers Finding Themselves: New Symmetries and Different Models Kawkab Al-Thaibani Feminism in Yemen: Uneasy Path for Women Brikena (Buda) Dhuli, Kseanela Sotirofski The Impact of Educated Women in Child Education Sayed Md Saikh Imtiaz The Making of BraveMen: Boys, Construction of Masculinities and a VAW & G Prevention Campaign in Schools in the Northern Bangladesh Anju Thappa Cultural Practices and Depiction of Gender Roles in Society and Literature Lunch break, 12:15 - 13:15 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH OCTOBER, SATURDAY 13:15 - 14:45 Experience Sharing Among Generations (Kuşaklararası Deneyim Paylaşımı) CCC HALL - B CCC HALL - C CCC HALL - D CCC HALL - F Guest Speakers Guest Speakers Guest Speakers *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum SESSION 25: This Is the Beginning, We Will Keep Fighting: Political Activism Moderator: Mehmet Ecevit Moderator: Canan Aslan-Akman Moderator: Ayşe Saktanber Chair: Yeşim Arat Fatma Belkıs Kümbetoğlu Aksu Bora Aslı Davaz Zeynep Gülru Göker Gender and Political Action: The Case of the Gezi Resistance in Turkey Ayşe N. Durakbaşa Hürcan Aslı Aksoy Gendering Democratic Policy Making in Turkey: Kemalist Women’s Activism in the Justice and Development Party (AKP) Era Will Day and Dilan Ateş Gender and Radical Democracy: Reflections on the Emerging Kurdish Experiment in Turkey Eser Köker Alev Özkazanç Gülnur Savran Güzin Yamaner Dilek Cindoğlu (in alphabetical order) (in alphabetical order) (in alphabetical order) Coffee break, 14:45 - 15:00 Sevil Çakır Kılınçoğlu Women in the Radical Leftist Organizations in Iran and Turkey in the 1970s METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH OCTOBER, SATURDAY 13:15 - 14:45 CCC HALL - A SESSION 26: In Between Fact and Fiction: Gender, Femininities, and Sexism (Gerçek ve Kurgu Arasında: Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Kadınlık Durumları ve Cinsiyetçilik) *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum Chair: Nilay Çabuk Kaya Çilem Tuğba Akdağ, Mehmet Köprü Mapping the Myth of Femininity Over Two Provocative Directors of Extremism: Anti-Christ and Anatomy of Hell Fatmagül Demirel The Analysis of Women Reader Letters in the Early Republican Era Alev Önder Gender in the Short Story Collection Kızıl Kale Gülcan Çolak Gender in Turkish Words Sezer Ayan, Veda Bilican Gökkaya Sexism: Ambivalent Sexism ** Simultaneous translation from Turkish to English is provided. Coffee break, 14:45 - 15:00 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH OCTOBER, SATURDAY 15:00 - 16:30 CCC HALL - D CCC HALL - C CCC HALL - B CCC HALL - A SESSION 27: Depiction of Gender SESSION 28: What One Dies of and Ideology, Heteronormativity and Sexism for: Family & Marriage SESSION 29: Collecting Memoirs: Women’s History SESSION 30: We Were, Are and Will Be: Women’s Education (Vardık, Varız, Var Olacağız: Kadınların Eğitimi) *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum Chair: Betül Yarar Chair: Aytül Kasapoğlu Chair: Füsun Çoban Döşkaya Chair: Funda Şenol Cantek İlknur Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, Eva Bernhardt Gender Ideology, Education, and Religious Practice in Turkey Ayşe Nilüfer Durakbaşa Intricacies of Social Class in the Domestic Sphere: The Case of ‘Evlatlık’s in Turkey Aslı Davaz Women-Centered Archives Birsen Talay Keşoğlu The Ottoman Empire’s First Private Women Courses (Bilgi Yurdu Dersanesi) and Its Periodical Bilgi Yurdu Işığı Canan Şahin Masculine Performatives of Female Body: Queering the Hegemonic? Neharica Subhash Social Space and Identity in Inter-Religious Marriages: A Case Study of Jammu City Erman Örsan Yetiş The Feminist History in