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Sakir Tasdemir, Turkey Silyan Sibinov Arsov, Bulgaria Ridvan Saracoglu, Turkey Murat Ciniviz, Turkey Dimitris Dranidis, Greece Mustafa Altin, Turkey
Istanbul: Mart Publishing,2008. Gross, Jan T. NrighboHTs: The Dcstrcution tif the Jewish Communi!} in Jedwabnc, Poland, 1941. London: Arrow Books, 2003. Gross,Jan T. Fear: Anti-Semitilm in Poland a...
DetaylıÖzgeçmiş Dosyası - KTO Karatay Üniversitesi
5. I. Saritas, N. Allahverdi, I. U. Sert, A fuzzy approach for determination of prostate cancer, Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering (IJISAE – Online Journal), Vol 1, No 1 (2013). 6...
DetaylıSpatial Data Processing, Modelling, Analysing and Management for
Data Processing, Modelling, Analysing and Management for Knowledge Based Systems”. Selçuk International Scientific Conference On Applied Sciences - 2016 will be held on 27-30 Septemper 2016 at Gree...