Mehmet Murat Monkul - Civil Engineering Department


Mehmet Murat Monkul - Civil Engineering Department


Benzer belgeler

CV - Civil Engineering Department

CV - Civil Engineering Department 7) Monkul, M. M., Ozden, G. (2008). “Erratum to “Compressional behavior of clayey sand and transition fines content” [Engineering Geology, 89(2007), 195–205]”, Engineering Geology, Elsevier Science...


Eylül 2015 - Şubat 2016 - Mühendislik Fakültesi

Eylül 2015 - Şubat 2016 - Mühendislik Fakültesi Third International Conference on Advances in Bio-Informatics and Environmental Engineering - ICABEE 2015


Professional Resume - Civil Engineering Department

Professional Resume - Civil Engineering Department Seventh International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, October 1113, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.  Durgunoglu, T., Bilsel, H. (2007). A microzonation study based on liq...


curriculum vitae - QU Faculty

curriculum vitae - QU Faculty Baraj ve Deprem Semineri, Davetli Konuşmacı, Sayfa 12(Özet), Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, 11-12 Mayıs, 2006. Professional Awards and Achievements


1 RESUME 1. Name : Cem AKGÜNER 2. Job Title : Associate

1 RESUME 1. Name : Cem AKGÜNER 2. Job Title : Associate Kirkit, M. “Behavior of Pile Foundations under Seismic Loadings”, Yıldız Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, (continues, with Dr. M. Berilgen). 7. Publications 7....