the Pursuit of Fatma Aliye Aylin Çakıroğlu Çevik, Ayşe Gündüz Hoşgör Women in Higher Education in Turkey: What Has Changed in 100 Years? İrem İnceoğlu Gendering Football Stadia: A Critical Look Into Women’s Presence in Tribunes in Turkey Neerja Ahlawat Marriage Norms, Notion of Honour and Choices in Haryana, India Eylem Nazlı Taşdemir Suat Derviş (1905-1972): A Friend of the Soviet Union (The Experience of a Woman in the Turkish Left in the 20th Century) Ayşenur Erkol, Gülcan Sarıkaya, Pelin Yalçınoğlu Primary School Students’ Experience With Scientists: Who Is Our Madam Curie? Nilüfer Ercan, Özden Melis Uluğ “You See That Driver? I Bet That’s a Woman!”: A Social Psychological Approach to Understand Sexism in Traffic Pınar Eke Wedding Photos and Zeitgeist: A Reading on Femininity, Masculinity, Love and Marriage Zahra Ganji Feminism in the Communist State: Alexandra Kollontai and the Failure of Soviet Utopia in Women’s Emancipation Hatice Köroğlu Türközü Women's Status in Korean Society Gabriela Pavlova Demographic Change in Europe: Fertility, Child-Friendly Policies, and Their Implementation Coffee break, 16:30 - 16:45 ** Simultaneous translation from Turkish to English is provided. METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH OCTOBER, SATURDAY 15:00 - 16:30 CCC HALL - F CCC HALL - G CCC HALL - E CCC HALL - H SESSION 31: The Sights of Women’s Labour SESSION 32: Feminist Politics in Turkey SESSION 33: Women’s Organizations and the State Chair: İlknur Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu Chair: F. Umut Beşpınar Chair: Ayşegül Aydıngün SESSION 34: The Haze of Gender in Literature Chair: Nadide Karkıner Ayşe Gönüllü Atakan, Ayşe Gündüz Hoşgör Daughters’ Involvement in Patriarchal Bargaining in Rural Turkey: The Case of Avanos Zuhal Yeşilyurt Gündüz Turkey: On Women’s Bodies and Insecurities Serap Suğur, İncilay Cangöz, Temmuz Gönç, Hatice Yeşildal Blurring the Boundaries Between the State and Autonomy: The Case of Women’s Organizations in Eskişehir Nawel Zbidi Negotiating Gendered Liminal Identities at the Borderland in Arab American Women Literature: Laila Halaby’s West of the Jordan as a Case in Point F. Kemal Kızılca Booze and Women: Gendered Labour Market Outcomes of Secular Consumption in a Muslim Society Ayşegül Gökalp Kutlu A Discourse Analysis on Turkey’s Justice and Development Party Government on the Human Rights of Women Betül Ekşi Women's Movements/Groups and the State: Three Patterns of Engagement Gülben Salman Shores Marjane Satrapi's Embroideries: Being Trapped in the Dilemma Between Traditional and Modern Ayşe Arslan Unpaid Women Workers in the Family: Women's Reproductive Labour Fulya Pınar Women’s Reproductive Rights in Turkey and Studies of Women on Web Berrin Koyuncu, Aylin Özman Reflections on Women’s Associations’ Interface With the State in Turkey in the Third AKP Rule Ferah İncesu Blur on Gender and Its Relevancies in Symons' Poem "White Heliotrope" Meltem Yılmaz Şener Can Women Have Gold-Collars: Work Life for Educated Women in Turkey Fethiye Beşir A Discourse Analysis of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP): Agonistic Politics With a Feminist Perspective Çağla Diner, Catherine A. Long Appropriation of Social Representation in Turkey: The Turkish State, Women’s Civil Society Organizations and Business Associations Zehra Aydın The Anxiety of Female Authorship in J.M. Coetzee’s Foe Coffee break, 16:30 - 16:45 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH OCTOBER, SATURDAY 16:45 - 18:15 CCC HALL - A CCC HALL - F CCC HALL - B CCC HALL - D SESSION 35: The Path for Praxis: Academy and Civil Society (Praksise Giden Yol: Akademi ve Sivil