06 Serdar Sönmez - Anadolu Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi
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Anadolu Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 2(1):
Wells (2007), Huys et al. (1996) and relevant literatures. The scale bars in the illustrations and SEM micrographs are in µm. The descriptive terminology is adopted from Huys et al. (1996). The des...
DetaylıA Preliminary Study on the Feeding Regime of European Pilchard
importance (IRI), copepods (12 896.96) were followed by decapod crustacean larvae (474.53) and bivalves (280.45). It appeared that copepods were the most dominant group throughout the year (Table 1...
DetaylıLaboratuvar Gıda Birim Sorumlusu Sn. Dr. Muharrem YILMAZ
Product in the form of capsules, containing orlistat (INN) (120 mg of orlistat per capsule), and other additives. This product should be administered in combination with a physician-supervised re...
DetaylıAnadolu Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 2(1):
36° 33’ 19,9” N 29° 06’ 26,3” E 36° 33’ 30,9” N 29° 03’ 37,1” E 36° 38’ 25,9” N 29° 05’ 39,5” E 36° 38’ 34,8” N 29° 04’ 35,9” E 36° 38’ 39,9” N 29° 04’ 39,7” E 36° 42’ 30,0” N 29° 01’ 58,8” E 36° 4...