With Father Domenico in Antioch


With Father Domenico in Antioch


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View/Print PDF - Karen Whiting

View/Print PDF - Karen Whiting browsing and cell phone use are important and challenging aspects of being a parent. In keeping track of your child’s text messaging, with its dizzying array of coded abbreviations and symbols, the...


St. John Maron

St. John Maron Your donation goes to the families in need and, families who are often not eligible for financial aid and yet are in great need. The special envelopes are in the pews. Thank you for your generous s...


Aug 11 - St. James Catholic Church

Aug 11 - St. James Catholic Church beginning April 19th from 10:00 AM — 12:00 Noon, or once a month on a Saturday, —Prayer Ministry Letter You will receive a letter once a month listing Parish needs. You are invited to pray with the...


October 5, 2014 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church

October 5, 2014 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church the most accurate information entered, would like to have parishioners contact Pat in the parish office, at 913-4927318– for any change - in address, telephone, membership status, or as a contact/ ...


sunday in - Nativity of Our Lord

sunday in - Nativity of Our Lord Today, there is very little in this city that speaks of our Christian heritage, but that little bit is powerful indeed. Most tour groups are taken to the so-called "Grotto of St. Peter," on the mou...