Toplum) SESSION 36: Feminist Epistemology and Method SESSION 37: Gender, Care and Employment in the 2000s in Turkey SESSION 38: Women’s Knowledge in Women’s Labour Chair: Hülya Demirdirek Chair: Mehmet Ecevit Chair: Feride Acar Chair: Sibel Kalaycıoğlu Gökçe Bayrakçeken Tüzel Is Knowing Changing: Political Observations From Gender and Human Rights-Based Monitoring E. Burcu G. Marshall Women’s Bodies as First Colony: A Study in the Hybrid Feminist Personal Saniye Dedeoğlu Female Employment Policies and Gender Regime in Turkey Ayşe Abbasoglu Özgören, Banu Ergöçmen, Aysıt Tansel Women’s Employment and Fertility: Event-History Analyses of Turkey Nisan Kuyucu Transgressing the Borders: An Example of the Unification of Academia and Activism Şeyda Başlı Feminist Epistemology and Literature: ‘Relationality’ as a Valid Epistemological Source Melda Yaman Decoding the Tendencies of Female Employment in Turkey’s Industrial Strategy Eser Selen, Mary Lou O'Neil Şimşek Reviving the Ghosts: An Oral History With the Women Workers of Cibali Tobacco Factory Ayça Kurtoğlu A Call for Transversal Politics in the Field of Rights in Turkey Nezihe Başak Ergin, Esin İleri Emotions With/Without Women: Why? How? Reyhan Atasü Topçuoğlu Who Is Supposed to Care? Discussing Gender Roles and Commodification of Care in and out of Turkish Welfare State Karolina Thel Professional Activity of Elderly Women in the Context of Intergenerational Perspective in Women’s Knowledge Analyses Nadide Karkıner Feminist Method: The Personal History of Experiences in Feminist Research Gülbanu Altunok Female Subjectivity, Sovereign and Biopower: Neoconservatism in Turkish Context Bermal Küçük Women’s Knowledge in Natural Food Production *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum ** Simultaneous translation from Turkish to English is provided. METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 10TH OCTOBER, SATURDAY 16:45 - 18:15 CCC HALL - G CCC HALL - C CCC HALL - H CCC HALL - E SESSION 39: High Hurdles of the Mind: Gendered Roles SESSION 40: The Growing Side of the Medallion: Masculinities SESSION 41: The Sound of Silence: Migration SESSION 42: From Micro to Macro Entities: Literature Chair: Serap Suğur Chair :Serkan Ertin Chair: Helga Rittersberger-Tılıç Chair :Funda Civelekoğlu Shu-Chuan Lai Textile Weaving Technique and Social Memory for Tayal Women in Taiwan Maral Erol No Andropause for Gay Men? Aging and Sexuality in İstanbul Tuba Demirci Yılmaz Prospects and Boundaries of Gender Mainstreaming in Flight Migration: Syrian Refugee Women’s Experiences in İstanbul Zöhre Baş Does Euripides Want His Readers to Sympathise With Medea? İnci User Gender and Trauma: A Critical Review Cenk Özbay A Self-Vigilant Subject: Drawn Stories, Neoliberal Culture and Masculinities in Turkey Cemile Gizem Dinçer Being T/Here: Experiences of Women Migrant Domestic Workers From Georgia in Turkey Gökçem Menekşe Gökçen Fresh Air of Eyes: The New Story of Ammu’s Body in The God of Small Things Özümcan Demir, Pınar Kaygan Fountain Pens: Gender Asymmetries in Managerial Careers Mehmet Bozok How Should We Deal With Men and Masculinities? The History of Critical Studies on Men and Masculinities in the West and in Turkey Özge Kaytan Understanding Migration: BulgarianTurkish Migrant Women's Narratives Cristina Chifane Women (Re)Discovering Their Identity in Nick Hornby’s How to Be Good (2001) and Juliet, Naked (2009) Asena Altın Gülova, Deniz İspirli, İnan Eryılmaz The Use of Power Within Organizations: A Gender-Based Research Uğur Çalışkan, Çimen Günay-Erkol Crisis of Islamist Masculinities in 1968: Literature and Masquerade Selin Akyüz Governing Gendered Map of Forced