4steffen gay(2) - Ankara Romatoloji Sempozyumu
4steffen gay(2) - Ankara Romatoloji Sempozyumu
Coxib’s have taught us a lesson to explore more diligently the molecular and cellular pathways of inflammation Steffen Gay ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Arthritis linked to cardiovascular disease CV Death Osteoarthritis CHF Rheumatoid Arthritis CVA MI 1.0 1.5 Odds Ratio 2.0 Wolfe J Rheumatol 2003 Haara Ann Rheum Dis 2003 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Rheumatoid Arthritis and Atherosclerosis A tale of two diseases ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Prognostic impact of endothelial function in angiographically normal coronary arteries Schächinger V et al, Circulation 2000 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Baseline Acetylcholine Nitroglycerin Follow-up (3.7 Years) V. Schächinger et al, Circulation 101:1899-1906, 2000 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara TNFα-blockade and endothelial function in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Endothelial Function + Blood Sampling 0 2 Endothelial Function + Blood Sampling 6 12 weeks Infliximab 3 mg/kg Hürlimann Circ 2002 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Assessment of endothelial function flow-mediated vasodilation HRUSTransducer Brachial Artery ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara GTN induced dilatation (%) Flow mediated dilatation (%) TNFα-blockade normalizes endothelial function in Rheumatoid Arthritis 5 4 * 3 2 1 16 12 8 4 0 0 Control RA RA TNF Control RA RA TNF Hürlimann Circ 2002 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Published online before print October 7, 2002 (Circulation 2002, 10.1161/01.CIR.0000037521.71373.44) Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Treatment Improves Endothelial Function in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis David Hürlimann MD, Adrian Forster MD, Georg Noll MD, Frank Enseleit MD, Rémy Chenevard MD, Oliver Distler MD, Markus Béchir MD, Lukas E. Spieker MD, Michel Neidhart PhD, Beat A. Michel MD, Renate E. Gay MD, Thomas F. Lüscher MD, Steffen Gay MD, and Frank Ruschitzka MD* From Cardiology (D.H., G.N., F.E., R.C., M.B., L.E.S., T.F.L.) and Department of Rheumatology and Institute for Physical Medicine (A.F., O.D., M.N., B.A.M., R.E.G., S.G.), University Hospital, Zürich, Switzerland. Methods and Results—Eleven RA patients (mean age 46±5 years; disease duration 9±2 years) with high disease activity despite treatment with stable doses of methotrexate (≤ 25 mg/wk) and prednisone (≤ 10 mg/d) were investigated. Clinical status and endothelium-dependent and -independent vasodilation of the brachial artery as assessed by high-resolution ultrasound were measured before and after 12 weeks of infliximab therapy. Flow-mediated vasodilation improved from 3.2±0.4% to 4.1±0.5% (P=0.018), whereas endothelium-independent vasodilation with nitroglycerin and baseline diameter remained unchanged (13.6±1.2% versus 12.8±1.4%, P=0.98, and 3.74±0.15 versus 3.66±0.11 mm, P=0.54, respectively). Disease activity score (DAS28) was significantly reduced, from 5.6±0.3 to 3.5±0.6 (P=0.002). Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein were lowered from 34±7 to 19±5 mm/h (P=0.04) and from 38±11 to 15±10 mg/L (P=0.08), respectively. Conclusions—This is the first study to show that anti-TNF-α treatment improves endothelial function in RA. The data suggest that in RA, endothelial dysfunction is part of the disease process and is mediated by TNF-α. ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Local Plaque and Thrombus Recovery Culprit lesion • Local sample • Maier et al, Circulation 22:111, 2005 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara CD 68 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara TNFa ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara TNFa and the cardiovascular system in RA thrombus TNFa TF h JNK h Prothrombin Thrombin ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Conclusion Based on the fact that inhibition of TNFalpha leads to • improved endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases • that TNFalpha is present in early thrombus formation in the acute myacardial syndrome (myocardial infarct) Complete new indications for a TNFalpha targeted therapy ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Celecoxib reduces tissue factor expression through JNK-inhibition Steffel et al, Circulation 2005 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara SP600125, a specific inhibitor of JNK, impairs TNF-α-induced TF expression Steffel et al, Circulation 2005 ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara JNK and the cardiovascular system in RA thrombus TNFa TF h JNK h Prothrombin Thrombin ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara JNK and the cardiovascular system in RA TNFa TF h Celecoxib JNK i Prothrombin Thrombin Celecoxib might inhibit JNK and JNK-mediated thrombin formation ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara drug no drug mRNA RNA-Isolation cDNA Reverse Transcription Microarray Subtractive Hybridization down regulated up regulated ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Newsletter Nr. 4 · May 2005 www.rheumaportal.ch Novel strategies for the development of safer drugs Steffen Gay Today we have the molecular tools to explore the mode of action for drugs on a more comprehensive level than ever before. Since it is not fully known what the effects of both ligand-receptor signalling and potential effects on unknown signalling pathways is in the exposure of a given drug with individual cells in treated patients, it is imperative to search much more diligently for "early signals", indicating potentially harmful side effects. ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara Strategies to characterize differentially expressed genes Profiling of gene expression •Subtractive hybridization Quantitative and qualitative analysis of gene expression Functional analysis by in vitro and in vivo system •Quantitative PCR Amplification by PCR • Gain of function ectopic overexpression Cloning •In situ hybridization •Immunohistochemistry • Loss of function antisense ribozyme dominant neg. mutants siRNA •DNA microarray ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara ANKARA ROMATOLOJİ SEMPOZYUMU “Romatoid Artrit Patogenezi” 29 Mart 2006 Sheraton Otel, Ankara
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