Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst.
Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst.
The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 Version. 1 R-Biopharm Group & the development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Speaker: Patrick Taylor Date: October 2008 Venue: Izmir Turkey Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Our markets October 2008 Our business is exported to over 60 countries, managed by exclusive distributors like Sincer in Turkey R-Biopharm AG Headquarters is located in Darmstadt, Germany. R-Biopharm Rhone is based in Glasgow, Scotland. R-Biopharm also has global subsidiary sales companies in: USA R-Biopharm Inc. France R-Biopharm SA. Italy R-Biopharm Srl. Argentina R-Biopharm Latin America. Brazil R-Biopharm Brasil. China R-Biopharm China. Australia R-Biopharm Australia Pvt Ltd. Version. 1 1 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis RB Group’un Dahil Olduğu Bazı Uluslararası Mikotoksin ARGE Projeleri’ne Örnekler LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & October 2008 Examples of some International R&D Development Projects for mycotoxins that RB Group is involved with • • SafeNut - Brazil Nut Export Hazard Control • FQS 64 FSA LINK Project ‘Fate of Fusarium Toxins in the Cereal Food Chain’ • FQS 64 FSA LINK Projesi SafeNut - Brezilya Cevizi İhracat Tehlike Kontrolü HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP ‘Tahıl Gıda Zincirinde Fusarium Toksinlerinin Akıbeti’ Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON • Development of Multi-Residue methods and products for international manufacturers • Uluslararası üreticiler için Multi-Kalıntı metotlar ve ürünlerin geliştirilmesi analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC SafeNut Project Brazil Nut Export Hazard Control Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 2 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 RIDASCREEN® ELISA-Testkit Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 ® RIDA QUICK Aflatoxin Negative result < 4 µg/kg (ppb) Positive result > 4 µg/kg (ppb) Version. 1 3 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC UK Food Standards Agency Funded Project İngiltere Gıda Standatları Ajansı’nın Finanse Ettiği Proje Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 FQS 64 LINK Project ‘Fate of Fusarium Toxins in the Cereal Food Chain’ ‘Tahıl Gıda Zincirinde Fusarium Toksinlerinin Akıbeti’ Background on AFT & OTA analysis 2005 - 2008 Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis … an investigation of UK cereals industry to assess if a problem exists … İngiltere’deki tahıllarda bir problemin olup olmadığının tespiti için bir araştırma Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Fusarium Mycotoxins UK Funded Link Project October 2008 UK FUNDED LINK PROJECT ON FUSARIUM MYCOTOXINS İNGİLTERE’NİN FİNANSE ETTİĞİ FUSARIUM MİKOTOKSİNLERİ LİNK PROJESİ Oat Process In order to gather information on the Fusarium mycotoxins, the processes that the Wheat Process raw cereal undergoes were examined in order to determine the mycotoxin Maize Process levels throughout the process. Brewing Process Conclusions of Link Project Fusarium mikotoksinleri hakkında bilgi toplamak için, ham tahıllara uygulanan işlemler, proses süresince mikotoksin seviyelerini tespit etmek amacı ile RIDA QUICK DON Trial incelenmiştir. Version. 1 4 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Fusarium Mycotoxins UK Funded Link Project October 2008 UK FUNDED LINK PROJECT ON FUSARIUM MYCOTOXINS İNGİLTERE’NİN FİNANSE ETTİĞİ FUSARIUM MİKOTOKSİNLERİ LİNK PROJESİ MAIZE OATS WHEAT Milling (dry) Milling Breakfast Cereals Milling Baking (bread, cakes, biscuits, crackers) Extruded Snacks Breakfast Cereals Tortilla Snacks Extruded Snacks Oat Process Wheat Process Maize Process Brewing Process Conclusions of Link Project RIDA QUICK DON Trial Oat Flakes Fusarium mycotoxins that are most commonly found in UK cereals include: İngiltere’de en fazla bulunan Fusarium mikotoksinleri: • Deoxynivalenol • Fumonisin (maize only) (sadece mısır) • T2 & HT2 • Zearalenone Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 Fusarium Mycotoxins UK FUNDED LINK PROJECT ON FUSARIUM MYCOTOXINS UK Funded Link Project İNGİLTERE’NİN FİNANSE ETTİĞİ FUSARIUM MİKOTOKSİNLERİ LİNK PROJESİ Oat Process Unique combination of government, food manufacturers and academic experts. Wheat Process Devlet, gıda üreticileri ve akademik uzmanların ortak çalışması Maize Process Brewing Process Conclusions of Link Project INDUSTRIAL ACADEM IC ADVISORS R-Biopharm KAS Mycotoxins Cam pden & Chorleywood Food Research Association Harper Adam s University College Food Standards Agency PepsiCo (Quaker Oats) RHM Sm iths Flour Millers University of Bristol United Biscuits Central Science Laboratory DACSA Prof Ron Walker RIDA QUICK DON Trial DEFRA SNACMA Home Grown Cereals Authority National Association of British & Irish Millers Maizecor Kelloggs Cereal Partners Version. 