Security Consultation and Planning Security Training and Inspection
Security Consultation and Planning Security Training and Inspection
Security Consultation and Planning The Steele Foundation Jan 05-03 2008 İstanbul The Steele Foundation Dec 14 2007 İstanbul The Steele Foundation Nov 24 2007 İstanbul Chevron Executives Sep 25-29 2007 İstanbul The Steele Foundation Sep 25 2007 İstanbul Queen Rania (Jordan) Feb 2006 Istanbul International Local Auth. Peace Conference Microsoft -Turkey 25-28 Sept 2005 Nevşehir Cem Hakko Karamehmet Holding Board members 2000 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 Kaldera Holding Karamancı Holding Park Investment Bank 2000 2001 1998,1999,2000 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 Park Menkul Değerler Yapı Kredi Bankası 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 1996,1997,1998,1999 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 Security Training and Inspection Fraud/Counterfeit Prevention Training Fraud/Counterfeit Prevention Training Fraud/Counterfeit Prevention Training Fraud/Counterfeit Prevention Training Fraud/Counterfeit Prevention Training Fraud/Counterfeit Prevention Training Microsoft- Turkey (Evasive driving techniques) TekstilBank Jan 2008 TekstilBank Apr-Dec 2007 FinansBank Jan-Dec 2007 FinansBank Jun-Oct 2006 DenizBank Jun 2005 FinansBank Jun 2005 Jun 2004 İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 1 Aventis Pharma -Turkey (Security awareness for all) Sensormatic _Turkey (Security awareness for all) Microsoft- Turkey (Evasive driving techniques) Microsoft –Turkey (Security awareness for all) Kaldera Holding Security Guards Yapı Kredi Istanbul Headq. Security Guards Park Bank Headquarters Security Guards Body Guard Basic Training (Çukurova Holding Board Members) January 2003 August 2001 June 2001 April 2001, June 2001 2000 1996,1997,1998,1999 1997,1998 1998 VIP Personal Security (Close Protection) Volvo Turkey Gen.Manager Clive Oven (Actor) K.Leung(Harry Potter actrist) F.Weasley-G.Weasley (Harry Potter actors) Craig Mundio (Microsoft Executive) Sezen Aksu (Pop Singer) Andrea Bocelli Bob Geldof Brad Anderson/ BestBuy Ceo Sting Jean Claude Van Damme George Soros Catharina Denevue Gerard Depardue Bill Gates Woody Allen Coca cola executives AB Representetives Harvey Keitel Renault CEO visit R. Schumacher F1 Pilot İstanbul visit Sophia Loren Dec 2007 İstanbul Sep 2007 İstanbul Agust 2007 İstanbul Agust 2007 İstanbul March 02 2007 İstanbul Mrc-Apr/2007 İstanbul 20-22/01/2007 İstanbul 07/12/2006 27/10-05/11 2006 İstanbul Jly 2006 İstanbul June 2006 İstanbul June 2006 İstanbul Apr 2006 İstanbul Apr 2006 İstanbul Jan. 2006 Istanbul Dec. 2005 Istanbul Aug. 2005 İstanbul Apr 2005 Conrad Istanbul Film Festival April 2005 May 2005 Bursa Apr 2005 Çırağan Istanbul Film Festival April 2005 İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 2 Russ Granik Bill Gates Pink Samsung Vice-President Kraft Foods Int Exec. Kodak Film World Representatives Moby Hulya AVSAR Pier Luigi COLLİNNA (FIFA Referee Diane SAWYER (ABC News Good Morning America) Claire SHIPMAN (ABC News Good Morning America) HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Abdul Aziz Alsaud Anthony BURGMANS World Cup Eros Ramazotti Niall Fitzgerald Steve BALLMER Cameron Diaz Candan ERÇETİN Sarah FERGUSON Kaldera Holding John Deere Executives Mr. Luciano Benetton Mr. Olivera TOSCANI Chaka KHAN NBA Deputy Commissioner CEO Microsoft Ankara January 2005 Pop Singer July 2004 Istanbul July 2004 Istanbul July 2003 Istanbul (Tekser Tourism) July 2003 Istanbul (AGE