Geoffrey Summers, Françoise Summers and Scott Branting


Geoffrey Summers, Françoise Summers and Scott Branting


Benzer belgeler

Elpim Katalog -

Elpim Katalog - ve dağıtımını yapmak amacıyla 1989 yılında kurulmuştur. Firmamız Dünyanın en prestijli kabül edilen pek çok uluslarası ve Türkiye menşeeli elektrik malzemesi üreticisi firmanın Türkiye de dağıtımın...


Edited by Françoise Summers Geoffrey Summers

Edited by Françoise Summers Geoffrey Summers aralarında heykel, Frig dilindeki yazıt ve kabartma heykelin parçalarının da bulunduğu Kerkenes’de ortaya çıkarılan en önemli Demir


Edited by Françoise Summers and Geoffrey Summers - Two

Edited by Françoise Summers and Geoffrey Summers - Two Scott Branting Ben Claasz Coockson Ali Çýnký Ahmet Çinici Catherine Draycott Pýnar Ertepýnar Erhan Gülyüz Peter Grave Tuna Kalaycý Lisa Kealhofer Coþku Kocabýyýk S. Gökçen Kunter Joseph Lehner

Detaylı Geoffrey Summers Geoffrey Summers The first initiative was to survey a 60m wide strip (Figs 3 and 8) running steeply down from just inside the city defences on the northeast side to the lower central portion of the city where trial...


Edited by Françoise Summers Geoffrey Summers

Edited by Françoise Summers Geoffrey Summers Seeing Beneath the Surface Geophysical survey methods make it possible to image buried cultural and natural features. Since the first season in 1993, a fortuitous combination of geological and arch...