1 5 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Fusarium Mycotoxins UK Funded Link Project Oat Process October 2008 OATS PROCESS (CONCLUSIONS) YULAF PROSESİ (SONUÇLARIN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ) It was found that the processing of oats to oat flakes was highly effective in reducing the tricothecene levels. Wheat Process Maize Process Tricothecene seviyelerinin azaltılmasında yulafın “flake”e işlenmesinin son derece etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Brewing Process Conclusions of Link Project Reduction of tricothecene levels was of approximately 95%. RIDA QUICK DON Trial Tricothecene seviyeleri yaklaşık %95 azaltılmıştır. However, the tricothecenes were concentrated in the pellet by-products. Fakat, tricotheceneler pelet yan ürünlerinde konsantre halde bulunmaktadır. Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Fusarium Mycotoxins UK Funded Link Project October 2008 WHEAT PROCESS (RESULTS) BUĞDAY PROSESİ (SONUÇLAR) Oat Process It was noted that Deoxynivalenol was detected in all samples. Wheat Process Tüm numunelerde Deoxynivalenol tespit edilmiştir. Maize Process Brewing Process Zearalenone was detected infrequently. Conclusions of Link Project Zearalenone nadiren bulunmuştur. RIDA QUICK DON Trial Both Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone were detected below the EC legislative limits. Deoxynivalenol ve Zearalenone’un her ikisi de AB limitlerinin altında bulunmuştur. Version. 1 6 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Fusarium Mycotoxins UK Funded Link Project October 2008 WHEAT PROCESS (CONCLUSIONS) BUĞDAY PROSESİ (SONUÇLARIN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ) It was found that deoxynivalenol was reduced in white flour by approximately 30% . Oat Process Deoxynivalenol’un beyaz unda yaklaşık %30 azaldığı görülmüştür. Wheat Process Maize Process It was found that deoxynivalenol levels were increased in bran flour . Deoxynivalenol seviyelerinin kepek ununda arttığı görülmüştür. Brewing Process The same pattern was observed for all of the other tricothecenes. Conclusions of Link Project Diğer Tricothecenlerde aynı örnek görülmüştür. RIDA QUICK DON Trial In bread making, there was a small decrease of approximately 12%. Ekmek yapımında yaklaşık %12 gibi küçük bir düşüş görülmüştür. There was no loss of deoxynivalenol observed during biscuit making. Bisküvi yapımında Deoxynivalenol kaybı gözlemlenmemiştir. Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Fusarium Mycotoxins UK Funded Link Project October 2008 MAIZE PROCESS (CONCLUSIONS) MISIR PROSESİ (SONUÇLAR) When the raw maize was processed into flaking grits during the breakfast cereal Oat Process Wheat Process Maize Process process, a 70% reduction of the mycotoxins was observed. Ham mısırın kahvaltılık gevreğe işlenmesi sırasında mikotoksinlerin %70 azaldığı gözlemlenmiştir. Brewing Process Conclusions of Link Project RIDA QUICK DON Trial Fumonisins were found to be destroyed during the cooking process, however this raises other questions, i.e. what were they broken down to? Fumonisinlerin pişirme esnasında parçalandığı görülmüştür, fakat bu durumda başka sorular ortaya çıkar, neye parçalandılar? Version. 1 7 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Fusarium Mycotoxins October 2008 In the production of cornflakes there appears to be a small increase in deoxynivalenol. UK Funded Link Project Mısır gevreği üretiminde Deoxynivalenol seviyesinde küçük bir artış görülmektedir. Oat Process Wheat Process Maize Process Brewing Process However, in the tortilla making process there appears to be no loss of deoxynivalenol. Fakat, tortilla üretiminde Deoxynivalenol kaybı görülmemektedir. Conclusions of Link Project RIDA QUICK DON Trial In the tortilla making process there is a 60% decrease in fumonisin observed. Tortilla üretimi esnasında Fumonisin’de %60 düşüş görülmüştür. Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis Fusarium Mycotoxins October 2008 CONCLUSIONS ON UK FUNDED LINK PROJECT ON FUSARIUM MYCOTOXINS İNGİLTERE’NİN FİNANSE ETTİĞİ FUSARIUM MİKOTOKSİNLERİ LİNK PROJESİNİN SONUÇLARI UK Funded Link Project Oat Process The effect on the mycotoxin depends on the process. Mikotoksinlere etkiler prosese bağlıdır. Wheat Process However, it was found that Fumonisins are more susceptible during the process and Maize Process are partially destroyed, with the cooking process being the most effective in Brewing Process Conclusions of Link Project RIDA QUICK DON Trial reducing fumonisins. Fakat, Fumonisinlerin prosese karşı en dayanıksız olduğu, kısmen parçalandığı ve pişirme işleminin fumonisin seviyesinin düşürülmesinde en etkili yol olduğu görülmüştür. Version. 