September - Kanar Gaming Enterprise, Inc.


September - Kanar Gaming Enterprise, Inc.
September 5, 1009
Vol. 22 Issue #8
your source for news from
The Princedom of Novashan
Contents this Issue:
High-Ranking Druid Missing
by Byerly Vorrutyer
High-Ranking Druid
by Byerly Vorrutyer
ing others or eating, but that
it was very unlike him to miss
a meeting with such an important personage as the Lord
Regent, particularly with such
a lucrative deal in the offing.
There were some signs of a
struggle, but no blood and no
sign of anyone going into or
out of his chamber.
vered “Greenhand”
Ellings, an elder in
the Kingdom based Temple
de’Fleur, who was visiting
Passage to Norsica Barred the Principality to discuss
by Shawn Guster
the possibility of the Temple
Figures in History: Aibone
obtaining a charter to operby Alerick Von Bremen
ate in the Principality as well
The Temple de’Fleur is ofScreams in Illveresh
as the Kingdom with Lord
fering a substantial reward to
by Apparitional
Regent Drakensburg, has
anyone who can help find the
missing druid, who is a popular
Visions of the Future
in Yardsmuth. His attendant
member of the order and very
by Divine Madame Merdapossa
templars, both younger memskilled in the magics of the wild,
bers of the peaceful Order,
often assisting farmers with
My studies of Dragons
by Ciruelo Cabral 6
him missing The Temple de’Fleur is offering a
fields or
Strange Happenings
substantial reward to anyone who helping to
ago, when
re-estabby Lapis Lazuli
they discov- can help find the missing druid...
lish woodMissing Underworld Boss!?
ered he was
ed areas
by Lapis Lazuli
no longer in his rooms after he after they have been lumbered
Laws with Order
didn’t come down for meals for out. Anyone with information
by Yitzchak
two entire days, and missed a
regarding the whereabouts of
meeting with the Regent.
Master Evered Ellings can
The young men both said that seek out the representatives of
the Temple in Yardsmuth.
their elder often spent days
Plague averted in Redishton
by Alexandria Cunningham 2
or even longer without see-
within days he arrived with a small contingent
of the baronial army to enforce quarantine
from outside the city walls.
Plague averted in Redishton
by Alexandria Cunningham
error gripped the streets of Rediston
briefly, as a recent shipment of grain
was discovered to
Eight days after the quarantine began, it was
lifted. Business quickly
have originated
returned to normal as those
Governer Taeil stated, “it is far better to
from plague-ridden
trapped inside the walls were
inconvenience merchants and citizens
Pelain. Governor
once again allowed to go on
Mordo Taeil insti- than it would be to risk a plague spreading their way. Governor Taeil
tuted a temporary unchecked through the entire barony.”
issued the following statement
quarantine of the
in regards to his decision to
city late last moon when word of the plagueclose the city. “Even though no trace of the plague
ridden grain became known. Ships and merwas found, it is far better to inconvenience merchant caravans alike were delayed for half a
chants and citizens than it would be to risk a plague
fortnight as the local militia, aided by officials spreading unchecked through the entire barony.” In
from the ministries university, locked down the addition to this the Governor stated that he would
city while the inspection commenced. Fear of
be “taking a direct hand in revising the way shipa plague run rampant even drew the attention
ments into the city are inspected, in the hopes that
of Brisbane’s steward, Dust Azureus, as
something like this can be prevented in the future.”
These events have
been compared to
The reef seemed to
the recent geostretch from one side
logical events that
of the fiord to the other
have prevented
creating a wall that obtravel into Ashan,
structed sea travel...
which have
been equally
enigmatic in
nature. All of these events have led
to speculation that the return of
the fey is responsible for the recent obstructions materializing.
Scholars have yet to determine to what purpose these
events have, if any. With all
the troubles these times have,
could these mysterious happenings carry with them some
sign of hope, or yet another dark
fate for the people of Novashan?
