2010 Faaliyet Raporu / 2010 Annual Report
Benzer belgeler
2015 İşletme Yıllığı
efficiently the technological developments in this state behind and can our each people reach the latsector, I would like to repeat once again my wish est technology. Every establishment and employ...
DetaylıBankacılık Hizmetleri
İlk Posta Teşkilatı, Tanzimat Fermanı ile yaşanan gelişmelerin sonucu olarak Osmanlı Devleti’nin tüm halkının ve yabancıların posta ihtiyaçlarına cevap vermek amacıyla Nezaret olarak 23 Ekim 1840 t...
Detaylıgenel müdür yardımcıları assıstant dırectors general
the21st century, our historical and rooted Institution should renew and develop itself against the technological conditions changing and developing continously. What we desire is that our Instituti...
DetaylıPosta ve Kargo Hizmetleri
established as the Ministry on 23 October 1840, for the purpose of satisfying the postal needs of the whole community of the Ottoman Empire and of foreigners. The first Post-Office was opened under...
Detaylı2005 faaliyet.FH10
that; the humanforce that will use that technology is the greatest factor that will make us progress. I believe deeply that our personnel who carried Our Administration to our place today will also...