"Megabuild" ile Eşzamanlı Alım Heyeti Yabancı Firmalar Listesi
"Megabuild" ile Eşzamanlı Alım Heyeti Yabancı Firmalar Listesi
"Megabuild" ile Eşzamanlı Alım Heyeti Yabancı Firmalar Listesi (Tarih: 06-09 Eylül 2011) Sıra Ülke Firma Unvanı 1 2 3 4 5 CEZAYİR CEZAYİR CEZAYİR CEZAYİR CEZAYİR 6 FAS LIMANE ARCHITECHE 7 FAS 8 9 Katılımcı Adı Ünvan Sektör SAHNOUNE RİAD MALAOUI EL HACHEMI FEKHAR - - 1 SAID LIMANE Mimar CININES 1 MOHAMED EL AHMADI Yönetici FAS EL ASSIL RESIDENCES 1 MAHDI HESSNI Genel Müdür FAS SGTRA TRAVAUX BTP 1 MOHAMED BOUTLITATINE Yönetici 10 11 12 FAS FAS FAS CMRB-BATIMENT TRAVAUX OSKS ENTREPRISE DE TRAVAUX BATIMENT SICATRA TRAVAUX BATIMENT 1 1 1 MOHAMED OUHARDA OUZAKA SMAIL CHHIBAT MY EL HASSANE Yönetici Genel Müdür Yönetici 13 FAS STEMA TECHNİQUE MAINTENANCE VENTES 1 ABDERRAIM ADNANE Yönetici 14 15 16 17 FAS FAS IRAK IRAK STARP BATIMENT TRAVAUX PUBLICS TESCORP MATERİEL DE CONSTRUCTION AL ABYAR GEOMETRICAL COMPANY AL FAYHAA GROUP 1 1 1 1 BRAHIM SOUKRAT HASSAN BENKHALED AZEEZ SH. SHMOOD AL REMDHAN HAMAD AL BAYATY Yönetici Genel Müdür Pazarlama Müdürü energie,gestion informatique batiment,machines et outillage,machines et materiel d accompagnement alluminium pour fenetres,electricite materiel travaux assainissement et amenagement materiel et equipement des travaux materiel batiment et travaux materiel de travaux PLOMBERIE-CLIMATISATION-CHAUFFAGETRAITEMENT DES EAUX materiel de travaux publics materiel et outillage de construction constructual material, ceramic material steel coil 18 IRAK MUALLM COMPANY 1 HUSAIN H. TAHER - seramic and other material, constructual material Genel Müdür Range of products : Construction Chemical,Geotextiles,waterproofing membrane waterstops,joint sealants silicone sealants expansion joint covers wall and corner guards,flooring and coating systems geogrids expanded metals,sports flooring,passive fire fighting systems,bridge joints,bearing pads,entrance floor mats lintel and fibres Range of services concrete repair,shotcrete injection,flooring,protective coating,Waterproofing.geo synthetic liners,bridge joints,bearing pads,tarıık lining 19 KATAR SARL NEO MEDİNA PROMOTION IMMOBILIERE MALAOUI SARL BTPH ADJEMOUT SARL BABA OUSMAIL ET FEKHAR EURL ZERRAOWİ Kişi Sayısı 1 1 1 1 1 Bardawil Specialities Qatar-W.L.L. 1 Amin Adib Mahmoud Material of construction Building materials Material of construction Building materials Building materials Encouragement et orientation des clients/entreprises de batiment pour ı'acquisition du materiel en provenance de la turquie 20 KUVEYT Daisam General Trading & Contracting 1 Mohammed Al Rashed - The companies in the group in which Al-hani construction & trading company is the largest and most active have been established in 1964 in various countries of the arab countries.Today the group consists of the following companies: 1) Al hani construction & Trading company-Kuwait 2) Al hani construction & Trading co.-Kuwait 3) The modern air condition & Refrigeration co. Kuwait Lebanese construction & Contracting Co,S.A.L.Lebanon The group members have executed with great success first class projects in kuwait,saudi arabia,jordan,Lebanon,Egypt and the united Arab Emirates. 