ercıyes unıversıty faculty of medıcıne
ercıyes unıversıty faculty of medıcıne
ERCIYES UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE INTERNAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION Course Title MED 601 Local Credit:10 Year & Semester 6 th Class & 11 or 12 semestr ECTS Credit:10 Teaching Staff Bülent TOKGÖZ, MD, Professor and Chief of Internal Medicine Mehmet YÜCESOY, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Fahrettin KELEġTEMUR, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Ali ÜNAL, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Ömer ÖZBAKIR, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Oktay OYMAK, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Fahri BAYRAM, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Kadri GÜVEN, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Mustafa ÇETĠN, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine KürĢad ÜNLÜHIZARCI, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Muhammed GÜVEN, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Murat SUNGUR, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine ġebnem GÜRSOY, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Bülent ESER, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine Metin ÖZKAN , MD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Mevlüt BAġKOL, MD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Fatih TANRIVERDĠ, MD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Murat SĠPAHĠOĞLU, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Alper YURCĠ, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Ramazan COġKUN, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Leylagül KAYNAR, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Fatih KURNAZ, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Halit KARACA, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine KürĢad GÜNDOĞAN, MD, Internal Medicine Pre-requisites:The students must have passed all the major courses of the first five years. Language of Instruction:Turkish Faculty Contact Information : Alper YURCĠ, MD, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Department of Internal Medicine, 38039, Kayseri TURKEY Tel. +90 352 437 49 01/ 21908 Fax: +90 437 52 85 e-mail: [email protected] Web: Office hours: 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., from Monday to Friday II. COURSE INFORMATION COURSE TYPE and LEVEL: Required : ● Core : ● Elementary (Basic): ● Elective: Related : Intermediate: Minor : Advanced: Specialized: SUMMARY OF INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: The purpose of this class is to; - provide experience about diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in internal medicine, - enhance skills in history taking, physical examination, patient presentation, evaluation of clinical and laboratory - findings, clinical reasoning and evidence-based patient management, develop a professional relationship with patients and other health care professionals, make the students conscious of their key role in the first step national health care system. SUMMARY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS: Clinical studies, case presentations, seminars During the training period, students work in one of the internal medicine clinics (inpatient department and/or outpatient unit) under the direction of academic members and the residents of Internal Medicine Departments. Students are expected to participate fully in all teaching activities, including Grand Rounds and all other teaching activities of the Department of Medicine. In addition, there may be special conferences intended for the students at each of the hospital sites.They will participate night call in the manner identical to an intern. The interns will be responsible for a group of patients. Progress notes and orders are written by interns and checked by the residents and interns are responsible for following up all tests’ results. STUDENT WORK LOAD: Lectures Seminars Laboratory Clinical Studies Case presentations Other Private Study TOTAL Hours 8 640 16 664 a) SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT METHODS: At the end of this course, the students are evaluated by the teaching staffs according to academic and practical performances of the students. b) ASSESSMENT ARRANGEMENTS: The students attending this course are evaluated within the law regulations of Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine. POLICIES: Attendance: Students are required to attend the departments on time. Lateness: This course must be taken at the date determined by Erciyes University Faculty of Medicine. It is impossible to accept a student except for the determined date. Academic Integrity: All students are expected to adhere to Universty policies concerning scholastic integrity. COURSE CONTENTS (PROGRAMME OF STUDY/SYLLABUS) DATE SUBJECT Abdominal pain and its causes HOUR METHOD Practical Acute gastrointestinal bleeding Practical Acute pulmonary edema Practical Acute renal failure Practical Altered mental status Practical Arrhythmias Practical Chest pain Practical Electrolyte disorders Practical Acit-base disorders Practical Fever Practical Glycemic control Practical Hypertension and hypertensive emergencies Practical Nausea and vomiting Practical Shock Practical Endocrinologic disorders and its management Practical Peripheral blood smear interpretation Practical Acute liver failure Practical Portal hypertension Practical Maintenance of airway Practical Mechanical ventilation Practical Chronic Kidney Disease Practical Hematuria and proteinuria Practical Emergencies in oncology Practical Problems related to cancer chemotherapy Practical RECOMMENDED READING: - Klinik Tanıya GiriĢ. Cengiz UtaĢ, Muhammet Güven. Turgut Yayıncılık Aġ, 2002. Ġç Hastalıkları (Semiyoloji). Senay Molvalılar.ALFA Basın Yayın Dağıtım, 1997. TeĢhiste Temel Bilgi (Propedötik). Cihat Abaoğlu, Vahe Aliksanyan. Filiz Kitabevi, 2007. Harrison’s Textbook of Internal Medicine. Dan L. Longo, Dennis L. Kasper, J. Larry Jameson, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Joseph Loscalzo, Eds. McGraw-Hill Companies, 2012. Current Clinical Medicine.William D. Carey. Elsevier Publishing, 2009. Kelley's Essentials of Internal Medicine. David Humes. Lippincott Publishing, 2001. The Osler Medical Handbook. Kent Nilsson. Elsevier Publishing, 2006. Harrison Onkoloji el kitabı, Bruce A. Chabner, Thomas J.Lynch, Dan L.Longo, Çeviri editörü:Uz Dr.Binnur Dönmez, 2009. Ġleri evre kanserde bakım el kitabı, Raphael Catane, Nathan I. Cherny, Marianne Kloke, Stephan Tanneberger, Dirk Schrijvers, Çeviri editörü: Dr. ġeref Kömürcü, 2006 Kanser hastasına yaklaĢım, tanı, tedavi, takipte sorunlar, Haluk Onat, Nil Molinas Mandel, 2002 Onkoloji el kitabı, Mustafa AltınbaĢ, 2005 CECIL Textbook of Medicine, Çeviri editörü: Prof Dr. Serhat Ünal, 2006
Benzer belgeler
technical drawing
Pre-requisites:The students
must have passed all the major
courses of the first five years.
Language of