Res. Assist. Gülşah Göçmen E-Mail: [email protected]


Res. Assist. Gülşah Göçmen E-Mail: [email protected]


Benzer belgeler

e-frame wood

e-frame wood Fiberglass or rockwool insulation 42 db F30 (30 min) 25 mm blinds between double glass, actuated with a button in desired color With special wall aluminium finish profiles 90° or angled special woo...


hacettepe unıversıty

hacettepe unıversıty Course Code / Title IED 133 Translation I IED 141 Mythology IED 143 Int. to Literature IED 151 Int. to Britain I


Bilimsel Yayınlar

Bilimsel Yayınlar sıklığı.” Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi 1(3), 21-23, (2000). B17. Altay B, İlbey Ö, Apaydın E, “Bladder leiyomyoma: An unusual cause of urinery inkontinance.” Medical Journal of...


Yılmaz 1 Res. Assist. Hakan YILMAZ E

Yılmaz 1 Res. Assist. Hakan YILMAZ E 3. Dindar, Gülşah. “Questioning Environmental Ethics in the Absurdist World of Edward Albee’s The Zoo Story.” Four-Footed Actors: Animals on Stage Conference, The University of Valencia, Valencia/S...