1 8 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 CONCLUSIONS ON UK FUNDED LINK PROJECT ON FUSARIUM MYCOTOXINS Fusarium Mycotoxins İNGİLTERE’NİN FİNANSE ETTİĞİ FUSARIUM MİKOTOKSİNLERİ LİNK PROJESİNİN SONUÇLARI UK Funded Link Project Oat Process Deoxynivalenol, Zearalenone and T2 & HT2 all proved to be very stable. Deoxynivalenol, Zearalenone ve T2 & HT2 toksinlerinin hepsinin çok stabil olduğu bulunmuştur. Wheat Process In some cases, the concentration of the mycotoxin can be lowered due to the dilution Maize Process effect of other ingredients (i.e in beer production). Brewing Process Conclusions of Link Project RIDA QUICK DON Trial Bazı durumlarda mikotoksin konsantrasyonunun diğer bileşenlerin seyreltme etkisi ile azalabilmektedir (ör. bira üretimi). In some cases, these mycotoxins were actually concentrated in grits or bran. Bazı durumlarda bu mikotoksinler iri çekilmiş hububat ve kepekte yoğunlaşmaktadır. Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 RESULTS FROM RIDA QUICK DON COLLABORATIVE TRIAL RIDA QUICK DON DENEMESİNDEN SONUÇLAR RIDA QUICK DON performed will in the UK Funded Fusarium link project collaborative study. Only 2 spurious results out of 120 analysis. İngiltere’nin finanse ettiği Fusarium link projesi çalışmasında RIDA QUICK DON isteneni gerçekleştirmiştir. 120 analizde sadece 2 hatalı sonuç vermiştir. SAM PLE DON (ppb) HPLC RESULTS LAB 1 LAB 2 LAB 3 LAB 4 LAB 5 LAB 6 LAB 7 LAB 8 LAB 9 LAB 10 LAB 11 LAB 12 M AIZE 680 750 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 M AIZE 730 < 10 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 M AIZE 731 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 OATS 833 500 > 500 < 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 BARLEY 1 < 10 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 WHEAT 786 < 10 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 WHEAT 1002 > 100 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 M AIZE 327 100 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 > 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 OATS 456 < 10 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 < 500 M AIZE 73 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 > 500 Version. 1 9 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 Fusarium Mycotoxins UK Funded Link Project Oat Process RIDA QUICK DON COLLABORATIVE TRIAL - UK FUNDED LINK PROJECT ON FUSARIUM MYCOTOXINS RIDA QUICK DON DENEMESİNDEN SONUÇLAR Wheat Process Lateral flow tests can often be fast and easy to use. Maize Process Brewing Process Lateral flow testler hızlı ve kullanımı kolaydır. Often more attractive commercially for cereal industry. Conclusions of Link Project Tahıl endüstrisi için ticari olarak daha caziptir. RIDA QUICK DON Trial Suitable for use as field tests or on the factory or mill floor. Saha testleri, fabrika ya da değirmende kullanıma uygundur. Require little equipment or technical expertise. Az ekipman ve teknik uzmanlık gerektirir. Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN ANALİZLERİNİN ZEMİNİ • There is a market need for multiple analysis of relevant mycotoxins and mycotoxin combinations. • İlgili mikotoksinler ve mikotoksin kombinasyonları için çoklu analizlere gereksinim duyulmaktadır. • • EU Legislation for food often requires analysis of more than one mycotoxin. Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & October 2008 BACKGROUND ON MULTI-MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT AB Gıda Mevzuatı genellikle birden falza mikotoksin analizine gereksinim duymaktadır. … cereals tahıllar … dried fruits kuru meyveler … spices baharatlar Benefits of IAC Version. 1 10 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC BACKGROUND ON MULTI-MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN ANALİZLERİNİN ZEMİNİ • As more analysis is being carried out routinely there is a need for faster and more cost effective analysis. • Rutinde daha fazla analiz yapıldıkça daha hızlı ve uygun maliyetli analizlere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. • For analysis of multi-mycotoxin it is recommended to use immunoaffinity columns for clean-up of complex matrices in conjunction with either HPLC or LCMSMS, depending on the customer requirements. • Multi-mikotoksin analizleri için kompleks matrislerin HPLC ya da LC MSMS öncesi hazırlanmasında immunoaffinity kolonların kullanılması tavisye edilmektedir. Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & October 2008 HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background October 2008 HPLC ANALYSIS – HPLC ANALİZLERİ HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis • HPLC is the most commonly used method for quantitative analysis of mycotoxins. • Mikotoksin analizlerinde HPLC en sık kullanılan metottur. • • It is the most favoured technique in FAPAS rounds. • Many labs have validated extraction methods in place using immunoaffinity columns. • Birçok laboratuvar ekstraksiyon metotlarını immunoaffinity kolon kullanarak valide etmiştir. • CEN/AOAC methods by HPLC have been already approved and validated for different mycotoxins. • Farklı mikotoksinler için HPLC metotları CEN/AOAC tarafından onaylanmıştır. Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP FAPAS roundlarında en çok kabul gören tekniktir. Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 11 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON October 2008 ADVANTAGEDS OF MULTI-MYCOTOXIN COLUMNS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH HPLC MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN KOLONLARININ HPLC İLE BİRLİKTE KULLANIMININ AVANTAJLARI • • • • • • • • • Customers can use existing equipment and techniques. Müşteriler halihazırdaki ekipman ve teknikleri kullanabilirler One extraction method for the analysis of different mycotoxins. Farklı mikotoksinlerin analizleri için tek ekstraksiyon metodu. One set of HPLC conditions for the analysis of different mycotoxins. Farklı mikotoksinlerin analizleri için tek HPLC koşulları. Simultaneous detection of more than one mycotoxin. Birden fazla mikotoksinin aynı anda tespiti. More efficient use of time – Zamanın daha etkin kullanımı … reduced time for sample preparation. – numune hazırlama için daha az analysis zaman Validation of DZT … reduced HPLC run time. – daha kısa HPLC süresi Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background LCMSMS ANALYSIS - LCMSMS ANALİZLERİ HPLC analysis • • • • • • • • • • LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON October 2008 LCMSMS is one of the most advanced techniques for mycotoxin analysis. LCMSMS mikotoksin analizleri için en gelişmiş tekniklerden biridir. Many analysts and official labs are moving to this technique. Birçok analit ve resmi laboratuvar bu tekniğe geçmektedir. Particularly suitable for analysis of multi parameters. Özellikle çoklu parametrelerin analizleri için uygundur. One extraction method for the analysis different mycotoxins. Farklı mikotoksinlerin analizleri için tek ekstraksiyon metodu. Simultaneous detection of more than one mycotoxin. Birden fazla mikotoksinin aynı anda tespiti. analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 12 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC October 2008 ADVANTAGEDS OF MULTI-MYCOTOXIN COLUMNS USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH LCMSMS LCMSMS İLE BİRLİKTE KULLANILAN MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN KOLONLARININ AVANTAJLARI • • • No requirement for derivatisation of samples • LCMSMS öncesi immunoaffinity kolon uygulaması ile kompleks numunelerin daha iyi ekstraksiyonu. • • • Improved sensitivity using immunoaffinity columns Örneklerin türevlendirilmesine gerek yoktur Better clean up of complex samples using LCMSMS in conjunction with immunoaffinity columns İmmunoaffinity kolonların kullanılması ile artan hassasiyet. More efficient use of time – Zamanın daha verimli kullanılması … reduced time for sample preparation. - Örnek hazırlama zamanı kısadır … reduced HPLC run time. HPLC analiz zamanı kısadır Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis RBR IACs columns October 2008 Contain antibodies specific for the analysed compound Analiz edilen bileşiğe spesifik antikorlar içerir Concentrate from samples for analysis Analiz için örneği konsantre eder Removal of contaminants, matrix components & pigments Bulaşanları, analize engel olabilecek pigmentleri ve komponentleri uzaklaştırır Provide excellent clean-up for more complex matrices Kompleks yapıdan mükemmel arındırma sağlar Can be used in combination with any analytical method Herhangi bir analitik metod ile birlikte de kullanılabilir Version. 1 13 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 MULTI-MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS WITH IMMUNOAFFINITY COLUMNS İMMUNOAFFİNİTY KOLONLAR İLE MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN ANALİZİ LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis • • R-Biopharm Rhone are currently developing a number of new multi mycotoxin immunoaffinity columns for use with HPLC or LCMSMS. R-Biopharm Rhone HPLC ya da LCMSMS ile kullanılmak üzere yeni multimikotoksin immunoaffinity kolonlar geliştirmektedir. … EASI-EXTRACT ® T-2 & HT-2 for use in conjunction with HPLC … HPLC ile birlikte kullanılan EASI-EXTRACT ® T-2 & HT-2 … AFLAOCHRA PREP ® for use in conjunction with HPLC … HPLC ile birlikte kullanılan AFLAOCHRA PREP ® … DZT for use in conjunction with LCMSMS … LCMSMS ile birlikte kullanılan DZT … Other requested combinations soon ... … İstenen diğer kombinasyonlar yakında... Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC October 2008 PRINCIPLE OF MULTI-MYCOTOXIN IMMUNOAFFINITY COLUMNS MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN İMMUNOAFFİNİTY KOLONLARIN PRENSİBİ SAMPLE WASHING ELUTION Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC The sample extract (containing the toxin) is passed through the column. The antibody isolates and concentrates the toxin and retains it in the column Numune ekstraktı Kolonda bulunan antikorlar toksini izole ederek kolonda tutulmasını sağlar (toksin ihtiva eden) kolondan geçirilir. Passage of pure methanol through the column denatures the antibody and releases the toxin Kolondan geçirilen saf metanol ile antikorlar denatüre edilerek toksinin serbest hale geçmesi sağlanır Version. 