Prof. Dr. Adem ACIR
Benzer belgeler
Prof. Dr. Sümer Şahin
Summer 2003: CERN, European Nuclear Research Center, Geneva, Switzerland (Visiting scientist) Summer 2004: Radiation Shielding Information Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennesse...
DetaylıCV Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÜBEYLİ
laminated composites Journal of Materials Processing Technology 196 , 356-364 (2008). 35) M. Übeyli, T. Demir, Investigation on the radiation damage behavior of various alloys in a fusion reactor u...
DetaylıEyyupTEL CV - Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi
Science Citation Index (SCI) Tarafından Taranan Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler: 1. G.Tanır, N.Arıkan, B.Şarer, E.Tel, ‘‘The application of the IRSL dating technique to feldspars from Kayseri-Turk...
DetaylıProf. Dr.-Ing. Sümer Şahin
Nuclear Fuel in Advanced Nuclear Reactors”, supported by The Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, , Ankara, Türkiye 2003–2004: Leader of the project “Nuclear Fuel Production in Emerging Nuclear Energy ...
1981: Promotion to a Full Professor in Nuclear Engineering, University of Ege, İzmir, Türkiye 1973: Habilitation (Doçent-Dozent) in Physics, University of Ankara, Ankara, Türkiye 1970: Doktor-Ingen...
2009-Presently: On Fusion Technology, Fusion Fission (Hybrid) Reactors, Actinide Burning, Fusion Propulsion and Generation-IV Reactors, Atılım University, Ankara, Türkiye 1988-2009: On Fusion Techn...
DetaylıMekatronik Müh. Böl. 2011-12 Akademik Faaliyet Raporu
Solidification, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 445, pp. 337-342, (2012) 2. Yigit F., Morphological Instability in Early Stages of Solidification of Pure Metals Part I: A Theoretical Model, Advan...
DetaylıEuropass Curriculum Vitae - European Conference on Renewable
Prof. Dr. : Energy, Department of Energy Systems E., Technology Faculty, Gazi University, Turkey, 2014….. ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2014 – Present : Professor Dr. , Department of Energy Systems Engineer...