Neşe ÇAKIR 2005 yılında Çorlu Mimar Sinan Lisesi`nden mezun


Neşe ÇAKIR 2005 yılında Çorlu Mimar Sinan Lisesi`nden mezun


Benzer belgeler

özgeçmiş - polmag - İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi

özgeçmiş - polmag - İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi 11.32. Ekim 2013 itibarıyla, 5 doktora tezi devam etmektedir. 11.33. Ekim 2013 itibarıyla, 6 yüksek lisans tezi devam etmektedir. 11.34. Toplam 15 Bitirme Ödevi tamamlanmıştır.


Chapter 9. Reactions of Vinyl Polymers 9

Chapter 9. Reactions of Vinyl Polymers 9 Chapter 9. Reactions of Vinyl Polymers 9-2. Functional group reaction Chlorination : decrease flammability & increase Tg Chlorosulfonation Fluorination Aromatic substitution Chloromethylation


Personal Data - Complex Macromolecular Structure Center

Personal Data - Complex Macromolecular Structure Center ITU Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology, Chemistry Msc Program Current GPA: 4.00/4.00


Deniz U. Erbulut Senior Research Scientist Departments of

Deniz U. Erbulut Senior Research Scientist Departments of Chicago, USA, June 2009. th D.U. Erbulut, S.H. Masood “Dielectric Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate PET Preforms” 16 Polychar World Forum on Advanced Materials, Lucknow, India, 17-21 Februar...


Deniz U. Erbulut Research Assistant Professor Departments of

Deniz U. Erbulut Research Assistant Professor Departments of Research Society, Chicago, USA, May 24 2011 • Oktenoglu T., Erbulut D., Sasani M. Kiapour A., Ozer AF, Lazoglu I. Kaner T., Goel VK., “Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine with a Novel Posterior Dynam...


Personal Data - Complex Macromolecular Structure Center

Personal Data - Complex Macromolecular Structure Center Investigation of Multiarm Star Sulfonated Polystyrene Based Ionomer Membranes, European Polymer Journal, 2014, In Press. INTERNATIONAL and NATIONAL CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 1. Cigdem Bilir, Eda Gungo...
