20 kasım 2013 çarşamba / 20 november, wednesday 2013


20 kasım 2013 çarşamba / 20 november, wednesday 2013


Benzer belgeler

Festival Programm 341 KB - Goethe

Festival Programm 341 KB - Goethe KADINLARIN GÜNÜ / WOMEN’S DAY, Maria Sadowska



Bibliography and Democratic Oversight, TESEV Publications, Istanbul, 2010. Erden Akbulut (ed), İşçi-Demokrasi Hareketi ve TİP. 1963-1965 TKP Belgelerinde, TÜSTAV, Istanbul, 2003. İlhan Akdere and Zeynep Karaden...


filmekimi 2015 istanbul.indd

filmekimi 2015 istanbul.indd the mountain. So she elopes with a coffee-harvester. When this man leaves her behind, María discovers her own world and culture anew. Shot near a real active volcano in Guatemala where only 6 films...
