isrnNe AYDrN luruivERsiresi
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Armatiirde dtgitlen Toplam Giig/Measured Total Power of Luminaire...... 24W;O,94pf
DetaylırRABzoN il uir_t-i erEiriu uUoUnr-UGU
;";6ii;;;k "uri"ino" V. trifaze Jevrererde 380 v da gatrgan diferansiyet bobrntr, ::t"^t:l: :::-Y_" 1?fgiivenli0ini saolayan' monolaze deweietde 220"r,'.i slslemrn 9allsrp 9all9madrgrnl kontrol rcr...
DetaylıBest Regards - ODSEL Lighting
itsi/sublea: Interest on request, samples were sent to our laboratory for fixtures, physical examination and tests.The following results were obtained. Rapor Tarihi -Report Dote
DetaylıFotometri raporu
itsi/sublea: Interest on request, samples were sent to our laboratory for fixtures, physical examination and tests.The following results were obtained. Rapor Tarihi -Report Dote