Migration: The Interplay of Macro Structures and Micro Experiences Gönül Bakay Fraye Stark: A Life of Challenges METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 11TH OCTOBER, SUNDAY 09:00 - 10:30 CCC HALL - C SESSION 43: Layers of Women’s Labour CCC HALL - H SESSION 44: Depictions of Women’s Representations in Media CCC HALL - B SESSION 45: Body Politics: Our Bodies, Ourselves! CCC HALL - A SESSION 46: Migration: Time’s Travel Through Hurdles Chair: Meltem Dayıoğlu Chair: Hanife Aliefendioğlu Chair: Asuman Göksel Chair: Reyhan Atasü Topçuoğlu Sangeeta Goel Unleashing Stress for Equitable Growth: A Case for Policy to Remove Obstacles From Full Participation of Working Women Özge Güven Akdoğan Women in Modern Turkish Comedy Films Mine Egbatan Creating Shadows out of Sex Workers in Public Space: Mobility and Visibility in Ulus/Ankara Muhammed Wajid Tahir High Female Enrolment at Universities but Low Participation in Labour Force Market in Pakistan: A Sociocultural and Political Analysis of Paradox Çiğdem Akanyıldız Popular Feminism and the Contemporary Construction of Femininity in Popular Women’s Magazines in Turkey in the 1990s Tuğba Özcan The Ambivalent Political Agency of Intellectual Religious Women in Turkey: A Case Study of the Abortion Debate in 2012 Elise Rondelez, Sarah Bracke, Griet Roets, Piet Bracke The Other Subject of Mental Health: A Theoretical Exploration of the Underrepresentation of Migrant Muslims With Mental Health Issues in Belgium Hilal Kara A Female Domestic Worker’s Travel and Urban Story: Understanding ‘Urban’ in Her Eyes Masreka Khan, Ekrem Erdem A Feminist Inquiry on Women Entrepreneurs in Selective Muslim Countries Ayşe Savaş Women's Representation in Media: From the Housewife to the Sex Object Yasemin Güniz Sertel Who Is the Owner of My Body: Woman, Body Politics and Eating Disorders Fatma Özlem Tezcek, Özlem Polat Home-Based Working Women Within the Context of Recent Developments in the Social Reproduction Theory: The Turkish Case Merve Aydın The Representation of Women in International Media During Gezi Park Protests Elena Bogomiagkova, Marina Lomonosova Role of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Production of New Forms of Social Control and Discrimination Nihan Aytekin Body, Emotions and Power: Communicating Gender in the Advertisements of Body Hair Removal Products Ebru Eren Becoming a Gendered Body: Feminist Analysis of Gender and Power Relations Coffee break, 10:30 - 10:45 Zarina Muminova Male Labour Migration: How Does the Absence of Husbands Shape Women Structured Identity and Role in a Tajik Patriarchal Society? Bahar Taşeli Narratives of Turkish Migrant Women in Cyprus METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 11TH OCTOBER, SUNDAY 09:00 - 10:30 CCC HALL - D CCC HALL - F CCC HALL - G CCC HALL - E SESSION 47: Women’s Political Representation SESSION 48: ‘Love Your Mother Earth’: Eco-Feminism SESSION 49: That We Are Able: Technology SESSION 50: What We Were Born Into: Norms, Role Models, Cultural Practices Chair: A. İdil Aybars Chair: Nahide Konak Chair: Berna Zengin Chair: Katharina Bodirsky Bahar Taner, Esra A. Kösele, Nilay Hoşaf The Long Journey of Women Into Politics in Turkey: Will It Ever Be Possible to Reverse the Bad Fortune? Şenay Eray Public Policy on Gender Equality in Turkey: Political Representation Sengül Kılınç The Critique of Essentialism and Reconstruction of Dualist Hierarchy in Eco-Feminism Ece Öztan, Setenay Nil Doğan Gendering the Innovator: The Case of R&D in Turkey Anita Misra Shukla Changing Normative Pattern in an Urban Setting: A Study With Special Reference to Gender Relations in Indian Society Nilgün