Middle East Technical University


Middle East Technical University


Benzer belgeler

Özgeçmiş - Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

Özgeçmiş - Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry 13) Murat Kaya, Mürvet Volkan, Synthesis of hollow gold-silver double shell and gold core silver shell nanoparticles for molecular sensing using surface-enhanced Raman


the curriculum vitae - Department of Physics

the curriculum vitae - Department of Physics F. Turkoglu, L. Ozyuzer, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced MaterialsSymposia 1, 404 (2009). 13. “Electrical and dielectrical properties of tantalum oxide films grown by Nd:YAG laser assisted ...


Özgeçmiş - Bepress

Özgeçmiş - Bepress Ethanol-Water Extraction of Lignans from Flaxseed”, Separation and Purification Technology 57(1) (2007) 17-24. A25 L. CHE, D. LI, L-J. WANG, N. ÖZKAN, X. D. CHEN, and Z.-H. MAO, ‘Effect of high pre...


program - Faculty of Science at Bilkent University

program - Faculty of Science at Bilkent University ġakir Erkoç and Osman BarıĢ Malcıoğlu (Invited) Atom-by-Atom Growth of Compound Semiconducting Thin Films: A New Approach for Electrochemical Co-deposition Murat Alanyalıoğlu, Tuba Öznülüer, Ġbrahi...
