izmir yüksek teknoloji enstitüsü


izmir yüksek teknoloji enstitüsü


Benzer belgeler

lisans eğitim proğramı tablosu

lisans eğitim proğramı tablosu D. E. Blair, Inversion Theory and Conformal Mapping, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, (2000). G. A. Jones and D. Singerman, Complex Functions, Cambridge University Press, (1987). DEĞE...


M. Aykut Y˙I˘G˙ITEL - Computer Networks Research Laboratory

M. Aykut Y˙I˘G˙ITEL - Computer Networks Research Laboratory Turkish War Colleges Command Joint Doctrine Development, Experiment and Education Center Modeling and Simulation Branch (November 2005 - present) • Expertise in Joint Theater Level Simulation (JTLS...


FastPCR©: Useful free software for molecular biologists

FastPCR©: Useful free software for molecular biologists dimer formation, control algorithms, Tm calculations, etc.. The latest version, V5.2, contains other new feature tools, such as modules for finding long terminal repeats (LTRs) for retrotransposons...


Code Course Name TPLC ECTS Prerequisite Code Course Name

Code Course Name TPLC ECTS Prerequisite Code Course Name MBG 502 MBG 503 MBG 504 MBG 505 MBG 506 MBG 514 MBG 515 MBG 517 MBG 519 MBG 520 MBG 522 MBG 525 MBG 533 MBG 545 MBG 546 MBG 547 MBG 556 MBG 557 MBG 560 MBG 565 MBG 566 MBG 567 MBG 568 MBG 570 MBG 5...