Okay, N. Fandoğlu, İ. İlkkaracan, A. Akalın Gender Sensitive Disaster Risk Management and Dissemination Lejla Music Postmodern Eco-Feminist Theories and Politics Hasan Tınmaz, İlker Yakın Technologic or Technophobic Youth: Preliminary Survey on Gender Anke Reichenbach Gender, Nationality and Public Space: The Case of Emirati Women in Dubai Ezgi Pehlivanlı Kadayıfçı Gendered Construction of Engineering Culture in Turkey: Construction and Transformation Kerimcan Kavaklı, Öykü Uluçay Does Exposure to Female Role Models Increase Leadership Aspirations: A Randomized Experiment in Civic Involvement Projects Gaye Tuncer, Elvan Şahin Sustainability Is What My Mom Says! Malgorzata Radkiewicz Visual Technology and the Emancipation of Women at the End of 19th and Beginning of the 20th Century in the Polish Galicia Sinem Güdüm Women in Technology: Google Women Tech-Makers Case Ebru Karayiğit Gendered Fields in Women's Leisure Time Experiences: A Study on 'Gün' Meetings in Ankara Nigar Değirmenci Female MPs, Party Quotas and Feminist Institutionalism: A Case Study of the Parties in the 24th Term of Turkish Parliament Burcu Nur Binbuğa Examining Pro-Kurdish Parties From Women Representation Jasbir Singh “Mute Spectator?” Influence of Politics Proxy on Women’s Identity: A Case Study of Socio-Cultural Dimension in India Coffee break, 10:30 - 10:45 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 11TH OCTOBER, SUNDAY 10:45 - 12:15 CCC HALL - H CCC HALL - G CCC HALL - E CCC HALL - F SESSION 51: Religious Practices of Women in Turkey SESSION 52: That We Are Everywhere: Women’s Activism SESSION 53: Making Feminist Research and Methodology SESSION 54: What We Experience: The Personal Is Political Chair: Aylin Akpınar Chair: Ayça Kurtoğlu Chair: Banu Ergöçmen Chair: Smita Tewari Jassal Fatma Zehra Fidan, Nuran Erol Işık Unmasking the Tension Between Modernization and Gendered Piety: An Ethnographic Research on Women and Religion in Urban Turkey Marina Lourenço-Yılmaz Gender Matters: International Mobilisation for the Protection of Women Human Rights Defenders Hilal Arslan Gender Based Happiness Inequality: As an Alternative Measure for Women’s Well-Being Emine Geçgil Moderation vs. Militancy: The Rhetoric of American Suffrage Movement Petek Onur From Orientalism to Cultural Relativism: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Field Studies and Ethnographies on Women and Islam in Turkey Berrin Koyuncu Lorasdağı, Ahu Sumbas Considering Women’s Experiences as Female Mayors in Combating Violence Against Women in Turkey: The Cases of 2004 and 2009 Local Elections Billur Dokur Culinary Apprenticeship: Reflecting on Women’s Knowledge and Feminist Research Sima Nabizadeh, Türkan Ulusu Uraz The Active Agency of Iranian Women in PostRevolutionary Era Halide Velioğlu Mukabele Gatherings and Koran Courses in Safranbolu: Intimate, Aesthetic and Gendered Registers of Belief İpek Bozkurt Women Homicides in Turkey: The Seek for Justice Before Death Özge Yaka The Use of Feminist Methodologies in Social Movement Research: The Case of Community Resistances Against Hydroelectric Power Plants in Turkey’s Black Sea Region Parveen Kumari, Anupama Vohra Silence to Speaking: Women Articulating New Identities Through Dalit Life Narrative Gökçen Beyinli Contesting National Identities in Religious Spaces: Tangible Reconstruction of ‘Shrine Visit Tradition’ in Modern Turkey Aida Abzhaparova International Norms, Local Activism, and Identity of Women: Investigating National Anti-FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) Campaigns From the Perspective of Affected Communities in Bristol, UK Lunch break, 12:15 - 13:15 Atilla Barutçu, Figen Uzar