Passage to Norsica Barred
by Shawn Guster
eports have come from some trading
vessels that the bay of Norsica has
been surrounded by an impassable reef of
mysterious coral. The discovery was made
as the trading ship Oleander made a
trip north to export goods from the
Norsican port of Gjævingsfiord.
The reef seemed to stretch
from one side of the fiord
to the other creating a wall
that obstructed sea travel.
The Oleander reportedly
dropped anchor and inspected the reef, claiming that the
coral itself seemed to shimmer with an almost magical
hue. Messages were sent
through spell and bird to
Gjævingsfiord to seek any
information that the Norsicans might
have, yet no response has yet been received.
Figures in History: Aibone
by Alerick Von Bremen
ibone (240 - after 274) was a 3rd century Syrian queen of the Palmyrene Empire. After her
father’s death, she headed their nomadic Arab tribe,
before becoming the second wife of King Septimius
Odaenathus. She became queen of the Palmyrene
empire following Odaenathus’ death in 267.
By 269, Aibone had expanded the empire, conquering
Stygia and expelling the Tomarian prefect, Tenagino
Probus, who was beheaded after he led an attempt to
recapture the territory. She ruled over Stygia until
274, when she was defeated and taken as a hostage to
Tomar by Ayrel. Reportedly she was locked in golden
chains after being captured and brought to Tomar in
this way. She wore golden handcuffs in Ayrel’s military
triumph parade. Ayrel was so impressed by Aibone
that he freed her, granting her an elegant villa in Tibur
where she became a prominent philosopher, socialite
and Tomarian matron.
Family, ancestry and early life
ibone was born and raised in Palmyra, Rysia.
Her Tomarian name was Iulia Ayrelia Aibone, but she was most commonly referred to simply
as Aibone’. In Ylfshea, she is known as Enobia
Septimia Aibone, having added Septimia after
marrying Septimius Odaenathus. Aibone would
put on official documents, Bat-Amlai (daughter of
Amla). Aibone and her mother were both called AzD’Albain, meaning “the one with long lovely hair”.
(reigned 180-192). Her Father’s Ylfshea name was
D’Tiochos, according to scriptures found in Palmyra.
Traceable up to six generations, her father’s paternal
ancestry includes Sampsiceramus, a Rysian chieftain
who founded the Royal Family of Emesa and Gaius
Julius Bassianus, a high priest from Emesa and father
of Tomarian Empress Julia Domna.
Aibone appears to have been of Arabi ancestry,
though her lineage may have included other influences,
including Maraean and ancient Stygian. While epigraphic and Western sources are largely silent regarding her immediate family origins, Ylfshea sources provide clearer indications. Tabari D’Kalyn, for example,
writes that she belonged to the same tribe as her future
husband, the ‘Amlai, which was probably one of the
four original tribes of Palmyra. Aibone’s father, ‘Amr
d’Arib, was the Lord of the ‘Amlai. After he was killed
by members of the rival Tanukh tribal confederation,
Aibone became the head of the ‘Amlaqis, leading them
in their nomadic lifestyle to summer and winter pastures.
While inscriptions found at Palmyra show that
Aibone’s father had a Ylfshwa name, Antiochus,
according to Agustain History, his name was
Achilleus and his usurper was named Antiochus.
Aibone claimed to be a descendant of Odio, Queen
of Thage, the King of Emesa Sampsiceramus and
the Lemaic Ylfshea Queen L’Eopa VII of Stygia.
Though there is no concrete evidence for this, she
did have knowledge of the ancient Stygian language,
showed a predisposition towards Stygian culture, and
it is thought that her mother may have been Stygian.
According to Agustain History, an imperial declaration in 269 of hers was sent to the citizens of Andri,
Her father’s Tomarian name was Iulius Ayrelius Enobius, with the gentilicium Ayrelius showing that his paternal ancestors received Tomarian citizenship under
either Lucus Ayrel (reigned 161-180), or Mobious
Stygia, describing the city as “my ancestral city”. This
declaration only fits V’Al’thus, the son of Aibone.