Organization) June 2003-Istanbul April 2003-Istanbul February 2003 Istanbul February 2003 Istanbul February 2003 Istanbul Saudi Royal Family Istanbul 2003 Ünilever World Executive; His visits in Istanbul 26/05/2002 Istanbul Visit 25-29 January 2002 Italian Singer His visits and concert in Istanbul 27-30 June 2001 Unilever World CEO His visits in Istanbul 25-29 June 2001/23-24 February 2003 Microsoft CEO his visits in Istanbul June 2001 Hollywood star on her visits to Turkey December 2000 Pop Singer, all concerts and organizations and her travels 19992000-2001 York Duchess, on her visits to Turkey 1998 Chairman of the Company February 1999- March 2001 December. 2000-2001 President of United Colors of Benetton, on his visits to Southern Anatolia and Istanbul The Art Director of United Colors of Benetton, on his visit to Turkey Pop Singer, on her visits to Turkey for Yapı Kredi Bank Youth Festival Concerts. İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 3 Nigel KENEDDY Vanessa MAE Ebru GÜNDEŞ Dr.Georg KELLINGHUSEN Violinist, on her visits to Turkey for Yapı Kredi Bank Youth Festival Concerts. Violinist, on her visits to Turkey for special concert. Singer, on her hospital period O.Tel.O CEO, on his visits to Turkey Site Security Services Sinemaj Film Prod. Sait Halim Pasha Expolsion Textile Sinefekt Post Prod Building MaxMara Central Office Building Sinemaj Film Yapım A.Ş. Sinemaj Dijital Film Yapım Sinefekt Gora Film Project SwissOtel The Bosporus KPMG (Cevdet Denetim ve Yeminli Müşavirlik A.Ş Barbaros Plaza BIP (Bosphourus International Schools) Warner Bross Kaldera Holding 2004-2008 2007 2006-2007 2005 2005 2004-2005-2006-2007 2004-2005-2006-2007 Oct. Nov. 2005 2003-2004 2003 2003 2002-2003, 2003-2004 2002-2003 1999-2001 Meeting and Private Event Security Services Akaretler Complex Opening Mini Clup Man Lansman Ece Sükan Vintage 1th anniversary Kutsal Damacana Movıe Gala Tohum Foundation Turkey Paşabhçe Show ISO 2007 Congress Marble Show (Murat Patavi) 19 March 2008 Istanbul 20 March 2008 İstanbul Jan 29 2008 İstanbul İstanbul DOORS anniversary Maserati Lansman Kalder Foundation Gala Nov 15 2007 İstanbul Dec 18 2007İstanbul Dec 10 2007 (Esma Sultan ) İstanbul Nov 29 2007 (AyaIrıni) İstanbul Nov 26-27 Nov 15 2007 İstanbul Nov 14 2007 İstanbul (Otto Santral) Nov 2007 İstanbul (S.Halim Pahsa) İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 4 NIKE Lansman Harry Potter Movie Gala E.Maraşlıoğlu (Model) Lansman Fox Tv Opening Beynelmilel Movie Gala Takva Movie Gala Hayatımın Kadınısın Movie Gala Hokkabaz Movie Gala ISO Congress NTV 10. Anniversary Nıke Project Turkish Golf Fed. meeting Rothchild Bank İstanbul Meeting Quintessantiall Cancierge Lansman Meetings Coca Cola Finan. Markting Meetings NIKE Dance project Bill Gates Meeting Movie Gala (organize İşler) Movie Gala (Maskeli Beşler) Movie Gala(DöngelKarhanesi) Vakko (Opening) Wedding (Dürüst & Yalçın Family) Mavi Jean Fashion Show RedBull F1 Racing Team Party RedBull F1 Racing Team Bosporus Bridge Cross Sep 2007 İstanbul Agust 07-09 2007 İstanbul May 30 2007 İstanbul 05 March 2007 SwissOtel İstanbul 27/12/2006 28/11/2006 22 Oct 2006 İstanbul 18 Oct 2006 istanbul 01-02 Oct 2006 İstanbul 02 Oct 2006 istanbul 22 Sept 2006 İstanbul Aug 2006 İstanbul Jly 2006 İstanbul June 2006 İstanbul May 2006 İstanbul March 2006 Jan. 2006 Istanbul Dec. 2005 Istanbul Oct. 2005 Istanbul Oct. 2005 Istanbul Oct. 2005 Istanbul Ankara Mersin Aug. 2005 Ciragan Palace Istanbul Topane-I Amire 24 Agust. 