“Fonksiyonel Kısıtlama” ve Malabsorpsiyon


“Fonksiyonel Kısıtlama” ve Malabsorpsiyon


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Bibliography . “Gendering the Modern: On Missing Dimensions in the Study of Turkish Modernity.”, in Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1997, pp. 113–13...


Yapay pankreas - Türk Diyabet Cemiyeti

Yapay pankreas - Türk Diyabet Cemiyeti Nathan et al. The New Engl J Med. 1993; 329(14); Tamborlane et al. The New Engl J Med. 2008;359:1464-1476.:Bergenstal et al. N Engl J Med. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1002853: Battelino et al. Diabetologia D...