Historian Callinicus dedicated a ten-book history on
Andri’s history to a ’L’Patra,’ who can only be Aibone.
Palmyra. Aibone bestowed upon herself and her son
the honorific titles of Agustia and Agustuis.
Aibone conquered new territories and increased the
Palmyrene Empire in the memory of her husband and
as a legacy to her son. Her stated goal was to protect
the Eastern Tomarian Empire from the Sassanid
Empire, for the peace of Tomar, however, her efforts
significantly increased the power of her throne.
Aibone is descended from the three above named figures through D’Usilla of Maur. D’Usilla was a daughter of King Lemi of Maur and Queen Julia Rania of
Maur. D’Usilla’s mother most probably came from
the Royal Family of Emesa and D’Usilla married into
that Royal Family. D’Usilla’s paternal grandmother
Queen of Maur L’Parta Selene II, was a daughter
of Lemaic Ylfshea Queen L’Parta VII of Stygia and
Tomarian Triumvir Marcus Yton. D’Usilla’s paternal grandfather King Juba II of Maur claimed to be
a descendant of the sister to the General of Thage,
Nibali. Nibali’s family, the Racids, claimed to be descended from Odio’s younger brother.
Invasions of Stygia and Anatolia
Aibone, her army, and the Palmyrene GenIfromneral269,their
Zabdas violently conquered Stygia with help
Stygiaian ally, Timagenes, and his army.
The Tomarian prefect of Stygia, Tenagino Probus and his forces, tried to expel them from Stygia,
but Aibone’s forces captured and beheaded Probus. She then proclaimed herself Queen of Stygia.
Both Classical and Ylfshea sources describe Aibone
as beautiful and intelligent with a dark complexion,
pearly white teeth, and bright black eyes. She was
said to be even more beautiful than L’Parta, differing
though in her reputation for extreme chastity. Sources
also describe Aibone as carrying herself like a man, riding, hunting and drinking on occasion with her officers.
Well educated and fluent in Ylfshea, Dwarven, Aramic, and Stygian, with working knowledge of Tomarian,
tradition accords her renown for hosting literary salons
and surrounding herself with philosophers and poets,
the most famous of these being Cassius Longinus.
Longinus composed his celebrated Treatise on the
Sublime for her which incorporates fragments of
poetry since lost, such as the love poems of Saphio of
Le’Bos, originally penned in the 6th century BTM.
After these initial forays, Aibone became known as a
“Warrior Queen”. In leading her army, she displayed
significant prowess: she was an able horse rider and
would walk three or four miles with her foot soldiers.
Aibone with her large army made expeditions and
conquered Anatolia as far as Ancyra or Ankara and
Chalcedon, then to Syria, Kestin, and L’Ban. In her
short lived empire, Aibone took the vital trade routes
in these areas from the Tomarians. Tomarian Emperor Ayrel, who was at that time campaigning with his
forces in the Erie Empire, probably did recognize
the authority of Aibone and V’Al’thus. However
this relationship began to degenerate when Ayrel
began a military campaign to reunite the Tomarian Empire in 272-273. Ayrel and his forces left
the Erie Empire and arrived in Rysia. The forces
of Ayrel and Aibone met and fought near T’och.
After a crushing defeat, the remaining Palmyrenes
briefly fled into T’och and into Emesa.
Queen of Palmyra
ibone married the King of Palmyra Septimius
Odaenathus by 258 as his second wife. She had
a stepson Hairan, a son from Odaenathus’ first marriage.
Aibone was unable to remove her treasury at Emesa
before Ayrel successfully entered and besieged
Emesa. Aibone and her son escaped from Emesa
on camel back with help from the Sassanids, but they
were captured on the Har’aites River by Ayrel’s
horsemen. Aibone’s short lived Stygiaian kingdom
and the Palmyrene Empire had ended. The remaining
Palmyrenes who refused to surrender were captured
by Ayrel and were executed on his orders. Among
those who were executed was Aibone’s chief counselor and Ylfshea sophist, Cassius Longinus.