2005 Küçüksu Palace Agust 21-2005 Dolma Bahçe Palace July 2005 April 2005 Istanbul Microsoft Summit 2005 Lütfi Kırdar Jan 2005 Burn MTV Dance Heat Coca Cola Activities Istanbul Modern Art Museum Opening Olympic Fire Tekin Acar Cosmetic (Opening) April 2005 Ankara, Eskişehir İzmir February 2005 Istanbul Hyatt hotel December 2004 Istanbul Movie Gala (MUSTAFA HAKKINDA HERŞEY) March 2004 Istanbul July 2004 (Istanbul) March 2004 İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 5 Movie Gala (VİZONTELE TUUBA ) Borusan Holding Panoramic Kapadokya tanıtımı ASMALI KONAK film gala’s PANERIA Saatlerinin tanıtım toplantısı “ESAS” Erkek giyim mağazası açılışı MENA Telco Summit EMEA Regional IT Meeting Microsoft XP shows -Istanbul Microsoft XP Road Show Organizations “UNO” breads “NEW GENERAL MANAGER” ceremony Kadir Has University Opening Ceremony Panasonic new product Promotion Microsoft -Turkey Star Tv Annual Celebration Laila Disco Best Model of the World Alarko Pasha Disco YapıKredi Exhibition Center Meetings and Exhibitions Jan. 2004 Istanbul Dec 2003 Istanbul September 2003 Istanbul September 2003 Istanbul l September 2003 Istanbul l 27-30/05/2002 Istanbul (Microsoft) 10-13/04/2002 Xnadu Hotel Antalya (Microsoft) 2002 Çorlu, Kocaeli, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Adana, İzmir 04 -23/03/2002 Istanbul 2003 Istanbul 13 February 2002 Istanbul 2002 Meetings, Exhibitions and Parties 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 Çırağan Palace 2000 Summer 2000 By Star TV. 1998 Summer 1995, 1996, 1997,1999 residential facilities 1995,1996,1997,1998 Event Security, Concert, Exhibition and Festival Security Book Fair Nov 2007 İstanbul (NTV) CEBIT Fair Sep 07-10 2007 İstanbul (NTV) BKM Concerts Sep 04-08 2007 İstanbul BKM Concerts Jun15-Jly03 2007 İstanbul Shakira Concert Jly 09 2007 (Arena ) İstanbul Leather Show 17 April 2007 İstanbul İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 6 Holiday On Ice 08-18 March 2007 Park Orman Kenan Doğulu Konsert 14 February 2007 Park Orman BKM Concerts Sep. 2006 Işın Karaca Koncert Jly 2006 Izmit Sting Concert Jly 2006 İstanbul R.Waters Concert June 2006 İstanbul BKM Concerts Jun/July 2006 “Organize İşler“ Film Plato Security BKM Concerts BKM Concerts Jun/July/August 2005 Carl Cox Party Massive Attack Concert 18 /07/2003 Maslak HIP Production 12 /07/2003 Maslak Parkorman- HIP Production 15 /06/ 2003 Maslak Parkorman-Pozitif Production 14/ 06/2003 Parkorman- Pozitif Production Istanbul 2003 Moby - Efes Pilsen “One Love” Festival Soul II Soul Efes Pilsen One love Festival Jale Yılmabaşar Painting Exhibition İlhan Şeşen Özdemir Erdoğan Ajda Pekkan Mazhar &Fuat& Özkan Yaşar Sertap Erener & Fahir Atakoğlu Haluk Levent Grup Gündoğarken Teoman Candan Erçetin Laço Tayfa & Taraf De Haidouks Marianne Fatihfull Okay Temiz Ritim Atölyesi Eric Truffaz & Billy Jun/July 2005 Jun/July 2004 06/08/2002 Most Production 04/08/2002 Most Production 03/08/2002 Most Production 01-02/08/2002 Most Production 31/07/2002 Most Production 30/07/2002 Most Production 26/07/2002 25/07/2002 24/07/2002 23/07/2002 18/07/2002 Festival Most Production Most Production Most Production Most Production International Istanbul Jazz 15/07/2002 International Istanbul Jazz Festival 13/07/2002 Açık Hava Tiyatrosu International Istanbul Jazz Festival 12/07/2002 Açık Hava Tiyatrosu İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 7 Cobhamm’s Art of Five Jan Garbarek Group H.Hancock, M.Brecker, Roy Hargrove Funk’n Lata &Daniela Mercury Charlie Parker Night Gönül Ülkü & Gazanfer Özcan 50th Art Year Celeberation Sultan’s of Dance Kıraç Sertap ERENER Sezen AKSU Ahmet