Many, Much, A few Nedir?
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Present Perfect Nedir?
• My grandfather has written many novels. (He is still alive and writing novels) • It has rained a lot this year. • Jane hasn’t called me today. http://www.ingilizceogretmeni.c...
DetaylıSimple Future Nedir?
tense kulanýlabilir. “go, come, arrive, stay, leave” fiileri present continuous tense’in gelecek zaman ifadelerinde sýklýkla kullanýlýr. Bu fiiler kesin planlar ifade ederler. Gel...
DetaylıPlural Form Nedir?
Some nouns have the same singular and plural form. k) criterion – criteria phenomenon- phenomena l) cactus – cacti/ cactuses nucleus – nuclei fungus- fungi stimulus – stimul...
I couldn’t quite understand what you superlative form ile It’s quite the worst match I have ever watched. FAIRLY positive adjective ve adverb lerle The exercises were fairly easy. It wa...
DetaylıTo Be Nedir?
You should have been paying attention. (have/has/had yardýmcý fiillerinden sonra "been" kullanýlýr.) Being Being a good sport is important. ("being" fiilin gerund formu kullanýlmasý gerektiðinde ku...