ISC (D-8) Burs Duyurusu


ISC (D-8) Burs Duyurusu


Benzer belgeler

Odlar Yurdu Üniversitesi

Odlar Yurdu Üniversitesi the principles ancl conditiuns set lirrth i$f'tevla{a Exchange Programme and accomplish lhe exchange in rrrrnpliance wrth activities and punrb;rrs of srudents/academic staff and in line with "lligh...


ISTATISTIKLERLE TÜRKİYE Turkey in Statistics 2006

ISTATISTIKLERLE TÜRKİYE Turkey in Statistics 2006 L a k e s a n d d a m s a r e e x c l u d e d f r o m t h e s u r f a c e a r e a . It w a s c a l c u l a t e d a c c o r d i n g t o 1/1 000 000 s c a l e d m a p p r o v i d e d f r o m G e n a ...


Hrtşmuffi* Pr*çrşffit:ffiü

Hrtşmuffi* Pr*çrşffit:ffiü indieated in paçe 1, that institution müj§t suaraııtee t}ıat any student admitted at that time wil] be able to cnntinue their studiĞsltrairıeeships and complete the planned