As in 258, there is an inscription ‘the illustrious consul to
our lord’ at Palmyra, dedicated to Odaenathus who was
chief of Palmyra, by Aibone, who was a supporter of his.
Around 266, Aibone and Odaenathus had a son,
his second child, Lucius Iulius Ayrelius Septimius
V’Al’thus Athedorius. Her son V’Al’thus inherited the name of Odaenathus’ paternal grandfather.
In 267, Aibone’s husband and stepson were assassinated. The titled heir, V’Al’thus, was only a year
old, so his mother succeeded her husband and ruled
lies. There is a claim, after Ayrel’s defeat Aibone
committed suicide; however, this is not likely. She
would have further descendants surviving in the 4th
century and 5th century TM.
From Tomarian prisoner
to Tomarian matron
ibone and V’Al’thus were taken as hostages
to Tomar by Ayrel. V’Al’thus is presumed to
have died on his way to Tomar. In 274, Aibone appeared in golden chains in Ayrel’s military triumph
parade in Tomar. Ayrel, out of clemency, impressed by her beauty and dignity, freed Aibone.
Ayrel granted her an elegant villa in Bur.
The evidence of a descendant of Aibone can be
confirmed by an inscription found in Tomar. The
inscription Lucius Septimia Patavinia Balbilla
Tyria Nepotilla Odaenathiania contains the
names of her first husband Septimius Odaenathus. He probably was named in the honor of
Aibone’s first husband. (After the deaths of
Odaenathus and his sons, Odaenathus had no
descendants). Another possible descendant of
Aibone is Zenobius of Lorence, a cleric who lived
in the 5th century TM.
She lived in luxury and she became a prominent
philosopher, socialite and Tomarian matron. Aibone married a Tomarian governor and senator
whose name is unknown. They had several daughters, whose names are also unknown, but who are
known to have married into Tomarian noble fami-
very strange happening occurred last festival.
Loud screams of pain were heard randomly
throughout the night in the small town of Illveresh.
quickly taken down. Something similar occurred
Sunday morning when seven strangers stepped into
House Claddagh and attacked the house members. These strangers were also dealt with. It would
appear that these “strangers” should stay out of
Illveresh, or perhaps they will share the same fate as
the others, for the people of Illveresh will not stand
by and let their residents be threatened or harmed.
Visions of What is and What Is to Be
by Divine Madame Merdapossa
be renewed. Ancient places will be reborn and bring
new opportunities to those with courageous hearts.
Screams in Illveresh
by Apparitional
These sounds seem to have begun Saturday night
after multiple men, who appeared to be after a
friend of the town, attacked a small group of people
outside of Whisper’s Shack. The pursuers where
hange is imminent. As carefree summer comes
to an end our spirits will yearn to move forward.
You may begin to feel the need for progress or change,
Magical forces run rampant and can cause bizarre
happenings. Nature revels in its touch and acts in
ways counter to what are right. Trees grow at accelerated speed, plants to unnatural size. Animals
run wild through the night, biting, rolling, and mating
in a passionate frenzy, driven by the energies they
sense in the air, singing their ecstasy to the stars.
be it physical, emotional or spiritual change. Many will
find themselves called to a new location, a new home.
Others will feel the need to make changes in vocation,
lifestyle, or social choices. Remember that change is
good, but you must not lose yourself in your travels.
We feel it too. Urges to run naked through the forest,
or plunge into the depths of the sea and let it carry us
where it wills are symptoms of this magical activity. It
raises in us a desire to be cleansed and renewed. Recognize these yearnings in yourself and embrace them,
but do not let them consume you completely.
The urge to change can be overwhelming and confusing. If you allow yourself to be consumed by the
conflicting energies at play, you will be left behind.