21 KUVEYT Al Hani Construction and Trading Co. 1 - - We inport furniture to our project + other goods needed to different projects Building materials,Building exterior Aluminum cladding,alpolic Aluminum cladding sheet of japan mitsubishi.Building & Automotive tools and equipment from snap-on tools,usa,john bean USA,American tools,usa,pinar dairy products,Turkey,fora olive,turkey,etc... 22 KUVEYT Design & Supervision Dar Tra & Cont. 1 Awad Abou Hamdan - 23 24 KUVEYT KUVEYT Architectre Home Office & Engineering Gulf Resources Gen. Trading & Cont. Co. Wil 1 1 Abdullah Al Rashed Ammar Mohammad Masoud Satış Müdürü 25 KUVEYT Bahman Al Omraniah 1 Thomas Joseph Proje Müdürü Marble ,Granie,umesione,Traveriıne,sione mosaıc,ceramıc,saniarywore,tıles,TeRRozzo eic. "Megabuild" ile Eşzamanlı Alım Heyeti Yabancı Firmalar Listesi (Tarih: 06-09 Eylül 2011) Sıra 26 Ülke RUSYA Firma Unvanı ZAO GOTH Kişi Sayısı 1 Katılımcı Adı KARIM IBRAGIMOV Ünvan Sektör Genel Müdür Not importers,dealing investment project and construction,Completed projects : Multifunctional shopping-entertainment centre Konstantinovsky(2011) The Glinky cottage village near pavlovsk(2010) Current Projects:Multifunctional ınternational business park shushary with shopping and entertainment centre near the saint petersburg ring road 27 RUSYA OOO JILSTROY-NN 1 SEDULA SIRAJUDINOV Genel Müdür not:importers,dealing investment project and construction,Completed projects :Multifunational shopping-entertainment centre konstantinovsky ( 2011) The Glinky cottage village near paviavsk (2010) Current projects: Multifunctional International business park shushary with shopping and entertainment centre near the saint petersburg ring road 28 RUSYA Arzhanovskiy Valeriy Valerjevich 1 Arzhanovskiy Valeriy Valerjevich Özel Girişimci aluminum shape for windows,doors,translucent construction manufacture.ceramic granite,glass. 29 30 31 32 RUSYA RUSYA RUSYA RUSYA Setan Ltd. Global-Stroy, Ltd. Opolko Oleg Vasiyevich Kabanova Viktoriya Vasilyevna 1 1 1 1 Sergey Alexsandrovich Smarokov Hasanov Nail Rustyamovich Aglyamov Ayrat Ildusovich Egerov Nikilay Mihaylovich Genel Müdür Müdür Yardımcısı Müdür Yardımcısı Müdür Yardımcısı Building products and technology laminate,copper pipe,PVC panels building Technologies Water-emulsion,syntethic paint 33 RUSYA Permo-Marketing, Ltd. 1 Oleg Vasiljevich Opolko Şirket Sahibi Aluminum shape for windows,doors,translucent construction manufacture.ceramic granite,glass. 34 RUSYA Formula Okon, Ltd. 1 Arzhanovskaya Elena Vladimirovna Müdür Yardımcısı caring out of delivery of pipeline accessories and valving;Pumping,cargo,ventilation,equipment;pip eline details,that can be performed on state standards,Ostam,specifications and drawings of customers. 35 RUSYA PromMomtazhKomplekt, Ltd 1 Kuzmin Igor Valerjevich Yönetici Constraction materials for cottage building and finishing 36 37 38 39 RUSYA SURİYE SURİYE SURİYE Stroysvet Group Company ABBAS CONSULTING SHAM FOR CEMENT AND CONTRACTORS MİMAR MİX CO 1 1 1 1 Krashchuk Vitaliy ABDULKARİM ABBAS HAZEM AL SALEH ABDULKADER KHAYATA Şirket sahibi - 40 SURİYE ORIENT 1 GEORGE SARKIF TUFENKSI Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı 41 SURİYE SUUDİ ARABİSTAN SUUDİ ARABİSTAN SAYEGH COMPANY 1 ANNAR SAXEZH consteactional producer intersted stcel buildiny constuctional