1 14 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 MULTI-MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS OF T-2 & HT-2 T-2 ve HT-2 MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN ANALİZLERİ LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC • • Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA • • • PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON • T-2 & HT-2 are amongst the most dangerous of the fusarium mycotoxins. T-2 ve HT-2 Fusarium mikotoksinleri arasında en tehlikeli mikotoksinler arsındadır. These mycotoxins have a strong impact on the health of animals and humans due to their immunosuppresive effects. Bu mikotoksinler insan ve hayvan sağlığı üzerinde kuvvetli etkilere sahiptir (bağışıklık sistemi). Legislation is currently pending for T-2 & HT-2. However it is thought that the two mycotoxins will be evaluated together since T-2 is readily metabolised to HT-2. T-2 ve HT-2 için yasal düzenleme beklenmektedir. Fakat T-2 HT-2’ye metabolize olduğundan iki mikotoksin birlikte değerlendirilecektir. analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 PENDING LEGISLATION FOR T-2 & HT-2 T-2 ve HT-2 İÇİN BEKLENEN YASAL DÜZENLEME LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC T-2 &HT-2 IN FOOD LEGISLATION (PENDING) Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis COMMODITY MAXIMUM LEVEL Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & Unprocessed cereal 100ppb Malting barley 200ppb Unprocessed oats 500ppb Cereal for infant food 50ppb HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Infant food 100ppb Dietetic nutrition for infants 500ppb Dietetic nutrition without gluten 100ppb Benefits of IAC Version. 1 15 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & VALIDATION OF EASI-EXTRACT & HT-2 EASI-EXTRACT ® T-2 & HT-2 NİN VALİDASYONU In response to customer requests RBR have developed an application note for the analysis of oats in conjunction with Nestle. Müşteri isteği üzerine RBR Nestle ile birlikte yulaf analizi için uygulama notu geliştirmiştir. 1) 25g of sample + 125ml 90% MeOH + 2.5g NaCl 2) Blend and filter 3) Dilute 20ml of filtrate with 80ml 2% NaCl solution 4) Gently shake for 5 minutes Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP 5) Filter through GMF Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON 6) Pass 25ml of diluted filtrate through column Validation of DZT 7) Wash with 20ml H2O Benefits of IAC 8) Elute with MeOH HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP analysis October 2008 ® T-2 Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC October 2008 VALIDATION OF EASI-EXTRACT ® T-2 & HT-2 EASI-EXTRACT ® T-2 & HT-2 NİN VALİDASYONU For type A trichothecenes such as T-2 and HT-2 derivatisation is required to allow detection by fluorescence. T-2 ve HT-2 gibi A tipi Trichothecenelerin floresan detektör ile tespiti için türevlendirme gerekmektedir. 1) Evaporate the sample eluate or standards under an air stream at 50°C. 1) Örnek eluatı ya da standartlar 50°C’de hava akımı altında evapore edilir. 2) Add 50ul of D-MAP and 50ul of 1-AN to the residue and vortex for 1 minute 2) 50ul of D-MAP ve 50ul of 1-AN eklenerek 1 dk. vortexlenir 3) Leave the mixture to react in a heater block at 50°C for 15 minutes 3) Karışım 50°C’de 15 dk reaksiyona bırakılır 4) Cool mixture on ice for 10 minutes 4) Karışım 10 dk. Buz içerisinde soğutulur 5) Dry mixture under steam at 50°C 5) Karışım 50°C’de buharla kurutulur 6) Reconstitute in 1ml of mobile phase 1ml mobil faz içerisinde çözülür 7) Inject 100ul onto an HPLC 100ul HPLC’ye enjekte edilir Version. 1 16 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background October 2008 ® T-2 VALIDATION OF EASI-EXTRACT & HT-2 Summary of the results obtained during the validation of the oat protocol were as follows - HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC T-2 TOXIN Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Spiking Level 50ppb 100ppb 200ppb 200ppb Sample ID. 4022 4022 4022 4011 Mean Recovery (%) (n = 6) 102.5 97.8 94.9 101.9 %CV 5.0 3.7 6.6 3.7 Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA HT-2 TOXIN PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Spiking Level 50ppb 100ppb 200ppb 200ppb Sample ID. 4022 4022 4022 4011 102.4 118.2* 128.4* 104.2 5.5 9.6 6.8 2.8 Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Mean Recovery (%) (n = 6) Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC %CV * High recoveries due to natural contamination of samples Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF EASI-EXTRACT ® T-2 & HT-2 1,200 071106 #5 [modified by Administrator] mV Fluorescence 1,200 1,000 1,000 800 800 600 071106 #9 [modified by Administrator] mV Fluorescence 600 2 - HT-2 - 19.098 2 - HT-2 - 19.042 400 400 1 - T-2 - 10.034 200 200 0 0 -200 0.0 min 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 SPIKED OATS - Original IFU method 30.0 35.0 -200 0.0 1 - T-2 - 10.073 min 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 SPIKED OATS – Application note prepared in conjunction with Nestle Version. 