If you make rash decisions and jump headlong into
things you do not understand you will find yourself in
situations you are not prepared to handle.
I sense dark spirits stirring. Tread carefully for our
footsteps are likely to betray us. Those who find
solace in darkness are likely to find more than they
bargain for. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Consider all choices you make carefully, for more
may hinge on your decision than you might expect.
Flowers of old will bloom again. Old spirits are becoming active and forces once dead are beginning to
Tales of the People
writings for the people and by the people
My studies of Dragons
by Ciruelo Cabral
Dragons are well-versed in
magic, and understand the power
associated with names. Dragons
keep their names closely guarded secrets; in fact, names are so
important that the surest way to
defeat and subdue a dragon is
to discover its name.
– Historian, Researcher, and Story Seeker
~ The Psychology of the Dragon ~
dult dragons are astute, powerful, and sure of their
strength. Their cunning helps the dragon elude
the ingenious traps laid by man, and their spirits could
be described as playful. They are usually avaricious
and fairly insolent, which is to be expected given their
power and considerable physical strength. Dragons are
very fond of jewels and precious stones, and they hoard
treasure greedily. Perfect connoisseurs, they are discerning in their appreciation of gems, and it is not easy to
deceive them as to the values of stones. They are lovers
of conundrums, often promising to set their victims free on
the condition that they find answers to riddles.
The true names of dragons
synthesize their personalities
and their histories. These
names express dragons’ origins and also all that dragons
have achieved during their lives: their aspirations, their knowledge, and their levels of the mastery of magic. Their names
are usually conferred on them at birth or at a young age,
but they are modified throughout their lives. The secret is
guarded so carefully that a dragon’s real name is known only
to the dragon himself and the Dragon Father. Dragons
also have one or several assumed names by which they are
known. We would like to emphasize that, out of respect for
dragon practice, all names used here are assumed names.
Dragons are usually very proud, and are acutely sensitive to ridicule. Nothing infuriates them more than being
made fun of by humans. This is something we have to
bear in mind when dealing with dragons. If we embarrass
them, they will refuse to have anything to do with us. If
we speak to them circumspectly, however, and show that
we are capable of keeping their secrets, we will gain their
trust and achieve great influence over them.
Appearing Next Month
~ The Dragon’s Abode ~
Strange Happenings
by Lapis Lazuli
only that but she assaulted the man as he was trying to express his love and show off his victory. The knights saw this
and did not act on the assault; strange considering any other
man to perform such an act would be punished.
ecently I’ve been traveling around the Barony of
Autruche and have found strange happenings.
There was a man I saw dressed in nothing but a loincloth
To Tristana: don’t break deals and suck it up when
you don’t get what you want! To the knights of Ilvaresh:
shame on you. You’ve been seen not enforcing what
you would on any other man, it shows that you are all
corrupt, weak and should all be hung!
and speaking ogre. Apparently some poor woman named
Tristana started talking to him and made some sort of deal
to marry him if she fought her betrothed Zed. The two men
fought very bravely and valiantly and the one named Zed
lost. Unfortunately for the man in the loincloth the woman
named Tristana did not keep up her end of the deal! Not
Questions? Comments? Want to cut me down? Well
too bad, deal with it!
Missing Underworld Boss!?
by Lapis Lazuli
trouble! What’s wrong with you incompetent freaks!?
Get up off your lazy butts and go get your friend.
ow, have things gotten bad or what?! So
apparently there is an underworld boss of
Tarn who went missing recently. His men tried to
Really, I don’t understand you hallucination toxin addicted freaks. It doesn’t take much to get up and go
investigate what happened to your friend. I’ve already
figured out what happened, here’s what happened…
YOU %&^*#% UP! GOOD JOB!
get his closest allies to help save him, only now he’s
been missing for 2 months. If that man isn’t dead by
now it would be a miracle. Some friends you guys
are. Can’t even make time to go get a friend out of
Questions? Comments? Want to cut me down? Well
too bad, deal with it!
