Dr. İmren YELMİŞ E-Mail: [email protected] Academic
Benzer belgeler
Yelmiş 1 Dr. İmren YELMİŞ E-Mail: [email protected]
4. ---. “Creativity as the ‘Substitute’ for Madness: A Freudian Analysis of Martin McDonagh’s Pillow Man.” 5th Global Conference – Madness, A Making Sense Of. Oxford /UK, 2012. 5. ---. “Chinua Ache...
DetaylıRes. Assist. Özlem ÖZMEN E-Mail: [email protected]
Department of English Language and Literature, Ankara, Turkey. 12-14 May 2015. 2. “One Day, Oscar Wilde...” Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. 26 Nov. 2014 3. “Shakespeare, 450 Conference.” Hace...
DetaylıArş. Gör. Cemre Mimoza BARTU
4. Bartu, Cemre Mimoza. “Kadınlar Dile Gelince: Carol Ann Duffy’nin Gözünden Dünyanın Tüm Eşlerine.” Kültür ve Edebiyatta Cinsiyet, Cinsellik, Şiddet, EKAM, Ege University, İzmir/Turkey, 15-16 Nov....
DetaylıYrd. Doç. Dr. Sinan AKILLI
Kütüphan-e Türkiye Projesi.” ÜNAK 2013: The Annual Conference of ÜNAK (University and Research Librarians Association of Turkey). Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey. September 19-21, 2013. Akıllı...
DetaylıArş. Gör. Kübra VURAL
5. Vural, Kübra. “The Result of Tragic Burden: Different Dimensions of Madness in Hamlet.” 3rd Undergraduate Conference on Anglo-American Literature: “Madness in Literature and Arts.” Bilkent Unive...
DetaylıRes. Assist. Tuba AĞKAŞ ÖZCAN E
1. Yelmiş, İmren. “Reversal of Gender Stereotypes in Mary Pix’s The Beau Defeated.” Studies in English: Proceedings from the 6th International IDEA Conference. İstanbul: İstanbul Kültür University,...
DetaylıRes. Assist. Tuba AĞKAŞ E-Mail: [email protected]
6. Yelmiş, İmren. “Chinua Achebe’nin Ruhum Yeniden Doğacak (Things Fall Apart) Adlı Eserinde Sömürgecilik Söylemini Çürüten Dil Kullanımı.” Mantık, Matematik ve Felsefe: IX. Ulusal Sempozyumu: Düşü...