ara Vermek 1 - Alzheimer`s Australia


ara Vermek 1 - Alzheimer`s Australia


Benzer belgeler

Evde yaşayan demanslı bir kişinin bakımı

Evde yaşayan demanslı bir kişinin bakımı © 2013 Alzheimer’s Australia Vic Funded by the Department of Health Victoria under the Health Condition Support Grants (HCSG) Program for carers’ peer support groups for people living with a chroni...


Caring for someone - Department of Human Services

Caring for someone - Department of Human Services In addition to Medicare services, concession cards can give you other concessions from state and local government authorities and private businesses. For more information about concession cards vis...


erken planlama 7 - Alzheimer`s Australia

erken planlama 7 - Alzheimer`s Australia If a person with dementia loses the legal capacity to make decisions about their medical treatment, someone else needs to make those decisions for them. In most States and Territories a trusted rel...


Are you a young carer? Turkish

Are you a young carer? Turkish bir aile mensubuna baktığı için okula devam etmekte yardıma ihtiyaç duyan gençleri destekler.