The views and opinions expressed by our freelance writers
do not necessarily reflect those of the Mystic Quill.
battle. This was allowed even though there was no dueling
allowed in town. The town’s people and guards let it by.
Once he won his matches (two) and wanted to claim the
prize, she became unwilling. To be fair a deal made is a
deal that should not be unbroken. Some tribes’ men who
know of this code thought this was unfair and sought to
correct the injustice to the traveling groom to be.
Laws with Order
by Yitzchak
n response to Unreal’s article about the Silvermane,
I do believe the incident discussed was not true in its
entirety. This past festival the Silvermane were able to
uphold the law and safety of the town on several occasions. When the Orcs attacked they were there. When
the assassins came to town in the witching hour, they came
to help. When the human man in a loin cloth speaking only
Orcish came around and tried to force Tristi’s hand in
marriage, they were there. If their acts are not wanted then
maybe this is not the place for you to live, Unreal. It may
not be the safest, however the excitement and adventure
exists each and every day. For the full disclosure of events
unfolding I will explain. Human speaking Orc-tongue
wanted to marry Tristi. He wanted to win her heart in
What followed after became a little more drawn out
than it should have, however, once everyone was able
to sit down and discuss the situation again, people were
able to come to an understanding, or as far as I knew
since whence I left. Death is not always the answer to
solving problems, but it does make things easier in the
short term. All you need is a drink from the Inn and
problems seem not so important or discerning after all.
Legends and stories of dragons to add to my collection. Those with
unique or especially intriguing stories will be paid handsomely. During
the month of August, I will be studying at the library in Brenn.
- Ciruelo Cabral
Be it known
to all and sundry members of the Chivalry. Upon the mid of summer of the Year
1010, the Tourney of the Midsummer Knights will be held within the confines of the
town of Ilvaresh within the Principality of Novashan. This tourney will be d’amor and
conducted afoot for the honour to be a Companion of the Midsummer Knight.
All members of the chivalry are invited to attend. More information will be
forthcoming as the time draws nearer.
In service to Prince Duncan Belthshazar,
Sir Thomas Falconheart CMK
Knight of the Thistle
Wanted: Freelance Article Writers
The Mystic Quill is looking for talented writers to submit articles for publication. Articles must be at least 50 words to be considered and will be
chosen based on content and quality. Writers whose articles are accepted
for publication will be paid 1-5 silver depending on quality.
For details on submission guidelines
see back page.
Please refer to the website for the latest official versions
of the KGE documents.
Thank you
Tim Schafer - President of KGE Inc.
Dues collection will be in the parking lot
5pm-8pm Fridays
12noon - 6pm Saturday
12noon - 3pm Sunday
While you are encouraged to come and play during these
times, there are other options for those who are only available after hours. You can now pay online by using PayPal.
Or, on the field, you may locate myself (Jolene Naugle), Chad
Naugle, or Paul Moran and let us know you need to pay your
Kingdom Tax to be on the land. We all should have the means
to get you taken care of on the field. If you are found on the
field of play without making reasonable effort to pay your dues,
you will be removed and asked not to come back until you
have settled your dues, or made arrangements to do so.
Freelance Article Guidelines
As always, the Quill is looking for engaging, well-written articles from players to
- Must be at least 50 words long
- 1-5 silver may be paid for approved articles.
- We will be looking for articles that are well-written, well thought-out, and entertaining or
interesting to read.
- Article must be written “by the player’s character.” The character’s name will be listed as
the author, and payment will be issued to that character.
- Submit articles to GM1 and Mystic Quill Editor for approval ([email protected] and [email protected]).
- Not all articles submitted will be published, and it is not gauranteed that they will be published in the issue immediately following submission.
- Theme Marshals and game staff that are required to submit articles are not eligible to be
paid for submissions.
- Classified Ads are not considered for payment.