Özdemir Media Coverage of International Women’s Day Demonstrations in Turkey After 2002 METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 11TH OCTOBER, SUNDAY 10:45 - 12:15 CCC HALL - B CCC HALL - D CCC HALL - C CCC HALL - A SESSION 55: To Be and to Remain: Women’s Politics SESSION 56: Doing Gender and Women’s Studies Session 57: Where We (F)are Well: Migration to Turkey SESSION 58: Why We Struggle: Gender Equality, Mainstreaming and Empowerment Chair: Ceylan Tokluoğlu Chair: Ayşe Gündüz Hoşgör Chair: Demet Varoğlu Chair: Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat Raniero Speelman-Özkan Atatürk and the Turkish Women's Revolution as Seen Through Italian Eyes Birten Çelik The Importance of Interdisciplinary Studies for the Development of Gender Studies in Turkey Wenchi Tsai Olcel How I Met Your Father (and Married Him and Live in Turkey): Chinese Women Immigrants in Turkey Meneviş Uzbay Pirili, Derya Altun Erdem, Merve Pirili Gender Equality Capacity Assessment: A Case Study at İstanbul and İzmir Municipalities Naseraddin Alizadeh, Robabeh Taghizadehzonuz A Horizontal View Toward the Gender Revolution in Modern Turkey: The Turkish Modern Women in the Eyes of Iranian Nationalists Suzanna Eddyono Gendered Identity in Narratives of the Nation and the Ideal Citizen in PostSuharto Indonesia Pınar Ezgi Burç Women and Gender Studies: Insiders’ View Ayşen Üstübici Gendering Migrant Illegality in Turkey Nurdan Z. Atalay Güneş Understanding Gender Mainstreaming Projects: A Field Study of Women’s NGOs in Mardin, Turkey Aditi Sabur Women and Gender Studies in Bangladesh: Emergence, Struggles and Trajectories Meriç Çağlar, Seçil Paçacı Elitok From Lives in Transit to Irregularity: Intersectional Discrimination Against African Migrant Women in Istanbul Avneet Kaur Gender Perspective in Electronic Governance Initiative in India: Use of ICT for Women Empowerment Zahida Suleman Muslim Women's Role in Colonial Punjab: A Case Study of Jahanara Shah Nawaz Özlem Ezer Feminism, Mon Amour: A Cross-Cultural and Personal Analysis of "Doing Women and Gender Studies" Sharmin Rashid Begging, Vulnerability and Governmentality Cansu Dayan Gender and Women’s Studies Between Academia and Feminism: Academic Otherness Lunch break, 12:15 - 13:15 Rahima Noori Gender Equality Required in Afghanistan METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM 11TH OCTOBER, SUNDAY 13:15 - 14:45 FINAL SESSION *Turkish Session/Türkçe Oturum CCC HALL - A Keynote Speaker Prof. Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat Department of Political Science, University of Connecticut/USA Challenges for Feminist Theory and Politics: Struggling for Gender Equality or Empowerment? Wrap-Up Yıldız Ecevit, Serpil Sancar ** Simultaneous translation from Turkish to English is provided. METU GWS CONFERENCE 2015 FINAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES & EVENTS 09th OCTOBER, FRIDAY Dance Installation “Sharing Identities” by Özgür Adam İnanç & Güzin Yamaner 09:00-09:30 Foyer area, CCC Art Exhibition Red Art Initiative 09:00 Foyer area, CCC Cocktail 18:00-19:30 Foyer area, CCC Alumni Reunion 18:00-19:30 Foyer area, CCC Photo Exibition by Aysun Öner ‘Translife’ Opening 18:00 Exhibition Center, CCC 18:00-18:50 Foyer area, CCC 10th OCTOBER, SATURDAY Modern Dance Performance-Discussion “Complexion” by Özgür Adam İnanç & Güzin Yamaner Round Table 12:15-13:15 “Feminist Publishing Facilitators” by Elif Ekin Akşit-Vural & Eda Acara Commemoration Ceremony “Prof. Ferhunde Özbay” 11th OCTOBER, SUNDAY City Tour Only for registered participants Exhibition Hall, CCC To be announced on the notice board at CCC 13:15-15:45 Parking Area, CCC