Turkchem2010 Brochure.fh11
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Turkchem Chem Show Eurasia 2012 Floor Plan_son
Kolon Ebatlarý (Kýrmýzý) : 80x80 cm Size of the Columns (Red) : 80x80 cm Kolon Ebatlarý (Mavi) : 200x200 cm Size of the Columns (Blue) : 200x200 cm
Enerji Yoðunluðu: SHR up to 25J/cm2; HR up to 120J/cm2; SR up to 20J/cm2 Darbe Süresi: 10ms-1400ms Soðutma: Safir ucu ile doðrudan baðlantý Entegre Cilt Soðutma: 4°C
DetaylıSöndürür - Gloran Yangın Söndürme Cihazları
Hologenated or clean agent extinguishers ABC, Chemical usewell for as A,B,C class include theDry halon agents as the newer fires. Especially most efective for petrolium and less ozone deploting hal...
DetaylıPP-r Ürünler /PP
Raw material:Polypropylene Random Copolimer (PPR - Type 3) Polypropylene Random Copolimer (PPR - Type 3) is widely used in hot water, floor- and radiator heating systems as well as in industrial li...