1 17 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 MULTI-MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS OF AFLATOXIN & OCHRATOXIN AFLATOKSİN VE OKRATOKSİNİN MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN ANALİZLERİ LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC • Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis • Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis • Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT • Legislation is constantly increasing for aflatoxin and ochratoxin with more commodities being included in EU legislation. Aflatoksin ve Okratoksin için düzenlemeler, daha fazla gıda maddesinin AB Mevzuatında yer alması ile birlikte sürekli artmaktadır. Analysts are requiring to analyse samples for both aflatoxins and ochratoxin therefore it it was decided that RBR would focus on the main commodities that were covered by legislation for both toxins – Analistlerin numunelerde hem Aflatoksin hem de Okratoksin analizlerine ihtiyaç duymasından dolayı RBR her iki toksinin de mevzuat kapsamında olduğu ürünlere yönelmiştir … cereals tahıllar … dried fruit kuru meyve … spices baharatlar Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background October 2008 CURRENT LEGISLATION FOR AFLATOXIN & OCHRATOXIN HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC AFLATOXIN & OCHRATOXIN IN FOOD LEGISLATION Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis COMMODITY TOTAL AFT OTA Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & Cereals including processed products for human consumption or as an ingredient 4ppb 3ppb HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP Raw cereal grains 5ppb Maize subject to sorting 10ppb Spices 10ppb HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis 10ppb Dried figs 8 – 10ppb Other dried fruits 1 – 2ppb Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 18 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 PREP ® VALIDATION OF AFLAOCHRA AFLAOCHRA PREP ® VALİDASYONU LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & In response to market requirements RBR developed methods for the analysis of cereals, dried fruit and spices for the detection of aflatoxin and ochratoxin. RBR, piyasa gereksinimini karşılamak amacı ile, tahıllar, kuru meyveler ve baharatlarda Aflatoksin ve Okratoksin tespiti için metotlar geliştirmiştir. HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis 1) 25g of sample + 100ml 80% MeOH + 5g NaCl Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP 2) Blend and filter PREP 3) Dilute 2ml of filtrate with 18ml PBS (or 10% Tween 20 in PBS) Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP 4) Pass 10ml of diluted filtrate through column 5) Wash with 20ml PBS 6) Elute with MeOH HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF AFLAOCHRA PREP ® Summary of the results obtained during the validation for cereals were as follows - LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC WHEAT (4ppb TOTAL AFT, 3ppb OTA) Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis TOXIN AFT B1 AFT B2 AFT G1 AFT G2 OTA Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & RECOVERY (%) 100.8 104.4 104.3 105.9 104.4 % CV 2.1 1.2 2.4 1.7 3.4 HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA MAIZE (FAPAS T04105, 10.7ppb TOTAL AFT) PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT TOXIN AFT B1 AFT B2 AFT G1 AFT G2 OTA RECOVERY (ppb) 4.58 2.29 2.17 0.90 ND % CV 0.7 0.4 0.9 2.3 ND Benefits of IAC Version. 1 19 4ppb AFT 3ppb OTA Spiked wheat matrix 1 – AFLA/OCHRA PREP The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF AFLAOCHRA PREP® 30.0 291107 Spiked wheat matrix #23 [modified by Administrator] mV Thin spike 1 Emission EM:442 nm 3 - B2 - 11.252 1 - G2 - 7.688 15.0 17.5 2 - G1 - 9.374 Ex = 365, Em = 442, Az 4 - B1 - 13.972 Ex = 333, Em = 463, Az 5 - OTA - 27.069 20.0 10.0 -5.0 0.0 min 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 4ppb AFT 3ppb OTA Spiked wheat matrix 1 – AFLAOCHRA PREP ® Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF AFLAOCHRA PREP ® Summary of the results obtained during the validation for dried fruits were as follows - Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC SULTANAS (4ppb TOTAL AFT, 10ppb OTA) Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis TOXIN AFT B1 AFT B2 AFT G1 AFT G2 OTA Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & RECOVERY (%) 84.3 84.8 77.1 78.0 87.9 % CV 3.8 2.6 2.9 3.7 3.5 HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA SULTANAS (FAPAS T1760, 4ppb TOTAL AFT, 50ppb OTA) PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT TOXIN AFT B1 AFT B2 AFT G1 AFT G2 OTA RECOVERY (%) 90.5 87.5 86.2 82.9 83.6 % CV 3.4 2.0 1.7 2.2 3.8 Benefits of IAC Version. 