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yescard hedyg: oh ok hedyg: so we might get the live stream later hedyg: Brink has surely passed, Fantoni thinking niekbrink: let’s hope so, especially in situations like this, it is fun to watch the plaer...



pokonos Polish club:)..p jillan: the 2♠ opening bid shows 0-7 and 5+♠ is this to strong..p ybob: Q and ♣ finesse to 8 tricks, M lead was down sfoxa: unexpected end of auction hedyg: this might keep them ou...



yescard marlowepi: but it can easily be right...weak suit and all HCP in the doubleton.. A.. 4.. 3 brgpro: 8 tricks, so the pass gained 6 imps bobdrijver: indeed...not many’s choice, but win here.. 2 marlo...


2009 Spingold Final(Segment 3 of 4) Meltzer vs Jansma Meltzer

2009 Spingold Final(Segment 3 of 4) Meltzer vs Jansma Meltzer trump then 9-card suits must always be trump. bobholl: this should be no problem ... sfoxa: 2 next boards, we’ll compare the scores, but please disregards the results - it’s pair event with IMPs sc...


wayne wounder

wayne wounder hedyg: oh ok hedyg: so we might get the live stream later hedyg: Brink has surely passed, Fantoni thinking niekbrink: let’s hope so, especially in situations like this, it is fun to watch the plaer...


drurys tabanca

drurys tabanca least the K♠ or a singleton hedyg: since N denied control.. 4 sfoxa: in OR, W got A and cashed K to receive a signal from partner. E must have been discouraged and W hoped to beat contract with ♠ c...


kulüp fanı gyo Hye şarkı

kulüp fanı gyo Hye şarkı sharkey: 2♣ some Gazzili type bid..♣2 garnetts: hmmm They both did well to keep low sfoxa: W was on th right track..♣9 hedyg: N has no ♠ stopper and S doesnt like his K♠ anymore sfoxa: same start. ...
