Turkish Discourse Bank: Ongoing Developments


Turkish Discourse Bank: Ongoing Developments


Benzer belgeler

Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, ACL

Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop, ACL annotated corpus in which coherence relations are encoded. Turkish Discourse Bank Project (TDB) aims to produce a large-scale discourse level annotation resource for Turkish (Zeyrek and Weber, 2008...


W13-2315 - Association for Computational Linguistics

W13-2315 - Association for Computational Linguistics Turkish Discourse Bank (TDB) is the first largescale publicly available language resource with discourse level annotations for Turkish built on a ~ 400,000-word sub-corpus of METU Turkish Corpus (M...


The Annotation Scheme of the Turkish Discourse Bank and An

The Annotation Scheme of the Turkish Discourse Bank and An features: (a) the adverbs that are used along with connective heads, e.g. tam aksine ‘just to the contrary’, (b) the focus particle dE used together with the connective head (e.g., ve de ‘and-focus...


A Discourse Resource for Turkish - Association for Computational

A Discourse Resource for Turkish - Association for Computational and their arguments. The 2-million word METU Turkish Corpus (MTC) is an electronic resource of 520 samples of continuous text from 291 different sources written between 1990-2000. It includes multi...
