abdülkâdir-i belhî`nin esrâr-ı tevhîd`i ve nâzım paşa`nın türkçe
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dervîş külhenî ve kitâb-ı sırr-ı kalbî
social ethics and hospitality, Mehmed Nazım Pasha was a poet and prose-writer and a member of Mewlewi Order. The author wrote 9 works and one of these works was the Translation of Esrar-ı Tevhid. T...
DetaylıSufi Studies Cilt/Volume: 6 Sayı/Issue: 12 Yaz/Summer 2015
EDİTÖRDEN ............................................................................................. IX Prof. Dr. Mustafa YILDIRIM ALMANYA’DA DİNÎ HAYATIN UNSURU OLARAK TARİKATLAR .................