Ertuğ Painting Exhibition Microsoft XP Road Show Organizations Group Athena Daimler Chrysler & Mercedes Benz Turkey Ottoman Day Alinur Dedeoğlu Wedding Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra’s Concert Jack Daniles 150th Birthday Party Lou Bega Madison Avenue Turkish Night Power FM 5th Birthday Party Leather Show 2000 Power FM Night Sonique Romina Jhonson Vakko New Year Party Sharon Williams TOFAS Auto Show 2000 International Istanbul Jazz Festival 11/07/2002 International Istanbul Jazz Festival 10/07/2002 International Istanbul Jazz Festival 09/07/2002 International Istanbul Jazz Festival 08/07/2002 International Istanbul Jazz Festival 04/07/2002 Açık Hava Tiyatrosu Dance show 22-23-25-26-2728/06/2002 Beşiktaş Kültür Merkezi Concert; 16/06/2002 Beşiktaş Kültür Merkezi Concert; 15/06/2002 Beşiktaş Kültür Merkezi Concert; 12-13-17 /06/2002 Beşiktaş Kültür Merkezi St. Sophia Museum 21/05/2002 (VIP tourism) Çorlu, Kocaeli, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Adana, İzmir 04 -23/03/2002 World Cup trophy concert 28 Jan.2002 Tophane-i Amire May 2001 Savarona Yacht Istanbul 2001 Hagi Irini (Aya İrini) Church May 2001 Istanbul 2000 Panasonik Party Istanbul 2000 Miller Party Istanbul 2000 Aksan Metal Aluminum Inc. Istanbul 2000 Vakkoroma Istanbul 2000 Istanbul 2000 Vakkoroma Istanbul 2000 Jack Daniels Party Istanbul 2000 Jack Daniels Party Istanbul 2000 Vakko Facility 2000 Miller Party Istanbul 2000 CNR exhibition Center Istanbul 2000 İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 8 Tarkan Michael Jackson Company Segundo DJ Yakuza Yapı Kredi’s “Emel Sayın— Modern Folk Trio” Concert Series Byzantium Millenniums Exhibition Anatolian Culture Exhibition Evolution Exhibition Ottoman’s Empire Exhibition Fikret Mualla Painting Exhibition Yavuz Tanyeli Painting Exhibition Iron Maiden Yapı Kredi Youth Festival Series Soul II Soul 75.Anivarserry Of Turkish Republic Exhibition Madonna Jethro Tull Renault Megane Presentation Concerts Stadium Bursa 1999 VIP Box Security 1998 Istanbul Culture and Art Foundation 7th International Istanbul Jazz Festival Istanbul Culture and Art Foundation 7th International Istanbul Jazz Festival Bursa,Adana,Gaziantep, Istanbul 1999 Yapı ve Kredi Bank Culture and Art Department 1999 Yapı ve Kredi Bank Culture and Art Department 1999 Yapı ve Kredi Bank Culture and Art Department 1999 Yapı ve Kredi Bank Culture and Art Department 1999 Yapı ve Kredi Bank Culture and Art Department 1999 Yapı ve Kredi Bank Culture and Art Department 1999 Istanbul Concerts Open Air Theatre 1995, 1996, 1997,1998 Istanbul Concerts Open Air Theatre Yapı ve Kredi Bank Culture and Art Department 1998 Stage Security 1997 Stage Security1996 International Membership IALEFI International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors A.S.I.S American Society for Industrial Security N.R.A National Rifle Association I.A.C.P International Association of Chiefs of Police ASLET American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers GESİDER Security Industries and Businessmen Association Note: We present our reference which has been prepared based on your secrecy and customer respect policy. We hope you would understand the policy behind the limited names presented. İstiklal Caddesi No 108 Kat :5 Beyoğlu TR 34430 İstanbul, TURKEY Tel:+90 (212) 251 1270 /76 Fax:+90 (212) 245 1897 9
Benzer belgeler
Güvenlik Danışmanlığı ve Planlama Hizmetleri The Steele
Nisan 2004 (IFR)
Mart 2004
Mart 2004 Ġstanbul
Ocak 2004 Ġstanbul
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03 Eylül 2003 ...