Bulding matenals HADIA ABDULLATIF JAMEL (HALJ) 1 HANİ KAYAL Uygulayacı Genel Müdür all buildıng matenals HADIA ABDULLATIF JAMEL (HALJ) 1 SHERIF ABOUYOUSSEF İnşaat Bölüm Başkanı all kınds 1 MR. MEHDI KLAI PDG 42 43 ceramia cell towers frames cement 44 TUNUS COMPLEXE INDUSTRIEL ET TECHNOLOGIQUE DU KEF (CIT KEF) 45 TUNUS LAHDHIRI HACHEMI 1 LAHDHIRI HACHEMI Avukat 46 TUNUS REFRA ISOL 1 ZIED BEN AMOR Genel Müdür 47 TUNUS SONOMAR 1 RAMZI NAMMOUCHI Genel Müdür Suppliers of equipment,technology and financial partners Paint manufacturing equipment,Rollforming machines and PU injection machines chemical product. Ceramic product and machinery concerning Marble equipment 48 TUNUS LES MATERIAUX MICRONISES DE TUNUSIE 1 AHMED GUESMI Yönetici Barite,feldspar,kaolinite and mining equipment 49 TUNUS SOCIETE TOUHAMI CARRELAGE SA 1 IHEB TOUHAMI Yönetici 50 TUNUS MEKA 1 LASSAAD BETTAAIEB Genel Müdür 51 TUNUS SIMPVC 1 MOHAMED AYMEN KAHLA Genel Müdür 52 TUNUS PRISM 1 ELYES BEN JEMAA Genel Müdür 53 TUNUS LA MAISON DE CREMIQUE 1 HATEM SHIL Müdür 54 TUNUS STE GENERALE DE QUINCAILLERIE 1 RAMZI GOUAOU Müdür 55 TUNUS DIAR CHERMITI 1 KHALIFA CHERMITI Müdür 56 57 TUNUS TUNUS MENUSERIE DE BATIMENT KHALED CHARFI STE LAZREG AND CIE 1 1 KHALED CHARFI JAMEL BOUZIDI Müdür - 58 TUNUS LAZREG TRANSPORT ET LOGISTIQUE 1 MAKRAM CHIHI - 59 TUNUS COMPTOIR REUNIS DU CENTRE CRC 1 WIDED CHARGUI - Different type of gravel.Machines needed for production of gravel and curb Raw material for paint and ceramic manufacturing PVC profilo PVC accessory Paint manufacturing equipment,Rollforming machines PU injection machines Sanitary ware,tiles bathroom accessories and cement glue construction materials Construction materials,marble,taps and ceramic tiles Wood and building joinery Procelain tiles and ceramics Porcelain tiles,ceramic tiles,sanitary,glass brick,mosaics and sandstone Porcelain tiles,ceramic tiles,sanitary,glass brick,mosaics,sandstone "Megabuild" ile Eşzamanlı Alım Heyeti Yabancı Firmalar Listesi (Tarih: 06-09 Eylül 2011) Firma Unvanı Kişi Katılımcı Adı Sayısı 1 LASSAAD BEN SALAH Sıra Ülke 60 TUNUS GROUPE LAZREG DE COMMERCE GLC Ünvan 61 TUNUS STE TECHNIQUE CERAMIQUE 1 KHAOULA BEN HAJ SLAMA - 62 ÜRDÜN Al Hassan Est. 1 Mohammad Radaideh Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Cremics,tiles,bathroom acc,vertiked ceramics bathroom tubs,sanitary ware.Ceramics,tiles,vetikied ceramics,dector 63 ÜRDÜN Alam Al Lawaseq Co. (Adhesives World Co.) 1 Omar Mustafa Al Houwaitat Genel Müdür Building Metarials-Adhesives-Ceramics - Sektör Ceramic Tiles Red brick Representation Provision of technical service 64 ÜRDÜN Sweidan Tecnical Co. 1 Rami Sweidan Genel Müdür WE Import 1) Aluminum Rolling Shutter from syria 2) Somfy Motors From France 3) Nice Motors From Italy 4) Acc.for rolling shutter from spain 5) BFT Gate motors from Dubai. We are looking for manufacturer companies in the field of Aluminum & PVC 65 ÜRDÜN Gerecia Co. 1 Mamoun Al- Ashqar Başkan Produce a new light precasted building system using GRC.We build multi floors without using steel.Fast,safe and less cost buildings. We also produce different GRC products for internal and external decorations and many other GRC items. "Megabuild" ile Eşzamanlı Alım Heyeti Yabancı Firmalar Listesi (Tarih: 06-09 Eylül 2011) Sıra 66 67 68 Ülke ÜRDÜN ÜRDÜN Firma Unvanı Villa Rosa For Ceramics Co. House of Management Co. MOĞOLİSTAN mongolyn Alt company Kişi Sayısı 1 1 2 Katılımcı Adı Ünvan Sektör Şirket Sahibi- Genel Müdür Ceramics-Porcelain-Sanitary ware-bath tubs & mixers-adhesives-building and construction tools.Ceramics-Porcelain-Sanitary ware-bath tubs & mixers-adhesives-building and construction tools. Imad Zahidad Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı We import mainly doors,flooring Tiles,PVC windows,Mest fences and many more according to the project requirement.We have a project for uilding and developing of 136 villas in jordan,and we are looking and gathering resources for the projest requirement,so this event will be very important to us where we will be looking for almost all kinds of building and construction materils.Door,Tiles,Bath sets,Decoration,paints...etc. Odontungalag Nergui Marketıing & Admin. Manager Narengerel sodnombaljir Quantity surveyor Anwar Zaghbabeh Construction Projects Department:Wooding log from Finland.Window distributer for from skalaa.Mining equipment fromGermany,USA Floor and wall covering materials,lifts and elevators,Bathroom and kitchen installation,Ceiling materials,paints,heating and ventilation materials,window and door materials,piping materials and etc All kind of construction materials Eguipment of the any building Darkhanbaatar Chinbat sanitary engineer 1 Uuganbayar tuvshinbayar A.Munkhtsetseg electrical engineer Dış ilişkiler müdürü MOĞOLİSTAN Bayars Constructıon 1 Erdenetuya Nasanbuyan Director of fıinans Government construction projects Apartment building construction Building material production Diana secondary school 72 MOĞOLİSTAN Monperlit 1 B.Bayartsogt Genel müdür Building isolation material,perlite building material. Building apartments,Construction 73 MOĞOLİSTAN Mini Max 1 O.Tsatsraltur Genel menejeri Eguipment of the food products from europa 74 MOĞOLİSTAN Mon Mos Barilga 2 Bold Gelegravjaa Khıshıgiargal Lkhagvaa President Director construction goods LkhagvadulamBattumur HR and FR manager 69 MOĞOLİSTAN Jiguur Grand 2 70 MOĞOLİSTAN Avzaga Trade 71 Sanitary wares,heating and ventilation systems,piping and installation equipments and so forth. P.S. Above materials or goods have been imported from China not for sale but for the construction work. 75 MOĞOLİSTAN Gikon 2 Bukhbileg Khongor office and sales manager 76 MOĞOLİSTAN Erdeniin Dul 1 n.Erdenehkuu Director 77 MOĞOLİSTAN Beto Co Ltd. 1 otgonjargal Deputy Director Goods of interior design.Good which will be used for interior design Goods of interior/exterior design 78 MOĞOLİSTAN Erdene Tavuul 1 Erdenebat Manager goods of plumbery/radiator,connecting tools Insaat Demiri,cimento,Beton Karisirma makinesi,Bitirme malzemeleri 79 RUSYA ZAO''GOTH'' 1 Karim Ibragimov Genel Müdür 80 RUSYA ooo ''JILSTROY-NN'' 1 Sedula sirajudinov Genel Müdür
Benzer belgeler
Natural stones, slabs, sanitary objects, bathroom
furniture, wallpaper, drains for showers, ceramic tiles
Certificates # List
Hesham Mohammed Rizk
Jumana Ahmad Abdulsalam Khader
Makram Rabia Hassan Desouky
Dr. Mohammed Hosny Salah Mohammed
Mahmoud Mohamed Abou Gamous
Diaa Abdelfattah Abdelhamid Abdelrazek
Said Ahmed Mohme...