1 20 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF AFLAOCHRA PREP® 060308 Spiked sultanas matrix #13 [modified by Administrator] mV 5.0 1 - G2 - 6.357 2 - G1 - 7.726 Emission EM:442 nm 5 - OTA - 24.895 3 - B2 - 9.293 2.5 -1.0 0.0 Thin spike 1 Ex = 333, Em = 463, Az 9.0 4 - B1 - 11.563 min 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 4ppb AFT 10ppb OTA Spiked sultana matrix 1 – AFLAOCHRA PREP ® Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF AFLAOCHRA PREP ® Summary of the results obtained during the validation for spices were as follows - LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC PEPPER (10ppb TOTAL AFT, 15ppb OTA) Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis TOXIN AFT B1 AFT B2 AFT G1 AFT G2 OTA Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & RECOVERY (%) 88.1 90.3 81.2 79.0 90.6 % CV 4.4 3.6 3.2 2.6 3.2 TOXIN AFT B1 AFT B2 AFT G1 AFT G2 OTA RECOVERY (%) 92.5 94.9 98.1 91.0 81.0 % CV 1.7 0.7 1.8 2.3 1.3 HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PAPRIKA (40ppb TOTAL AFT, 50ppb OTA) PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 21 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF AFLAOCHRA PREP® 70.0 181207 PEPPER SPIKED MATRIX #22 [modified by Administrator] mV Thin spike 1 Emission EM:442 nm 5 - OTA - 27.376 4 - B1 - 14.193 1 - G2 - 7.783 2 - G1 - 9.506 Ex = 365, Em = 442, Az 40.0 Ex = 333, Em = 463, Az 3 - B2 - 11.408 20.0 -10.0 0.0 min 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 10ppb AFT 15ppb OTA Spiked pepper matrix 1 – AFLAOCHRA PREP ® Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background October 2008 HPLC CONDITIONS FOR AFLAOCHRA PREP ® HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis HPLC CONDITIONS Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Mobile Phase A Water: methanol (55:45 v/v) Mobile Phase B Water: methanol (20:80 v/v) Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Flow Rate Column temperature To 1 litre add119mg of potassium bromide and 350l 4N Nitric Acid To 1 litre add 119mg of potassium bromide and 350l 4N Nitric Acid 0.8ml/min 40oC Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP End Time 0 14.0 16.0 29.5 31.0 40.0 Time 0 17 Excitation (nm) 362 333 Start Gradient Program Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Fluorescence conditions %A 100 100 35 35 100 100 %B 0 0 65 65 0 0 Emission (nm) 442 463 Version. 1 22 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background DERIVATISATION OF AFLATOXINS WITH AFLAOCHRA October 2008 PREP ® HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP • The KOBRA® CELL (KOk BRomine Apparatus Cell) is a unique system which offers a popular alternative derivatisation. • KOBRA® CELL • Electrochemical cell consisting of a platinum working electrode and a stainless steel auxiliary electrode separated from another by a membrane. These layers are sandwiched between rigid plastic housings. HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON • Electrochemical cell, fitted between the HPLC column and the detector that generates the derivatisation agent, bromine, on-line from potassium bromide and nitric acid present in the mobile phase analysis Validation of DZT • The derivatisation results in a significant increase in the fluorescent signals of the modified forms of aflatoxin B1 and G1. Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 KOBRA CELL switched on KOBRA CELL installation Detector Column Heater HPLC ColumnOut KC # 123 KC # 123 ‘Fingertight’ Fittings ‘Union’ Fittings waste Version. 1 23 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC MULTI-MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS OF DON, ZEARALENONE ,T-2 & HT-2 DON, ZEARALENONE ,T-2 ve HT-2 MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN ANALİZLERİ • DON, Zearalenone, T-2 and HT-2 were chosen because of their co-occurrence and legislative significance. • DON, Zearalenone, T-2 ve HT-2 ortak bulunma ve yasal önemlerinden dolayı seçilmiştir. • The prototype has been developed to minimise matrix effects on the result, aid sensitivity and provide clean, easy to interpret chromatography. • Sonuçlarda matriks etkisini minimize etmek, hassaslığı desteklemek ve temiz, değerlendirilmesi kolay bir kromotografi sağlamak için prototip geliştirilmiştir. • Prototype product has been evaluated for approximately 1 year by over 15 companies. • Prototip ürün 15’ten fazla firma tarafından yaklaşık 1 yıl değerlendirilmiştir. Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & October 2008 HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background October 2008 VALIDATION OF DZT – DZT VALİDASYONU HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis In response to market requirements RBR have started developing and evaluating their first multi-mycotoxin columns for use in conjunction with LCMSMS. All methods have been validated by UK Central Science Laboratories (CSL). RBR, piyasa gereksinimini karşılamak amacı ile, LCMSMS ile birlikte kullanılmak üzere ilk multi-mikotoksin kolonlarını geliştirmeye ve değerlendirmeye başlamıştır. Tüm metotlar İngiltere Merkez Bilim Laboratuvarları (CSL) tarafından valide edilmiştir. Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA 1) Extract sample in 75% MeOH PREP 2) Blend and filter 3) Dilute 1 or 2ml of filtrate with PBS to final volume of 50ml 4) Pass diluted filtrate through column 5) Wash with 20ml H2O 6) Elute with MeOH Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 24 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF DZT Summary of the results obtained by CSL during their validation were as follows – LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC CORNFLAKES Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis TOXIN DON HT-2 Toxin T-2 Toxin Zearalenone Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & SPIKING LEVEL 500 ppb 50 ppb 50 ppb 50 ppb RECOVERY(%) (n=6) 86.7 94.0 82.4 95.8 % CV 6.5 3.9 2.4 3.7 HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PASTA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC TOXIN DON HT-2 Toxin T-2 Toxin Zearalenone SPIKING LEVEL 750 ppb 75 ppb 75 ppb 75 ppb RECOVERY(%) (n=6) 83.0 97.3 83.8 95.2 % CV 8.2 3.3 4.4 3.4 Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF DZT Summary of the results obtained by CSL during their validation were as follows – LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC ANIMAL FEED Principle of IAC TOXIN DON HT-2 Toxin T-2 Toxin Zearalenone Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & SPIKING LEVEL 250 ppb 25 ppb 25 ppb 25 ppb HT2 RECOVERY (%) (n=6) 79.1 96.9 83.8 92.0 % CV 5.0 4.1 5.2 1.3 Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA OATS PREP TOXIN DON HT-2 Toxin T-2 Toxin Zearalenone Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON SPIKING LEVEL 1750 ppb 100 ppb 100 ppb 100 ppb analysis RECOVERY (%) (n=6) 93.0 99.5 88.6 89.3 % CV 6.4 6.3 10.2 3.3 Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC Version. 1 25 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 VALIDATION OF DZT TIC: from Sample 19 (Job12356_019) of Data36450.wiff (Turbo Spray), Smoothed, Smoothed Max. 1257.8 cps. 15.94 1250 TIC: from Sample 19 (Job12355_019) of Data36449.wiff (Turbo Spray), Smoothed, Smoothed Max. 2728.9 cps. 15.94 2729 2600 1200 1150 10.32 2400 1100 1050 16.86 2200 1000 950 2000 16.85 900 16.01 850 1800 800 Intensity, cps 750 1600 700 10.33 650 1400 600 16.0516.91 550 1200 500 450 1000 15.39 400 16.98 15.60 800 350 15.39 300 250 17.02 200 14.21 600 400 150 17.11 13.80 100 14.21 11.42 200 17.13 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time, min 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SPIKED BABY FOOD (200ppb DON, 20ppb each HT2,T2 and ZEA) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time, min 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SPIKED OATS (1750ppb DON, 100ppb each HT2,T2 and ZEA) Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis General background HPLC analysis LCMSMS analysis Multi-mycotoxin analysis with IAC Principle of IAC Background on T2 & HT2 analysis Validation of EASI-EXTRACT T2 & HT2 Background on AFT & OTA analysis Validation of AFLAOCHRA PREP HPLC conditions for AFLAOCHRA PREP Derivatisation with AFLAOCHRA PREP Background on T2, HT2, ZEA & DON analysis Validation of DZT Benefits of IAC October 2008 BENEFITS OF USING R-BIOPHARM MULTI-MYCOTOXIN IMMUNOAFFINITY COLUMNS R-BIOPHARM MULTİ-MİKOTOKSİN İMMUNOAFFİNİTY KOLONLARI KULLANIMININ AVANTAJLARI • • • • • • • • • • • • RBR immunoaffinity columns used by many governmental labs and public analysts. RBR immunoaffinity kolonları birçok devlet laboratuvarı tarafından kullanılmaktadır. Performance far exceeds requirements of EC and other international legislation. Performans AB ve diğer uluslar arası mevzuatın gereksinimlerini fazlasıyla aşmaktadır. Suitable for a huge range of commodities and all those considered for legislation. Mevzuatta olan tüm gıda maddeleri için uygundur. Methods validated externally and internally. Metotlar eksternal ve internal olarak vailde edilmiştir. Technical support always available from a very experienced team. Çok deneyimli takımdan teknik desteğe her zaman ulaşılabilir. RBR can also provide reference material, standards and application notes. RBR referans materyal, standartlar ve uygulama notları da sağlamaktadır. Version. 1 26 The development of immunoaffinity columns for multi-mycotoxin analysis October 2008 Please visit RBAG at: Version. 1 Bornova Vet.Kont.Arst.Enst. 27
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