The Annotation Scheme of the Turkish Discourse Bank and An
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Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, ACL
The property that distinguishes a discourse from a set of arbitrary sentences is defined as coherence (Halliday and Hasan, 1976). Coherence is established by the relations between the units of disc...
DetaylıTurkish Discourse Bank: Ongoing Developments
nominalized clauses as their second arguments. These nominalizations can have a variety of morphological features, which makes the TDB a valuable source for studying nominalized abstract objects. T...
DetaylıA Discourse Resource for Turkish - Association for Computational
amount of information needed to complete the interpretation of the discourse relation. The project will initially focus on annotating explicit connectives, integrating implicit ones at a later stag...
DetaylıW13-2315 - Association for Computational Linguistics
Turkish Discourse Bank (TDB) is the first largescale publicly available language resource with discourse level annotations for Turkish built on a ~ 400,000-word sub-corpus of METU Turkish Corpus (M...