Test Yourself - 01
Test Yourself - 01
Expel (from sth) biryerden birşeyden KOVULMAK atılmak Include X exclude içermek X hariç tutmak Deceive : take in aldatmak kandırmak Cheat aldatmak - hile yapmak – kopya çekmek ydstime.com Student : pupil öğrenci Tutor hoca (özel öğretmen) 1: novel (n) ROMAN 2: novel (adj) NEW YENİ A novel method yeni bir metot Novelty (n) YENİLİK Innovation inovasyon - yenilik Somewhat biraz az biraz Scale (n) skala ölçek Scale (v) duvara tırmanmak – çıkmak Provide : Give vermek sunmak sağlamak yöntem Legitimate meşru yasal X illegitimate Gayri meşru kanunsuz Legal : lawful X illegal : unlawful True or False? 1. Over 600 university students in India were expelled for cheating. T / F 2. The students used a technique using novels to help them cheat. T / F 3. Dozens of parents climbed up to classroom windows to help kids cheat. T / F 4. Some of the cheat sheets were folded into origami paper cranes. T / F 5. The education minister said it was easy to keep exams secure. T / F 6. The minister said parental cooperation was pretty much essential. T / F 7. Police officers are posted at many schools to try and reduce cheating. T / F 8. A school official said the schools could not use force to rid the parents. T / F Viral virüsle ilgili Go viral virus gibi yayılmak - internette kısa sürede çok yayılmak Cling on (Sth) : Stick to -e yapışmak tutunmak Give an exam – a test sınav yapmak Take an exam – a test sınava girmek Condition : circumstance koşul şart Under no circumstances hiç bir koşul altında Under these circumstances bu koşullar altında Answer Key a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. slightly make certain unlawful observe almost thrown out coercion supplied circumstances holding True / False 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T Synonym Match 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 46 expelled somewhat provided illegitimate clinging ensure conditions virtually monitor force a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. thrown out slightly supplied unlawful holding make certain circumstances almost observe coercion 7. T 8. T Online YDS Kursu Virtually : practically : almost hemen hemen neredeyse Conduct : Carry out : perform : Do Yapmak yürütmek gerçekleştirmek Monitor : OBSERVE (v) izlemek görüntülemek gözlemlemek Accompany (V) eşlik etmek Company şirket /// eş arkadaş yoldaş | Synonym Match 1. expelled 2. somewhat 3. provided 4. illegitimate 5. clinging 6. ensure 7. conditions 8. virtually 9. monitor 10. force | Primary school ilk okul Secondary school orta okul High school lise College universite ydstime.com Online YDS Kursu | ydstime.com Online YDS Kursu | ydstime.com Vocabulary List Authorities in India's Bihar state have expelled around 600 high school students for cheating in their 10th grade examinations. The pupils used a novel but somewhat dangerous way to get help with their exam papers – their parents scaled the walls of the school building and provided the answers to questions through the windows. Photographs and video footage of this illegitimate technique have gone viral. They show dozens of parents clinging on to whatever they can on the walls to feed information to their children. Some of the parents were three stories up. Teachers found many cheat sheets inside the classroom. Some had been folded up into paper airplanes and thrown through the window. Over 1.4 million 10th graders are taking the tests this week at more than 1,200 high schools across the state. Bihar's education minister P.K. Shahi told reporters that schools faced a difficult job to ensure exams took place under the strictest of conditions. He said: "It's virtually impossible to conduct fair examinations without the cooperation of parents." He added that it was not possible to monitor all parents who accompany their children to schools and other test centres. The situation regarding parents helping their children cheat has become so prevalent that police officers are posted to each school. However, an official said, "we can't use force to drive away the parents". Online YDS Kursu 600 students expelled for cheating Breaking News - Advanced - #146
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